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I get an sql syntax error

KC Computers

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I am working on a small site that has a calander in it but when I goto update a record it gives me an error. here is the code

the error is on line 84 and all the other updates in that section.




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


<script language="php">

$username="root";					//"*********";   username for mysql
$password="";					//"**********";				Password for Mysql
$database="hoguerepair";					//"************";	Mysql Database Name      hoguerepair

// Gets the Information from the Form for Oil Changes


// Makes sure all fields except the Engine type are filled in

if ($FirstName == "" || $LastName == "" || $PhonNumber == "" || $CarMake == "" || $CarModel == "" || $Date == "" || $Time == "" ){
echo ("Please Fill In All Feilds");
echo ( "Thank You ");  //Starts the process of telling the customer thank you for placing the order
echo $FirstName;	   //or that the date and time are already taken
echo (" ");
echo  $LastName;

// Connects to the database

mysql_connect("localhost",$username,$password); //mysql13.000webhost.com     localhost

@mysql_select_db($database)or die( "Unable to select database");

// Checks to see if the Date and time are taken already

$query="SELECT * FROM cal";		//reads database
$result=mysql_query($query);	//Puts database in an array

$num=mysql_numrows($result); 	//This gets the Number of records in the data base
mysql_close();					// Closes the data base

$info = $FirstName . " " . $LastName." phone: ". $PhonNumber ." Car Make: ". $CarMake . " Car Model: ".$CarModel . " Car Year: ".$CarYear;

while ($i<$num) {
$dbdate = mysql_result($result,$i,"Date");
$msday = mysql_result($result,$i,"Day");
$msmonth = mysql_result($result,$i,"Month");
$ms93 = mysql_result($result,$i,"9:30am");
$msday = mysql_result($result,$i,"10:00am");
$msyear= mysql_result($result,$i,"Year");

if ($Date == $dbdate) {
	$dbtime = mysql_result($result,$i,$Time);
	$record = $i;

	mysql_connect("localhost",$username,$password); //mysql13.000webhost.com     localhost
	@mysql_select_db($database)or die( "Unable to select database");

	if ($Time == "9:30am") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 9:30am ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");

	if ($Time == "10:00am") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET Month = '$msmonth', Day ='$msday', Year= '$msyear', Date='$dbdate', 9:30am = '$ms93', 10:00am ='$info' 10:30am='', 11:00am='', 11:30am='', 12:00pm = '', 12:30pm = '', 1:00pm = '', 1:30pm='',2:00pm='',2:30pm='',3:00pm='',3:30pm='',4:00pm='',4:30pm='' WHERE Date =$Date");

	if ($Time == "10:30am") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 10:30am ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");

	if ($Time == "11:30am") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 11:30am ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");

	if ($Time == "12:00am") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 12:00pm ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");
	if ($Time == "12:30pm") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 12:30pm ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");

	if ($Time == "1:00pm") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 1:00pm ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");

	if ($Time == "1:30pm") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 1:30pm ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");

	if ($Time == "2:00pm") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 2:00pm ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");
	if ($Time == "2:30pm") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 2:30pm ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");

	if ($Time == "3:00pm") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 3:00pm ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");

	if ($Time == "3:30pm") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 3:30pm ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");

	if ($Time == "4:00pm") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 4:00pm ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");

	if ($Time == "4:30pm") {
			mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 4:30pm ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");

echo mysql_error();
		else {

	if ($dbtime != "" ) {

		echo (" but we do not have an openning for ");
		echo $Date;
		echo (" at ");
		echo $Time;
		echo (". Please choose a diffrent time");
	else {
		echo (" your scheduled oil change is on ");
		echo $Date;
		echo (" at ");
		echo $Time;
		echo (". Please arrive 15 minutes early");

echo ("<br>");
echo $info;




Thank you for your help :D

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mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET 9:30am ='$info' WHERE Date ='$Date'");



mysql_query("UPDATE cal SET Month = '$msmonth', Day ='$msday', Year= '$msyear', Date='$dbdate', 9:30am = '$ms93', 10:00am ='$info' 10:30am='', 11:00am='', 11:30am='', 12:00pm = '', 12:30pm = '', 1:00pm = '', 1:30pm='',2:00pm='',2:30pm='',3:00pm='',3:30pm='',4:00pm='',4:30pm='' WHERE Date =$Date");


the error is:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '9:30am = 'Christopher J. Crandall Test', 10:00am ='Christopher Crandall phone: 2' at line 1


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Colons ( : ) are not valid in mysql field names

What's more, you should never be storing the data is that way -- you've got it backwards.


What's more, you posted your DB credentials to the world -- so I'd change them ASAP.

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