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possible to include files using define() ??


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Is there a way to include a file using a define.


I am using zencart and it has text defined when a person is not logged in, but I would like to place something more than just text.


The define from the language file is:


if (STORE_STATUS == '0') {
  define('TEXT_GREETING_GUEST', 'Welcome new customer');
} else {
  define('TEXT_GREETING_GUEST', 'Welcome, please enjoy our online showcase.');

define('TEXT_GREETING_PERSONAL', 'Hello <span class="greetUser">%s</span>! Would you like to see our <a href="%s">newest additions</a>?');


I have a php file with a set of jquery tabs and the info pulled from the database for each tab. This is for people not logged in or approved to shop which would go here:

define('TEXT_GREETING_GUEST', 'notloggedin.php');


I then have another file I would like to include when a customer has created an account and logged in which would go here:

define('TEXT_GREETING_PERSONAL', 'loggedin.php');


Here is the code from the file to include when not logged in (have not created the 'logged in' file yet)

require_once ('includes/configure.php');

$tabtitles = "";
$tabcontents = "";
$sqloo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM front_page_tabs ORDER BY tab_id ASC");
$tabCount = mysql_num_rows($sqloo); // count the output amount
if ($tabCount > 0) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sqloo)){ 
             $id = $row["tab_id"];
		 $tabtitle = $row["tab_title"];
		 $tabcontent = $row["tab_content"];
		 $tabtitles .= '
		 <li><a href="#tab' . $id . '">' . $tabtitle . '</a></li>';
		 $tabcontents .= '
		 <div id="tab' . $id . '" class="tab_content">' . $tabcontent . '</div>

} else {
$dynamicList = "Please add a Tab Title";

<ul class="tabs">
<?php echo $tabtitles; ?>
<div class="tab_container">
<?php echo $tabcontents; ?>

So what I need to know is can a file be included in a php define. I have tried several ways but nothing is working for me.





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Hi thorpe,


Thanks for the reply.


You could place the file in a variable and then use that.


Thats actually what i have been trying, but don't think im doing it right, this is what I have (one of many attempts)..


$mainpagetabs = file_get_contents('/tabs/frontpagetabs.php');

define('TEXT_GREETING_GUEST', $mainpagetabs);


I have tried a few different ways using single and double quote too.


I think I still have a bit to learn  :-[




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If the file you want to include has php that needs to be processed file_get_contents() won't help. You would need your own function for this.


function include_as_string($file) {
  include $file;
  return ob_get_contents();

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If the file you want to include has php that needs to be processed file_get_contents() won't help. You would need your own function for this.


function include_as_string($file) {
  include $file;
  return ob_get_contents();


Im having no luck with this at all.. I cant seem to pull the file in no matter what I try. Almost every out put is either the filename or else blank.


Thanks anyway for the help thorpe, but I don't think i'm fully understanding how its done.


I have been over at stackoverflow, php.net and a few other places, but there are so many different answers and explanations that I am totally confused now.


There must be a simple way to plonk a php file into a define and call it on a page.


If it helps, here is my php & mysql versions


MySQL: 5.5.8

PHP Version: 5.3.5





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