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Using PHP to prevent Spam


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I'm currently using Captcha as a means to prevent Spam on my website for user's comments in a "Contact Us" form.  The more I think about it, the more I wonder why the heck I'd use such a difficult to read (annoying?) method as opposed to something like:


Create a php script that generates two random numbers between 1 and 10 (x and y).  Ask the user "Please prove you're human by telling me the sum of x and y.".  If they don't, then the form won't be submitted.


Also, I feel like I don't even really understand exactly HOW someone can spam my site: if, for example, there's an email form within my site on a secure page (in other words, after the user logs in), would a spamster be able to get to that?


Thank you,



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creating a php script that generates two number is rather easy. i have done it and tested it. its working :)



$maths = $_REQUEST['maths'];

if(isset($maths)) {

$sum = $_SESSION['sum'];

if($maths == $sum) {
echo "Correct ";
else {
echo "Wrong ";

else {
$n1 = rand(1,10);
$n2 = rand(1,10);
$sum = $n1 + $n2;
$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$_SESSION['sum'] = $sum;
echo "<form action='" .$self. "' method='post'/>". $n1 . " + " . $n2 . " =<input type='text' name='maths'/><input type='submit' value='submit'/></form>The correct answer would be: " . $sum;


as for ppl spamming your site: if they are allowed to register on their own, they are able to do anything to the contact form. else, they can still get the url/page which sends you the data and send it :)

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Thanks for the response! But, can they get to things INSIDE my site?  In other words, let's say a user has to register --AND PAY-- to use my site.  Once in the site, they have a "Send me comments form".  Could the spammer spam that if the "Send me comments form" is only accessible to paying users?


Thanks again....

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If the form and the form processing code is correctly testing if the current visitor is logged in and is preventing access by non-logged in visitors, then generic spammers who are not members/not logged in would not be able to submit comments to your form processing code because you form processing code would ignore form submissions by non-logged in guests.


What is your code that is detecting logged in members and is protecting your member only pages?

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As to simple math and word problem captcha's. It is very easy to write a script that parses and solves math problems and simple copy/paste type of word problems. You can however make these type of captcha's more secure by dynamically outputting the question as an image, since that would require a hacker to both do accurate OCR on the image to find out the question, then solve the question. It is a lot harder to do OCR to accurately read several words, than it is to do OCR to accurately find a small number of letters/numbers that are typically used in a captcha.

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Thanks for responding to my post.  To detect logged in members I'm using the Zend_Auth adapter with hasIdentity() to see if a user is correctly logged in and is of the appropriate user type; this is after they log in using Zend_Auth in conjunction with matching the credentials to my database using Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable.


And, from what you said on your post, it sounds like the idea of dynamically generating a mathematical question then outputting it as an image could be an alternative to using Captcha ---do I understand you correctly?  I feel pretty comfortable with php but have never output text as an image.  Might you have a resource that could get me started? 

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My cousin came up with this, now I don't know if it would work or not, but what you do is create a text field and give it this css:

"display: none;"


Then when you validate the form, you check to see if that field is filled in or not. if it is not filled in, it was probably submitted by a human (due to the fact that they did not see it); if it is filled in then it was probably submitted by a robot. You would probably also give the field a common name, for example if it was a login, maybe the name "url". A robot would more than likely put a url in there and submit it making that field filled out and we now assume a robot put that in there.

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