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Header error... please don't flame. I read the sticky


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I have a function that will generate a table of products. Each <tr> is a form of its own. When i log in to my site and start a session the user can add products to there cart.


This all works fine except if you try and add a second product from the same page. If you do this you get an error :


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\workspace\Assignment3\global\products.php:19) in C:\xampp\htdocs\workspace\Assignment3\global\products.php on line 66




function products($product) {
   $file = "data/products.txt";
   $fp = fopen($file, 'r');

   $count = 0;
   while (!feof($fp)) {

      $data = fgets($fp);
      $section = explode(":" , $data);

      if($product == $section[0]) {
         echo '
      <form action="" method="post" onsubmit=""> <br />
            <tr class="order">
               <td class="item1"><img src="'. $section[1] . '"
                   height="94" width="96"></img></td>
               <th class="itemHeader">';

         $productName = $section[2];
         echo $productName . '<input type="hidden" name="Product' . $count . '" value="' . $productName. '" />
               <td class="product"><b>'.$section[3] .':</b> ' . $section[4] . '<br />
                  <b>' . $section[5]; 

         // used because of : delimiter could have used something else..
         if ($product == 'Soap') {
            echo ':</b> ' . $section[6] . '<br /></td>' ;
         } else {
            echo '</b>' . $section[6] . '<br /></td>';

         echo '<td class="product"><b>Price: ';

         $productPrice = $section[7];

         echo '$' . $productPrice . '</b><input type="hidden" name="Price' . $count . '" value="' . $productPrice.'" />
         if (!empty($_SESSION['userName'])) {
            echo '<td class="submitItem"><input type="text" size="3" maxlength="3"
                  name="Qty'. $count . '"value="0" /> ';
            echo '<input type="submit" value="Add to Cart" name="submit' . $count . '" id="submitItem" />';

         echo '</td>

         // stores the required information in Session variables
         if (isset($_POST['submit' . $count])) {

            $index = $count;

            $_SESSION[$product . 'Name' . $index] = $_POST['Product' . $index];
            $_SESSION[$product .'Price' . $index] = $_POST['Price' . $index];

            if (empty($_SESSION['soapQty' . $index])) {
               $_SESSION[$product . 'Qty' . $index] = $_POST['Qty' . $index];
            } else {
               $_SESSION[$product . 'Qty' . $index] = $_SESSION[$product . 'Qty' . $index] + $_POST['Qty' . $index];
            $_SESSION['cart'] = true;
            $_SESSION['globalQty'] += $_SESSION[$product . 'Qty' . $index];
            header('Location:  home.php');

   $_SESSION[$product . 'Count'] = $count;


So basically the first call to this function's isset works but any consecutive call to isset for another product of the same type doesn't.


I have read about white space and text before a header call but can't see how that is the problem here. Also read the sticky.


Any help would be greatly appreciated


p.s. I appologise for the $_SESSION variable declaration as a chain and NOT as an array for me to change my code in my assignment at this stage would take too long.



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Just try to add below function at top of your code.




thank for this.


Regarding the other posts. Thanks also. With the echo before the header. I thought that this only was an issue directly before the header call. guess not. Thanks


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