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I'm working on a site which relies on Joomla for a few features. I want to abandon the bloated Joomla, and I realized that there are only two parts of the Joomla framework that I'm actually using in this project:

  • Users (which includes the standard registration, validation emails, etc)
  • Database access (Just a few helper classes making handling databases easier)

The latter I can easily code myself, and the former I might be able to scrape together something for, but that will mean more work, delaying this project even more.



Does anyone know a semi-secure framework in PHP which handles users?

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If this is all you need, why bother with a framework? Don't use one for the sake of using one. You'll be able to find very similar and well-written classes online for what you need. Though you may have issues migrating to a new user system if you already have an established user/code base, but it's not impossible.

If this is all you need, why bother with a framework?

Sorry, perhaps I used the wrong word. By framework, I meant "more than just code snippets", around the range of more than 5 classes.* So perhaps I should have used the word "library" instead.


* And yes, I realize you can't really judge code by how many classes you use, but if you are writing and structuring your code correctly, I'm using "number of classes" here to indicate how much code would be needed.



lol can I just add that 'looking for a semi-secure PHP framework' sounds hilarious?  :P

By "semi-secure", I meant basically not storing passwords in plaintext. ;)


send an email to all the big brands that got hacked lately. they probably have some semi secure framework :P


But seriously, framework or not, in the end it's you that has to do the thinking, and the assembling of bits and pieces. The validating sanitizing filtering etc. A good read on security I find is the a little booklet from Chris Shifflet.


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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