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having trouble with this preg_match code


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I am trying to give users error if they type in the name field anything but a-z, dash or minus, quote. If they enter a space (Dr Name) it will give them error as well. Here is the code I use, but always something, wither it lets spaces by or it does not let ' by:


if ((preg_match ('%[^a-z\'\-]%', $_POST['name'])) and ($_POST['control'] == 'yes'))
echo "error text";

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First off, I would always trim() the user input before doing any validation on it. But, I see nothing wrong with your expression. I ran several tests - using JUST the regex test - and they all came out as expected based upon the results you want. So, I think there are one of two problems:


1. You are doing TWO validations in that if() statement. base upon that logic you will only get an error IF the input does not meet the parameters AND "$_POST['control'] == 'yes'". So, if the user enters invalid text but $_POST['control'] does not equal "yes" then the validation will pass.


2. Your server might have magic quotes enabled. If so, the single quote marks will be escaped in the post data. Either disable magic quotes (which you should, if you can) or strip them out at run-time.


See the following pages:




Here was my test script and the results:

$testvalues = array("abc", "a-b-c", "a'b'c", "a b c", "a567", "a,b,c", "  a  ", "'''''", "-----");

foreach($testvalues as $value)
    echo "<br>[$value] : ";
    echo (preg_match ('%[^a-z\'\-]%', $value)) ? 'Error' : 'OK';


[abc] : OK
[a-b-c] : OK
[a'b'c] : OK
[a b c] : Error
[a567] : Error
[a,b,c] : Error
[ a ] : Error
['''''] : OK
[-----] : OK

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