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Urgent: Need help pulling data from two different tables


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Hi Guys,

      Just joined today I was looking for help online could not find it so thought I would post here.


mySql Version : 5.1.54-log


Raw Sql Query :


SELECT   maintable.*
FROM     (SELECT details.*                    ,
                 CTS.Interactions             ,
                 CTS.totalCTS                 ,
                 sessionCTS                   ,
                 Engagements                  ,
                 ImpressionRequest            ,
                 Impression                   ,
         FROM    ( SELECT  creativeid                                                                       ,
                          opportunitylineitemid                                                             ,
                                   concat(opportunitylineitemid, " : ",creativename) AS creativename        ,
                          detail.flightcreativeid                                    AS detailflightcreative,
                          context                                                                           ,
                          eventtype                                                                         ,
                                   concat(IFNULL(context,"null")," : ",id) AS elementname                   ,
                          SUM(counts)                                      AS viewactions                   ,
                          SUM(q1)                                          AS q1                            ,
                          SUM(q2)                                          AS q2                            ,
                          SUM(q3)                                          AS q3                            ,
                          SUM(q4)                                          AS q4

                 SELECT * FROM vdat_2874 WHERE increment_day >= '2010-06-01'
                 SELECT * FROM vdat_2992 WHERE increment_day <= '2010-06-01'

                          JOIN ad_dim header
                          ON       header.flightcreativeid = detail.flightcreativeid
                 WHERE    header.campaignid IN (1633605)
                 AND      detail.increment_day   <= "2011-07-14"
                 AND      header.billingmetric LIKE '%CPE%'
                 AND      header.productname   LIKE '%adframes%'
                 AND      header.flighttype       = "Paid"
                 GROUP BY context     ,
                          eventtype   ,
                          id          ,
                          creativeid  ,
                 AS details
                 LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         ( SELECT  summary.flightcreativeid AS summflightcreative,
                                  creativeid                                     ,
                                  creativename                                   ,
                                  opportunitylineitemid                          ,
                                  SUM(engagement)                        AS Engagements                 ,
                                  SUM(impression)                        AS Impression                  ,
                                  SUM(impressionrequest)                 AS ImpressionRequest           ,
                                  (SUM(ats*atscount)/SUM(atscount))/1000 AS avgtimespent                ,
                                  SUM(clicktositeindicator)              AS sessionCTS
                         FROM     adv_summary summary
                                  JOIN ad_dim dim
                                  ON       summary.flightcreativeid = dim.flightcreativeid
                         WHERE    dim.campaignid IN (1633605)
                         AND      summary.increment_day <= "2011-07-14"
                         AND      dim.productname     LIKE 'adframes%'
                         AND      dim.billingmetric   LIKE '%CPE%'
                         AND      dim.flighttype      LIKE "%Paid"
                         GROUP BY creativeid,
                         AS summ
                 ON      summ.summflightcreative    = details.detailflightcreative
                 AND     summ.opportunitylineitemid = details.opportunitylineitemid
                 LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         ( SELECT SUM(IF(eventtype    LIKE 'cta' , counts, 0)) AS totalCTS     ,
                                  SUM(IF(eventtype NOT LIKE 'cta' , counts, 0)) AS Interactions,
                                  creativeid                                                   ,

                 SELECT * FROM vdat_2874 WHERE increment_day >= '2010-06-01'
                 SELECT * FROM vdat_2992 WHERE increment_day <= '2010-06-01'

                                  LEFT JOIN ad_dim dim
                                  ON       dim.flightcreativeid = detail.flightcreativeid
                         WHERE    campaignid IN (1633605)
                         AND      detail.increment_day <= "2011-07-14"
                         AND      dim.productname    LIKE '%adframes%'
                         AND      dim.billingmetric  LIKE '%CPE%'
                         AND      dim.flighttype     LIKE 'Paid'
                         GROUP BY opportunitylineitemid,
                         AS CTS
                 ON      CTS.creativeid            = summ.creativeid
                 AND     CTS.opportunitylineitemid = summ.opportunitylineitemid
                 LEFT JOIN
                         (SELECT  demoflightcreativeid,
                         FROM     vdat_2309
                         GROUP BY creativeid
                 ON      vdat2309.creativeid = summ.creativeid
         AS maintable
ORDER BY opportunitylineitemid,


Here is the situation. I been assigned to project where I work with Pentaho Reporting. The queries are written in mySQL.


Basic Info :  2 Tables  adv_detail, adv_summary


New Tables : vdat_2992, vdat_2874


Objective : Create a Migration date to pull data from 2 different tables vdat_2992 and vdat_2874.


Data : Data I am suppose to pull is CTS (Clicks to Site)


What I have done so far:


I made a union with vdat_2992 and vdat_2874 since both of them have extacly same columns.


      SELECT * FROM vdat_2874 WHERE increment_day >= '2010-06-01'
      SELECT * FROM vdat_2992 WHERE increment_day <= '2010-06-01'


Problem : Usually the data is pulled from adv_summary(vdat_2449) table and we have a column called impressions. So what we do is get the totalCTS and divide that by impressions to get the CTSR(Click to site rate). Now the objective is to get the CTSR but this time it has to pull CTS from vdat_2874 before 2010-06-01 and then pull the CTS from vdat_2992 after 2010-06-01 then add both of them together to get the CTS rate and dived that by impressions to get the CTSR.


Now this is the code that I came up with to get the CTS


SUM ( 
       IF ( INCREMENT_DAY < 'MigrationDate' 
             ,SUM(vdat_2992.counts where eventtype="cta")
    ) as totalCTS


counts = CTS(Click to sites)

clicktositeindicator = Also CTS just named differently.


I keep getting errors that tables are not found but they are all in the database. Once I get the data and the totalCTS is complete I will need to go into Pentaho and use the formula there to get the totalCTS. Any help is appreciated. If you need more info please ask. I know this is little bit confusing. I am really confused to.


Thank You



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