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Hi, I have created the below code.  The total score (showed in last line) should be 60 if all the questions are set to YES. I'm getting the data from a form. In form, I've labels and next to them, I created a drop down menu with YES NO and NA. However, after executing, the total score is showing as 0 and not 60 if all is set to YES. Any help is appreciated...






    $question1 = $_REQUEST['Para_A_A1'];

    $question2 = $_REQUEST['Para_A_A2'];

    $question3 = $_REQUEST['Para_A_A3'];

    $question4 = $_REQUEST['Para_A_A4'];

    $question5 = $_REQUEST['Para_A_A5'];

    $question6 = $_REQUEST['Para_A_A6'];


    $numberofansweredquestions = 0;

    $score = 0;


    if ($question1 == "YES")



        $score += 10;


    elseif ($question1 == "NO")





    if ($question2 == "YES")



        $score += 10;


    elseif ($question2 == "NO")





    if ($question3 == "YES")



        $score += 10;


    elseif ($question3 == "NO")





    if ($question4 == "YES")



        $score += 10;


    elseif ($question4 == "NO")





    if ($question5 == "YES")



        $score += 10;


    elseif ($question5 == "NO")





    if ($question6 == "YES")



        $score += 10;


    elseif ($question6 == "NO")





    $maxscore = $numberofansweredquestions * 10;

    echo "The score is: " . $score . "/" . $maxscore . "";




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<title>Billing IE</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="upcstyle.css"/>

<script language="JavaScript" src="calendar_us.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="calendar.css">

<script language="JavaScript">




* Required field(s) validation Java script



function formCheck(formobj){

// Enter name of mandatory fields

var fieldRequired = Array("agent_name", "DOI", "cust_name", "analyst_name", "cust_email", "date_monitoring", "activity_id", "total_score");

// Enter field description to appear in the dialog box

var fieldDescription = Array("Agent Name", "Date of Incident", "Customer Name", "Analyst Name", "Customer E-mail", "Date of Monitoring", "Activity ID", "Total Score");

// dialog message

var alertMsg = "Dear user, please complete the following fields:\n\n";


var l_Msg = alertMsg.length;


for (var i = 0; i < fieldRequired.length; i++){

var obj = formobj.elements[fieldRequired];

if (obj){


case "select-one":

if (obj.selectedIndex == -1 || obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].text == ""){

alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription + "\n";



case "select-multiple":

if (obj.selectedIndex == -1){

alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription + "\n";



case "text":

case "textarea":

if (obj.value == "" || obj.value == null){

alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription + "\n";





if (obj.type == undefined){

var blnchecked = false;

for (var j = 0; j < obj.length; j++){

if (obj[j].checked){

blnchecked = true;



if (!blnchecked){

alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription + "\n";






if (alertMsg.length == l_Msg){

return true;



return false;



// -->




<script type="text/javascript">


function startCalc(){

  interval = setInterval("calc()",1);


function calc(){

  a = document.commform.sen_con_score.value;

  b = document.commform.sub_arg_score.value;

  c = document.commform.spell_score.value;


  d = document.commform.punc_score.value;

  e = document.commform.add_score.value;

  f = document.commform.open_score.value;


  g = document.commform.close_score.value;

  h = document.commform.tone_score.value;

  i = document.commform.para_score.value;

  j = document.commform.cust_hist_score.value;

  k = document.commform.acknow_score.value;

  l = document.commform.third_party_score.value;

  m = document.commform.person_score.value;

  n = document.commform.script_score.value;

  o = document.commform.research_score.value;





  document.commform.grand_total.value = (a * 1) + (b * 1) + (c * 1) + (d * 1) + (e * 1) + (f * 1) + (g * 1)+ (h * 1) + (i * 1) + (j * 1) + (k * 1) + (l * 1) + (m * 1)  + (n * 1) + (o * 1)  ;

  document.commform.total_score.value = (a * 1) + (b * 1) + (c * 1) + (d * 1) + (e * 1) + (f * 1) + (g * 1)+ (h * 1) + (i * 1) + (j * 1) + (k * 1) + (l * 1) + (m * 1)  + (n * 1) + (o * 1)  ;




function stopCalc(){









<script language="JavaScript" src="../JS/pupdate.js">




<body onload="startCalc();">

<form id="audit_billing_IE" name="audit_billing_IE" method="post" action="testphp.php" onSubmit="return formCheck(this);">

<div id="mainForm">

<div class="formFields">


<table style=\"width: 800px;\" border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\">


