OneMadGypsy Posted July 28, 2011 Share Posted July 28, 2011 My question isn't related with a problem (per se). I wrote what I believe to be a solid beginning for a register.php. Everything works as I expect but I wanted opinions on what I should/could do better in the php end of things. The html is all representational. bin/templates/signup.html <html> <head> <title>sign-up form</title> </head> <body> <form action="register.php" method="post"> username: <input class="r" type="text" name="user" value=""><br> email: <input class="r" type="text" name="email" value=""><br> password: <input class="r" type="password" name="pass" value=""><br> confirm: <input class="r" type="password" name="vpass" value=""><br> My favorite?: <input class="r" type="text" name="squest" value=""><br> <input type="Submit"> </form> <p></p> </body> </html> bin/templates/success.html <html> <head> <title>success</title> </head> <body> <p></p> </body> </html> bin/dom.php <?php include ('simple_html_dom.php'); //find form fields based on a common class and build a blank array position for each one function find_form_fields( $status, $form ){ //object oriented simple dom $html = new simple_html_dom(); $html -> load_file($form); //build blank array positions foreach( $html->find('input') as $element ) { if( $element->class == $status ) { $arr[$element->name] = null; } } return $arr; } //get a template .html and customize it to display the proper data function get_template( $temp, $tag, $msg, $data ) { //object oriented simple dom $html = new simple_html_dom(); $html -> load_file($temp); //find template tag and set the message $e = $html->find($tag,0); $e ->innertext = $msg; //place user input back into fields if this was an error if( !empty($data) ) { foreach( $html->find('input') as $element ) { if( isset($data[$element->name]) ) { $element->value = $data[$element->name]; } } } //save the new html as a string and return it $str = $html->save(); return $str; } bin/validation.php <?php function validate($data) { //set-up error messages $f_set_error = $p_match_error = $e_valid_error = $p_valid_error = $u_valid_error = $s_valid_error = ''; //validate important fields foreach ( $data as $key => $value ){ //are there any blank form field? if(!isset($key) || $value == "") { $f_set_error = "you need to fill out the entire form <br>"; } //check username for punctuation else if( $key == 'user' ) { //is username alpha numeric only? if(!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/',$data[$key])) { $u_valid_error = "your username contains invalid characters only alpha-numeric characters are allowed <br>"; } } //check password for multiple errors else if( $key == 'pass' ) { //do the password and confirmation password match? //the call to isset($data['vpass']) is in the hopes that this can be reused for any form ie. ones that don't require password confirmation. if( isset($data['vpass']) && $data[$key] != $data['vpass'] ) { $p_match_error = "your passwords do not match <br>"; } //is pass less than 8 characters or non alpha numeric? if ( strlen($data[$key]) < 8 || !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/',$data[$key]) ) { $p_valid_error = "your password must be no less than 8 alpha-numeric characters <br>"; } } //is the email valid? else if( $key == 'email' ) { if( !preg_match('/(\w|[_.\-])+@((\w|-)+\.)+\w{2,4}+/',$data[$key]) ) { $e_valid_error = "your email has invalid syntax <br>"; } } //is the security question valid ? else if( $key == 'squest' ) { if( !preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/',$data[$key]) ) { $s_valid_error = "only alpha-numeric characters are allowed within your security answer<br>"; } } } $result = $f_set_error.$p_match_error.$u_valid_error.$p_valid_error.$e_valid_error.$s_valid_error; return $result; } register.php <?php require_once ('bin/config.php'); require_once ('bin/dom.php'); //capture the time and ip address include ('bin/time_n_ip.php'); //start off ready to go and change it if we encounter errors $go = true; //set-up error messages $errors = $exists_error = ''; //set-up template files. these are html templates of the actual pages that are further manipulated with dom.php. dom.php is an 'extension' of simple_html_dom.php $temp = 'bin/templates/signup.html'; $succ = 'bin/templates/success.html'; //create an array with a position for each of our required fields $data = find_form_fields('r',$temp); //clean up and assign each required field its relative POST value. $count is used later in the script to determine if this is a "new" visit or an error $count = 0; foreach ( $data as $key => $value ){ //slight clean up and assignment of values to their respective array index if( isset($_POST[$key]) ) { $data[$key] = stripslashes($_POST[$key]); $data[$key] = mysql_real_escape_string($data[$key]); $count++; } //if there is nothing to assign make this array index null so error checking can catch it else { $data[$key] = null; } } include_once('bin/validation.php'); //validate all required fields for improper characters and/or missing data $validate = validate($data); //if this string has a length then there are error messages, which means there are errors. if( strlen($validate) > 0 ) { $go = false; } if($go) { extract($data); //convert $data to individual vars - this just makes it much easier/cleaner to manipulate the values. //make a connection mysql_connect($host,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die("Unable to select database"); //search the database for an identical existing username $results = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user = '$user'" ); $rows = mysql_num_rows($results); //search the database for an identical existing email $results = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '$email'" ); $rows += mysql_num_rows($results); //if there is no identical existing name or email create this account if ($rows == 0) { //encrypt sensetive data $pass = md5($pass); //encrypt the pass !ATTN: password recovery will be based on a change system $ip = md5($ip); //encrypt the ip !ATTN: resolving an ip will be done with a comparison system $squest = md5($squest); //encrypt the pass !ATTN: resolving security question will be done with a comparison system //create the account mysql_query( "INSERT INTO users VALUES ('','$user','$pass','$squest','$email', '$ip', '$time')" ); //send the user to the success page print get_template( $succ, "p", 'you have signed up successfully', null ); } //if there is an identical account, log the error. else { $go = false; $exists_error = "that name and/or email has already been taken <br>"; } //end the transmission mysql_close(); } //if there was an error in the form or if this is a fist visit (count=0) display the form and any errors (if applicable). if(!$go) { if($count > 0) { //create a string that describes all the errors $errors = $exists_error.$validate; } //send the user to a fresh register page or a register page with logged errors (depending on count). print get_template( $temp, "p", $errors, $data ); } ?> I didn't post the simple_html_dom.php class for obvious reasons. I also didn't post the config or time_n_ip.php because they do what they say they do. The above is the meat and potatoes. Am I on the right track? I really don't know what I'm doing, I primarily program in AS3. Michael Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Muddy_Funster Posted July 28, 2011 Share Posted July 28, 2011 isn't there a different section in the forums for this kinda thing? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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