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Eregi Deprecated


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So I just moved a client's website to a new server and now I'm getting error messages saying


Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/artendev/public_html/gallery.php on line 27


I'm not really good with PHP, I'm more of a designer who can modify snippets and code and I didn't build this site so I need some help.


Here's the original PHP:


[pre]function scan_dir($dir, $regex = '\.(jpg|png|gif)$')


$objects = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..'));

$object_array = array();

foreach ($objects as $object) {

if (is_dir("$dir/$object")) {


$object_array[$i]['title'] = $object;

$object_array[$i]['images'] = scan_dir("$dir/$object");

} else if (eregi($regex, $object)) {


$object_array[$i] = $object;



return $object_array;




What can I do to make this site work again? I tried swapping out for pregmatch (I think?) a couple of days ago, and that didn't help so I went back to eregi.


The site in question:



Can someone help before I lose this client?



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I didn't see the reason to have the regex in the input


function scan_dir($dir)
$regex = "/.jpg|.png|.gif/";
   $objects = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..'));
   $object_array = array();
   foreach ($objects as $object) {
      if (is_dir("$dir/$object")) {
         $object_array[$i]['title'] = $object;
         $object_array[$i]['images'] = scan_dir("$dir/$object");
      } else if (preg_match($regex, $object)) {
         $object_array[$i] = $object;
   return $object_array;

$images = scan_dir("../images");
foreach ($images as $image){
echo $image."<br />";

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@ QuickOldCar


Thanks, that got rid of the deprecated message but created more errors instead!



(I duplicated the page so as not to mess with the original just yet).


Would you like the entire page source for the original, maybe see what's happening?





Yes, I think so. Not positive though.


EDIT: Just found out the servers are running PHP 5.2

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the ../images was a alocation for me to test the function


function scan_dir($dir,$regex = "/.jpg|.png|.gif/"
   $objects = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..'));
   $object_array = array();
   foreach ($objects as $object) {
      if (is_dir("$dir/$object")) {
         $object_array[$i]['title'] = $object;
         $object_array[$i]['images'] = scan_dir("$dir/$object");
      } else if (preg_match($regex, $object)) {
         $object_array[$i] = $object;
   return $object_array;

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Yeah that's what I tried at first. I don't remember the exact result, but it didn't fix the page.




Yeah I noticed that and just fixed up the directory to just "images". You can see the result on the page.


Apparently there's another instance of eregi on line 81 too. Here's the code for that function:



foreach ($dir_tree as $gallery) {
if ($dir_tree[$c]['title'] === $gallery['title']) {
	echo '<li class="active">';
} else {
	echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="' . make_url(++$i) . '">';
if ($c < 1) {
	if ($dh = opendir($dir . $gallery['title'])) {
		while (($image = readdir($dh)) !== FALSE) {
			if (eregi('\.(jpg|png|gif)$', $image)) {
				echo '<img src="resize.php?src=/' . escape_url($dir . $gallery['title'] . '/' . $image) . "&h=$cat_thumb_height" . '"><br>';
echo $gallery['title'];
echo '</a></li>';




Okay, I'll just try that new code you gave me.




No, that broke it.

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Okay so here's the code for the original gallery page so you have a better idea of what's going on, better than I do any way :)



define('BASE_PATH', 1);

$template->set('page', 'gallery');
$template->add('css', array('path' => 'styles/slimbox2.css'));
$template->add('js', array('path' => 'scripts/slimbox2.js'));

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

//$cat_thumb_width = 310;
$cat_thumb_height = 140;
//$thumb_width = 140;
$thumb_height = 140;

function scan_dir($dir, $regex = '\.(jpg|png|gif)$')
$objects = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..'));
$object_array = array();
foreach ($objects as $object) {
	if (is_dir("$dir/$object")) {
		$object_array[$i]['title'] = $object;
		$object_array[$i]['images'] = scan_dir("$dir/$object");
	} else if (eregi($regex, $object)) {
		$object_array[$i] = $object;
return $object_array;

if(!function_exists('scandir')) {
    function scandir($directory, $sorting_order = 0) {
        $dh  = opendir($directory);
        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
            $files[] = $file;
        if($sorting_order == 0) {
        } else {
        return $files;

function make_url($object)
return "gallery.php?c=$object";

function escape_url($url)
$url = str_replace('%20', '+', $url);
return str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($url));

function get_request($property, $default = null)
if (isset($_REQUEST[$property])) {
	return $_REQUEST[$property];
} else {
	return $default;

