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I am trying to query using the results of a search form. One of the fields I have is "state". I would like the user to be able to select multiple states and then get a list of results reflecting all the states selected. This is the code I have used for a single select form element for state. It reflects selecting all records if no selection is made for state, as well as sex, sale and salename:

$query  = "SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(saledate,'%m/%d/%Y') as saledatex FROM sdusa WHERE";
if (!empty($state)){ $query .= " state = '$state' AND";}
if (!empty($sex)){ $query .= " sex = '$sex' AND";}
if (!empty($sale)){ $query .= " breeder = '$sale' AND";}
if (!empty($salename)){ $query .= " salename LIKE '%$salename%' AND";}
$query .= " saledate >= $salestart
AND saledate <= $saleend
AND birthdate >= $birthstart
AND birthdate <= $birthend
AND actbw <= $actbw1 
AND adj205ww >= $adj205ww1
AND adj365yw >= $adj365yw1
AND rea >= $rea1AND imf >= $imf1
AND sc >= $sc1$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query failed');


How would I adjust the query to get results from a multiple select list for state that would give me a list of results that reflects all states selected? I think I need to add a "foreach" statement possibly or a counter - but since I am newer to php am not real sure of the code.


Current output looks like this:

<table align='center' width='780' border='1' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='#000000'> 
<tr><td width='55' class='s11'><div align='center'>Reg #</div></td>
<td width='100' class='s11'><div align='center'>Name</div></td>   
<td width='135' class='s11'><div align='center'>Sire</div></td> 
<td width='125' class='s11'><div align='center'>MGS</div></td> 
<td width='180' class='s11'><div align='center'>Breeder</div></td> 
<td width='25' class='s11'><div align='center'>St</div></td> 
<td width='60' class='s11'><div align='center'>Sale Date</div></td>  
<td width='25' class='s11'><div align='center'>BW</div></td> 
<td width='25' class='s11'><div align='center'>WW</div></td>
<td width='25' class='s11'><div align='center'>YW</div></td> 
<td width='25' class='s11'><div align='center'>M</div></td> </tr> 
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo "<tr height='20'>";
echo "<td class='s11'><div align='center'><a href='sdindselect.php?registration_num=". $row ['registration_num'] ."'>" . $row['registration_num'] . "</a> </div></td>";
echo "<td class='s11'><div align='center'>" . $row['name'] . " </div></td>";
echo "<td class='s11'><div align='center'>" . $row['sire'] . " </div></td>";
echo "<td class='s11'><div align='center'>" . $row['sire3'] . " </div></td>";
echo "<td class='s11'><div align='center'>" . $row['breeder'] . $row['salname'] ." </div></td>";
echo "<td class='s11'><div align='center'>" . $row['salestate'] . " </div></td>";
echo "<td class='s11'><div align='center'>" . $row['saledatex'] . " </div></td>";
echo "<td class='s11'><div align='center'>" . $row['bw'] . " </div></td>";
echo "<td class='s11'><div align='center'>" . $row['ww'] . " </div></td>";
echo "<td class='s11'><div align='center'>" . $row['yw'] . " </div></td>";
echo "<td class='s11'><div align='center'>" . $row['milk'] . " </div></td>";
echo "</tr>";}?>

That worked fantastically as long as i am selecting states. Hoever if i don't make a selection - I want it to select ALL states. Used to acomplish this by having:

<option value="" selected="selected">All States</option>


Then in the query:

if (!empty($state)){ 
$query .= " salestate = '$state' AND";


Any ideas?

Following with your previous code, this would do it wouldn't it?


if (!empty($_POST['state'])) {
   $state_list = $makes  = "'" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST['state'])) . "'";
   $query .= " state IN($state_list) AND";

First question - do I need to declare the variable at the top:



Second question - here is the code I used per your suggestion:

if (!empty($_POST['state'])) {
   $state_list = $makes  = "'" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST['state'])) . "'";   
   $query .= " salestate IN($state_list) AND";}


It give me a correct list when I select multiple states. But if I select this:

 <option value="">All States</option>


...I get no results.



Probably because if you don't supply a value it uses the text as the value.  Try setting the value to 0 (which will be considered empty).  Or you could do this:


if (!empty($_POST['state']) && $_POST['state'] != 'All States' ) {
   $state_list = "'" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST['state'])) . "'";
   $query .= " state IN($state_list) AND";


I would just set the All States value to 0.

Thank you for your patience with me!!


I changed value of All States to 0 - no results - no rows returned.


I used your suggested code - no results- no rows returned.


You are so close - just need to be able to be able to select all records if no state is specified.

The problem is not whether you use an empty string or a "0".. The problem is that you are not checking that value correctly


If using an empty string for "All States" (my preference)

if ( isset($_POST['state']) && !empty($_POST['state']) ) {
   $state_list = "'" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST['state'])) . "'";
   $query .= " state IN($state_list) AND";


If using "0" for "All States"

if ( isset($_POST['state']) && $_POST['state']!='0' ) {
   $state_list = "'" . implode("','", array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST['state'])) . "'";
   $query .= " state IN($state_list) AND";

SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(saledate,'%m/%d/%Y') as saledatex FROM sdusa WHERE salestate IN('0') AND saledate >= 20110101 AND saledate <= 20130101 AND birthdate >= 20000101 AND birthdate <= 20130101 AND actbw <= 9999 AND adj205ww >= 0 AND adj365yw >= 0 AND rea >= -9999 AND imf >= -9999 AND sc >= -9999 AND ced <= 9999 AND bw <= 9999 AND ww >= -9999 AND yw >= -9999 AND radg >= -9999 AND yh <= 9999 AND scepd >= -9999 AND doc >= -9999 AND hp >= -9999 AND cem >= -9999 AND milk >= -9999 AND mkh >= -9999 AND mw >= -9999 AND mh >= -9999 AND en >= -9999 AND cw >= -9999 AND marb >= -9999 AND re >= -9999 AND fat >= -9999 AND carcgrp >= -9999 AND usndgrp >= -9999 AND w >= -9999 AND f >= -9999 AND g >= -9999 AND qg >= -9999 AND yg >= -9999 AND b >= -9999 ORDER BY registration_num ASC 

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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