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hey can some one help me i have this script but when i upload it and try it works fine except when i click on a video it doesnt show the comment box or the summit button plz if someone is willin to help me out i will insert the whole script to see whats the problem it shows me this and also this shows up idk whats up plz help


Notice: Undefined index: commentbtn in /home/ecabrera/public_html/videos.php on line 94


Notice: Undefined variable: username in /home/ecabrera/public_html/videos.php on line 167




          if(@$_GET['id']){$getid = $_GET['id'];
	echo "<div id='full'>";
	echo "<div id='video'>";

	$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM videos WHERE id='$getid'");
	$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query);
	if ($numrows == 1){
		$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
		$id = $row['id'];
		$user_id = $row['user_id'];
		$user_name = $row['user_name'];
		$title = $row['title'];
		$description = $row['description'];
		$keywords = $row['keywords'];
		$category = $row['category'];
		$videoid = $row['videoid'];
		$views = $row['views'];
		$comments = $row['comments'];
		$date = $row['date'];

		$description =($description);	

		// start left column
		echo "<div id='left'>";

		// update the video views
		$views = $views + 1;
		mysql_query("UPDATE videos SET views='$views' WHERE id='$id'");

		// display title
		echo "<h2><a href='videos.php?id=$id'>$title</a></h2>";

		// display video
		echo "
		<object width='640' height='505'>
			<param name='movie' value='http://www.youtube.com/v/".$videoid."&autoplay=0&hl=en_US&fs=1'></param>
			<param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'></param>
			<param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always'></param>
			<embed src='http://www.youtube.com/v/".$videoid."&autoplay=0&hl=en_US&fs=1' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' width='640' height='505'></embed>

		// display information
		echo "<b style='float: right;'>$views views</b>";
		echo "<b><a href='profile.php?id=$user_id'>$user_name</a> on $date in $category</b><br /><br />";
		echo "$description<br /><br />$keywords";

		// comment section

		echo "<a name='comments'></a><div style='margin-top: 15px;'>
		  <b class='corners'>
		  <b class='corners1'><b></b></b>
		  <b class='corners2'><b></b></b>
		  <b class='corners3'></b>
		  <b class='corners4'></b>
		  <b class='corners5'></b></b>

		  <div class='cornersfg'>
			<div class='top'>$title Comments</div>
		  <div class='bottom'>";

		// comment button action
		if ($_POST['commentbtn']){
			$comment = $_POST['comment'];

			if ($comment){
				if ($userid != $getid){
					$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM video_comments WHERE video_id='$getid' AND user_id='$userid' AND comment='$comment'");
					$numerows = mysql_num_rows($query);
					if ($numrows != 0){
						$commdate = date("F d, Y"); // October 08, 2010
						mysql_query("INSERT INTO video_comments VALUES ('', '$getid', '$userid', '$username', '$comment', '$commdate')");

						// email profile owner
						$webmaster = "admin@*******.com";
						$headers = "From: *******<$webmaster>";
						$subject = "$username has commented on your profile";
						$message = "Hello $firstname $lastname. $username has posted a comment on your you video titled \"$title\" on ********.com";
						$message .= " The message $username has posted with is below.\n";
						$message .= "\n****************************************************************\n";
						$message .= "$comment";
						$message .= "\n\n****************************************************************\n\n";
						$message .= "Click here to view $username's profile profile.php?id=$userid\n";
						$message .= "Click here to view your video video.php?id=$getid\n";
						// send email
						mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers);

						$msg = "Your comment has been added and is shown above.";
						$msg = "You can not submit the same comment twice.";
					$msg = "You can not comment on your own video.";
				$msg = "You did not supply a comment.";

		// display comments
		$perpage = 10;if(@$_GET['s']){$start = $_GET['s'];}else{$start = 0;}

		$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM video_comments WHERE video_id='$getid' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $start, $perpage");
		$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query);
		if ($numrows > 0){