<th colspan='4'> Billing </th>



<div id="td">

<div class="upper">


<td background-color="green"> Evaluator Name  </td>

<td> <input type="text" name=evaluator_name id="evaluator_name"/> </td>




<td> Agent Name </td>

<td> <input type="text" name=user_name id="user_name"/> </td>




<td> Processing Date </td>



<input type="text" name="processing_date" id="processing_date"/>

<script language="JavaScript">

new tcal ({

// form name

'formname': 'audit_billing_IE',

// input name

'controlname': 'processing_date'







<td> Review Date </td>

<td colspan="3">


<input type="text" name="review_date" id="review_date"/>

<script language="JavaScript">

new tcal ({

// form name

'formname': 'audit_billing_IE',

// input name

'controlname': 'review_date'








<td> Contact ID </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=contact_ID id="contact_ID"/> </td>




<td> Voice/Non Voice </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=audit_type id="audit_type"/> </td>




<td> A/C #/Case # </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=case_no id="case_no"/> </td>




<td> Product </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Call duration</td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Errors </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Parameter A </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Parameter B </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Parameter C </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Parameter D </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Parameter E </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Parameter F </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Parameter G </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Parameter H </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Parameter I </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Parameter J </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>





<td> Total Possible Points for Audit </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Total Points Obtained for the Audit </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>




<td> Assessment Score </td>

<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>



<tr align="centre">

<th> <span style="color:white" BGcolor="Blue"><b> PARAMETERS </span> </th>

<th>  <span style="color:white"><b> TOGGLE </span> </th>

<th>  <span style="color:white"><b> COMMENTS </span></th>

<th>  <span style="color:white"><b> SCORES </span> </th>




<td colspan="4" bgcolor="CCCC66" align="left"> <b> A. Credit Request/Missing Promo/Credit approval </b> </td>




<td> Credit Procedure </td>


<select name=Para_A_A1 id = "Para_A_A1" align="center">

<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>

<option value="No"> No </option>

<option value="NA"> NA </option>





<td >

<input type="text" name=Para_A_A1_comment id="Para_A_A1_comment"/>



<td align="center"> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A1_score id="Para_A_A1_score"/>





<td> Days Calculation (Service issue case)</td>


<select name=Para_A_A2 id = "Para_A_A2" align="center">

<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>

<option value="No"> No </option>

<option value="NA"> NA </option>





<td >

<input type="text" name=Para_A_A2_comment id="Para_A_A2_comment"/>



<td> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A2_score id="Para_A_A2_score"/>





<td> Credit request form </td>


<select name=Para_A_A3 id = "Para_A_A3" align="center">

<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>

<option value="No"> No </option>

<option value="NA"> NA </option>





<td >

<input type="text" name=Para_A_A3_comment id="Para_A_A3_comment"/>



<td> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A3_score id="Para_A_A3_score"/>





<td> Case closure </td>


<select name=Para_A_A4 id = "Para_A_A4" align="center">

<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>

<option value="No"> No </option>

<option value="NA"> NA </option>





<td >

<input type="text" name=Para_A_A4_comment id="Para_A_A4_comment"/>



<td> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A4_score id="Para_A_A4_score"/>





<td> Comments / interaction </td>


<select name=Para_A_A5 id = "Para_A_A5" align="center">

<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>

<option value="No"> No </option>

<option value="NA"> NA </option>





<td >

<input type="text" name=Para_A_A5_comment id="Para_A_A5_comment"/>



<td> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A5_score id="Para_A_A5_score"/>





<td> MIS updation </td>


<select name=Para_A_A6 id = "Para_A_A6" align="center">

<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>

<option value="No"> No </option>

<option value="NA"> NA </option>





<td >

<input type="text" name=Para_A_A6_comment id="Para_A_A6_comment"/>



<td> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A6_score id="Para_A_A6_score"/>








<input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit Details" />

<input name="Reset" type="reset" value="Reset">






here we go...

<title>Billing IE</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="upcstyle.css"/>
<script language="JavaScript" src="calendar_us.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="calendar.css">
<script language="JavaScript">

* Required field(s) validation Java script

function formCheck(formobj){
   // Enter name of mandatory fields
   var fieldRequired = Array("agent_name", "DOI", "cust_name", "analyst_name", "cust_email", "date_monitoring", "activity_id", "total_score");
   // Enter field description to appear in the dialog box
   var fieldDescription = Array("Agent Name", "Date of Incident", "Customer Name", "Analyst Name", "Customer E-mail", "Date of Monitoring", "Activity ID", "Total Score");
   // dialog message
   var alertMsg = "Dear user, please complete the following fields:\n\n";
   var l_Msg = alertMsg.length;
   for (var i = 0; i < fieldRequired.length; i++){
      var obj = formobj.elements[fieldRequired];
      if (obj){
         case "select-one":
            if (obj.selectedIndex == -1 || obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].text == ""){
               alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription + "\n";
         case "select-multiple":
            if (obj.selectedIndex == -1){
               alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription + "\n";
         case "text":
         case "textarea":
            if (obj.value == "" || obj.value == null){
               alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription + "\n";
         if (obj.type == undefined){
            var blnchecked = false;
            for (var j = 0; j < obj.length; j++){
               if (obj[j].checked){
                  blnchecked = true;
            if (!blnchecked){
               alertMsg += " - " + fieldDescription + "\n";

