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OK. So I have been working with some basic OO PHP. I am on a crusade to create a very basic blog script as I work on getting comfortable with Object Oriented PHP. I got some basics down, built some database config structure etc. Now I am working on working with database data.


I have a table with one record, and I want to print the contents of that row as I work on learning how to create an array to pull my "blog posts". At this point I am simply looking to grab something from the db and print it, but I have hit a little bit of a blank at this point.


Could anyone point me in the right direction on how to use an Object Oriented Approach to pull data from a database and then return the values (I know how to print the values once returned).


I have my Database Config all working and connecting. Here is my table structure :


postid: int, auto inc

title: varchar

content: varchar

created: datetime

user: varchar

categories: int



Here is my Class:

The part I need help with is the "DUMP DATABASE" section at the top.

//connect to mySQL and select database
include "includes/_dbcon.inc.php";

//begin class
class kdblogpost{

//define properties and set some arbitrary default values
PUBLIC $titledata= "POST TITLE";
PUBLIC $bodydata= "POST BODY <br /> XXXXXXXXX";
PUBLIC $p_realname=" (XXX XXX)";
PUBLIC $p_date=" ON: XXX"; 

//DUMP DATABASE///////////////////////////
PUBLIC $postArray = array();
PUBLIC $query("SELECT * FROM kdb_posts");

function getpostdb()  
return "{$postArray}";  

// write the blog post title
function writetitle()
	return "{$this->titledata}";

// write the blog post body.
function writebody()
	return "{$this->bodydata}";

// write the blog post info
function writeinfo()
	return  "{$this->p_by}".
//end class



Here is my html markup:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>KenDega Blog. Beta</title>
<?php include "KD_LIB/_classloader.php"; ?>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<!-- print/dump blog post database-->
<div class="dbdump">
	<p><?php $dbdump= new kdblogpost(); print "{???????????????????????}"; ?></p>

<div class="blogpost">
	<h1><?php $ptitle= new kdblogpost(); print "{$ptitle->writetitle()}"; ?></h1>
	<div class="post"><p>><?php $pbody= new kdblogpost(); print "{$pbody->writebody()}"; ?></p></div>
	<div class="postinfo"><p><?php $pinfo= new kdblogpost(); print "{$pinfo->writeinfo()}"; ?></p></div>



I don't want to get too involved with intricacies (such as my poor approach of making all of my properties PUBLIC). I would just simply like a finger in the right direction with how to get basic information from my database fields using an object oriented PHP approach, with as little code as possible.


Thank you much ,


Not tested, and take note this is a simple version of the class, i havn't implemented a while loop or anything, so it only grabs 1 row at a time. I also did this so you can put your skills to the test and figure it out.


class testClass{

  public $sql;
  public $row;

  function setQuery($query){

 	 $this->sql = mysql_query($query);


			 return true;


		     return false;


  function fetchQuery(){
  	$this->row = mysql_fetch_array($this->sql);



$db = new testClass();
$query = "SELECT * FROM `table`";

         print $db->row['someColumn'];
        // not a valid sql


well thanks guys. That should give me something to chew on. I am still working on my book "PHP Objects, patterns, and practice". So between the book, and your code snippets I should be able to nail it soon.


Honestly, I have an understanding of the basics of OO Php. But yet to see how it gets much easier (so I've heard). Seems to just get more and more complex. Although I admire the approach.

Well I did recently play around with some basics in C++, but didn't delve in to Classes or Structs yet, now started back on some OO PHP because I want to tackle my burning desire to build a Blog Script from the ground up.


....But luck has it that I am heading back to college in about 2 weeks to begin my Computer Science degree. Although we start off with C++ in "Programming 1" but it is all procedural. I wont get in to any OO programming classes until "Programming 2" where we cover Java, which I hear is great for learning OO programming?


In the meantime, I am working on some web based projects, really wanting to nail some basic OO PHP, as I may be getting a little web development/design work during my college.


I do also want to look at some frameworks. Have been interested in SF2 for quite some time, but feel I should have a good understanding of OO PHP before I tackle that.


One thing to also note, I am using online tutorial resources to assist. However, the only "OO PHP Blog Tutorial" I was able to find was this: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/how-to-create-an-object-oriented-blog-using-php/

I am following it extremely loosely as it doesn't appear to be a very good tutorial and I am setting my blog up and structuring it a little differently, as I have my own ideas. In fact I haven't really followed that tutorial at all, besides looking at the code a little.





Why did they even bother with OOP in this tutorial? It seems that its just wrapped around a class and everything else is no different than procedural coding.

Well that makes me feel better, knowing that I was able to diagnose a terrible tutorial of OOP. I think it is probably due to the fact I am reading that great book and seeing that the approach doesn't coincide with what I have been learning. lol


I do find it hard to tackle some of the topics (takes me a bit of re-reading/staring). But I find it is VERY rich in information and confident that I will have a nice foundation by the time I read (and understand) that book. I am just really dieing to do something practical as I study :D 

Ok. I have been looking at this briefly. One thing I immediately notice, is that the "client code" portion has more code than I am used to.

Is this normal, or for the sake of illustration? Could/should/would I move some of that code in to the class itself?


I was under the understanding that very little code is meant to be used in the markup. Mainly just instantiating the class with/withour some paramaters?





I guess it was one of the top books recommended to me by several sources. I have learn't a TON from it so far.

Although It's a somewhat slow read, as I find it a little hefty to digest.

so basically, I am really starting to understand the basics of oo php . Now I am finding I have a weakness in the design of the code. How much code to put in the hands if the client code and how much work to let the classes do. I initially had the idea that you let the classes to ALL of the work, while the while the client code simply creates the object.

I shamefully skipped to chapter 6 of my book, that deals with oo design.


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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