			$next = $start + $perpage;
			$prev = $start - $perpage;

			while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
				$user_id = $row['user_id'];
				$user_name = $row['user_name'];
				$comment = nl2br($row['comment']);
				$date = $row['date'];

				echo "<b>Posted by <a href='profile.php?id=$user_id'>$user_name</a> on $date</b><br />";
				echo "<div style='margin-left: 10px;'>$comment</div><hr>";

			echo "This video has no comments.<br />";
		// end diplay comment area

		// show comment nav
		echo "<div style='float: right;'>";

		if (!($start <= 0))
			echo "<a href='video.php?id=$getid&s=$prev#comments'>Previous</a>";

		if (!($start > $numrows - $perpage))
			echo "<a href='video.php?id=$getid&s=$next#comments'>Next</a>";

		echo "</div>";

		if ($username){
			// display comment form
			echo "<a name='comment-form'></a>";
			if ($msg)
				echo "<b>$msg</b><br />";

			echo "<form action='video.php?id=$getid#comment-form' method='post'>
				<td><textarea name='comment' style='width: 400px; height: 75px;'></textarea></td>
				<td><input type='submit' name='commentbtn' value='Comment'></td>

		// end comment box
		echo "</div>

		  <b class='corners'>
		  <b class='corners5'></b>
		  <b class='corners4'></b>
		  <b class='corners3'></b>
		  <b class='corners2'><b></b></b>
		  <b class='corners1'><b></b></b></b>

		// end comment section

		echo "</div>";
		// end left column

		echo "The video you were looking for was not found.";

	// end full and video
	echo "</div>";
	echo "</div>";
	echo "<div id='left'>";

	$perpage = 10;
$start = $_GET['s'];
$start = 0;
	$next = $start + $perpage;
	$prev = $start - $perpage;

	$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM videos ORDER BY id DESC");
	$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query);
	if ($numrows > 0){
		$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM videos ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $start, $perpage");

		// show comment nav
		echo "<center><div class='pagination'>";

		if (!($start <= 0))
			echo "<a href='videos.php?s=$prev'>Previous</a>";

		$x = 1;
		for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i += $perpage){
			if ($start != $i)
				echo "<a href='videos.php?s=$i'>$x</a>";
				echo "<a href='videos.php?s=$i'><b><u>$x</u></b></a>";

		if (!($start > $numrows - $perpage))
			echo "<a href='videos.php?s=$next'>Next</a>";

		echo "</div></center><br />";

		while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
			$id = $row['id'];
			$user_id = $row['user_id'];
			$user_name = $row['user_name'];
			$title = $row['title'];
			$description = $row['description'];
			$keywords = $row['keywords'];
			$category = $row['category'];
			$videoid = $row['videoid'];
			$views = $row['views'];
			$comments = $row['comments'];
			$date = $row['date'];

			//$description = $description.$description.$description;

			if (strlen($description) >= 100)
				$description = substr($description, 0, 100)."...";

			echo "<div class='video'>
				<div class='image'><a href='videos.php?id=$id'><img src='http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/$videoid/default.jpg'></img></a></div>
				<div class='info'>
					<div class='title'><a href='videos.php?id=$id'>$title</a></div>
					<div class='description'>
						<br /><br />
						<div style='float: left; font-size: 16px;'><a href='profile.php?id=$user_id'>$user_name</a></div>
						<div style='float: right; font-size: 16px;'>$category</div>
						<center>$views views</center>


		// show comment nav
		echo "<div class='clear'></div>";
		echo "<center><div class='pagination'>";

		if (!($start <= 0))
			echo "<a href='videos.php?s=$prev'>Previous</a>";

		if (!($start > $numrows - $perpage))
			echo "<a href='videos.php?s=$next'>Next</a>";

		echo "</div></center>";

		echo "There currently are no videos.";

	echo "</div>";

	echo "<div id='right'></div>";


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