$c = get_request('c', 0);
$dir = 'media/';
$dir_tree = scan_dir($dir);

$dir_count = count($dir_tree);
$img_count = count($dir_tree[$c]['images']);

if ($c > $dir_count) {
$c = 0;

<ul id="gallery-categories">

foreach ($dir_tree as $gallery) {
if ($dir_tree[$c]['title'] === $gallery['title']) {
	echo '<li class="active">';
} else {
	echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="' . make_url(++$i) . '">';
if ($c < 1) {
	if ($dh = opendir($dir . $gallery['title'])) {
		while (($image = readdir($dh)) !== FALSE) {
			if (eregi('\.(jpg|png|gif)$', $image)) {
				echo '<img src="resize.php?src=/' . escape_url($dir . $gallery['title'] . '/' . $image) . "&h=$cat_thumb_height" . '"><br>';
echo $gallery['title'];
echo '</a></li>';

<?php if ($img_count > 0) { ?>
<ul id="gallery-images">

foreach ($dir_tree[$c]['images'] as $image) {
echo '<li><a href="' .  $dir . $dir_tree[$c]['title'] . '/' . $image . '" title="' . str_replace('_', ' ', substr($image, 0, strlen($image) - 4)) . '" rel="lightbox-group">';
echo '<img src="' . 'resize.php?src=/' . escape_url($dir . $dir_tree[$c]['title'] . '/' . $image) . "&h=$thumb_height" . '">';
echo '</a></li>';

<?php } ?>
<?php $template->place('footer'); ?>

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define('BASE_PATH', 1);

$template->set('page', 'gallery');
$template->add('css', array('path' => 'styles/slimbox2.css'));
$template->add('js', array('path' => 'scripts/slimbox2.js'));

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

//$cat_thumb_width = 310;
$cat_thumb_height = 140;
//$thumb_width = 140;
$thumb_height = 140;

function scan_dir($dir,$regex = "/.jpg|.png|.gif/")
   $objects = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('.', '..'));
   $object_array = array();
   foreach ($objects as $object) {
      if (is_dir("$dir/$object")) {
         $object_array[$i]['title'] = $object;
         $object_array[$i]['images'] = scan_dir("$dir/$object");
      } else if (preg_match($regex, $object)) {
         $object_array[$i] = $object;
   return $object_array;

if(!function_exists('scandir')) {
    function scandir($directory, $sorting_order = 0) {
        $dh  = opendir($directory);
        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
            $files[] = $file;
        if($sorting_order == 0) {
        } else {
        return $files;

function make_url($object)
return "gallery.php?c=$object";

function escape_url($url)
$url = str_replace('%20', '+', $url);
return str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($url));

function get_request($property, $default = null)
if (isset($_REQUEST[$property])) {
	return $_REQUEST[$property];
} else {
	return $default;

$c = get_request('c', 0);
$dir = 'media/';
$dir_tree = scan_dir($dir);

$dir_count = count($dir_tree);
$img_count = count($dir_tree[$c]['images']);

if ($c > $dir_count) {
$c = 0;

<ul id="gallery-categories">

foreach ($dir_tree as $gallery) {
if ($dir_tree[$c]['title'] === $gallery['title']) {
	echo '<li class="active">';
} else {
	echo '<li>';
echo '<a href="' . make_url(++$i) . '">';
if ($c < 1) {
	if ($dh = opendir($dir . $gallery['title'])) {
		while (($image = readdir($dh)) !== FALSE) {
			if (preg_match("/.jpg|.png|.gif/", $image)) {
				echo '<img src="resize.php?src=/' . escape_url($dir . $gallery['title'] . '/' . $image) . "&h=$cat_thumb_height" . '"><br>';
echo $gallery['title'];
echo '</a></li>';

<?php if ($img_count > 0) { ?>
<ul id="gallery-images">

foreach ($dir_tree[$c]['images'] as $image) {
echo '<li><a href="' .  $dir . $dir_tree[$c]['title'] . '/' . $image . '" title="' . str_replace('_', ' ', substr($image, 0, strlen($image) - 4)) . '" rel="lightbox-group">';
echo '<img src="' . 'resize.php?src=/' . escape_url($dir . $dir_tree[$c]['title'] . '/' . $image) . "&h=$thumb_height" . '">';
echo '</a></li>';

<?php } ?>
<?php $template->place('footer'); ?>

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Awesome! You're a legend!


Now I'll just swap out the original gallery page with this code and we can see if it works through all the links too.




It does! Thanks! Oh man that's a relief. Give yourself a pat on the back!


Thanks again.



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