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I just got everything setup with PHP, MySQL, and Apache.  I created a very simple test DB which I can connect to fine as well as execute a query against and get what seems to be some results back.  However, when doing the mysql_fetch_assoc, it returns an empty row (false).  On the echo below, I see "Number of rows is 3".  I see the rest of my echos writing out, but it never executes the echo in the while loop when retrieving the records from the resultset.  What am I doing wrong?  Here is the code:


<?php # Script 9.2 - mysqli_connect. php


// This file contains the database access information.

// This file also establishes a connection to MySQL,

// selects the database, and sets the encoding.


// Set the database access information as constants:

DEFINE ('DB_USER' , 'xout') ;

DEFINE ('DB_PASSWORD' , 'xout' ) ;

DEFINE ('DB_HOST' , 'xout' ) ;

DEFINE ('DB_NAME' , 'test') ;


echo ' <h1>starting script! </h1>';

// Make the connection:

$dbc = @mysqli_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME)

OR die ( ' Could not connect to MySQL: ' . mysqli_connect_error() ) ;


echo ' <h1>got past the connection! </h1>';

$q = "SELECT * FROM t_schema.t_table";

$r = @mysqli_query ($dbc, $q); // Run the query and get a result-set.

echo ' <h1>Got past the query execution! </h1>';


if ($r) //If data in the result set

{ // If the query ran OK.

echo '<h1>Got some Results!</h1>'; 

$num = mysqli_num_rows($r) ;

echo '<h1>Number of rows is ' . $num . '</h1>';


while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($r))


echo '<h1>Inside Loop</h1>';


} //end if ($r)



echo ' <h1>Error querying the data from the test DB! </h1>';

echo '<p>' . mysqli_error($dbc) . '<br /><br />Query: ' . $q . '</p>';



mysqli_close( $dbc) ;

//the end



You can't mix mysql_* and mysqli_* extension functions. Use one or the other.


Also, you should be developing on a system with

error_reporting = -1 and display_errors = On

in your php.ini file.

OK, I turned on the errors in php.ini and restarted apache - are the errors written to a log somewhere or should they display with alert messages...Other?  Sorry, I am a bit new with php.


As a side note, I changed all the mysqli calls to mysql to be consistent.  However, I cannot get the page to load at all in Firefox when I do this.  the same is true if I change them to all mysqli calls.  However, If I leave it like I had it, it runs, however I get the weird situation described in the earlier post.  What is the difference between mysql and mysqli function calls?




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