   if (alertMsg.length == l_Msg){
      return true;
      return false;
// -->

<script type="text/javascript">

function startCalc(){
  interval = setInterval("calc()",1);
function calc(){
  a = document.commform.sen_con_score.value;
  b = document.commform.sub_arg_score.value; 
  c = document.commform.spell_score.value; 

  d = document.commform.punc_score.value;
  e = document.commform.add_score.value;
  f = document.commform.open_score.value;

  g = document.commform.close_score.value;
  h = document.commform.tone_score.value;
  i = document.commform.para_score.value;
  j = document.commform.cust_hist_score.value;
  k = document.commform.acknow_score.value;
  l = document.commform.third_party_score.value;
  m = document.commform.person_score.value;
  n = document.commform.script_score.value;
  o = document.commform.research_score.value;


  document.commform.grand_total.value = (a * 1) + (b * 1) + (c * 1) + (d * 1) + (e * 1) + (f * 1) + (g * 1)+ (h * 1) + (i * 1) + (j * 1) + (k * 1) + (l * 1) + (m * 1)  + (n * 1) + (o * 1)  ;
  document.commform.total_score.value = (a * 1) + (b * 1) + (c * 1) + (d * 1) + (e * 1) + (f * 1) + (g * 1)+ (h * 1) + (i * 1) + (j * 1) + (k * 1) + (l * 1) + (m * 1)  + (n * 1) + (o * 1)  ;
function stopCalc(){


<script language="JavaScript" src="../JS/pupdate.js">

<body onload="startCalc();">
<form id="audit_billing_IE" name="audit_billing_IE" method="post" action="testphp.php" onSubmit="return formCheck(this);">
   <div id="mainForm">
      <div class="formFields">

      <table style=\"width: 800px;\" border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\">
      <th colspan='4'> Billing </th>
<div id="td">
<div class="upper">
<td background-color="green"> Evaluator Name  </td>
<td> <input type="text" name=evaluator_name id="evaluator_name"/> </td>

<td> Agent Name </td> 
<td> <input type="text" name=user_name id="user_name"/> </td>

<td> Processing Date </td> 

<input type="text" name="processing_date" id="processing_date"/>
   <script language="JavaScript">
   new tcal ({
      // form name
      'formname': 'audit_billing_IE',
      // input name
      'controlname': 'processing_date'

<td> Review Date </td> 
<td colspan="3">

<input type="text" name="review_date" id="review_date"/>
   <script language="JavaScript">
   new tcal ({
      // form name
      'formname': 'audit_billing_IE',
      // input name
      'controlname': 'review_date'


<td> Contact ID </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=contact_ID id="contact_ID"/> </td>

<td> Voice/Non Voice </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=audit_type id="audit_type"/> </td>

<td> A/C #/Case # </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=case_no id="case_no"/> </td>

<td> Product </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Call duration</td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Errors </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Parameter A </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Parameter B </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Parameter C </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Parameter D </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Parameter E </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Parameter F </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Parameter G </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Parameter H </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Parameter I </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Parameter J </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Total Possible Points for Audit </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Total Points Obtained for the Audit </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<td> Assessment Score </td> 
<td colspan='3'> <input type="text" name=product_name id="product_name"/> </td>

<tr align="centre">
<th> <span style="color:white" BGcolor="Blue"><b> PARAMETERS </span> </th>
<th>  <span style="color:white"><b> TOGGLE </span> </th>
<th>  <span style="color:white"><b> COMMENTS </span></th>
<th>  <span style="color:white"><b> SCORES </span> </th>

<td colspan="4" bgcolor="CCCC66" align="left"> <b> A. Credit Request/Missing Promo/Credit approval </b> </td>

<td> Credit Procedure </td>
<select name=Para_A_A1 id = "Para_A_A1" align="center">
<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>
<option value="No"> No </option>
<option value="NA"> NA </option>


<td >
<input type="text" name=Para_A_A1_comment id="Para_A_A1_comment"/>

<td align="center"> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A1_score id="Para_A_A1_score"/>

<td> Days Calculation (Service issue case)</td>
<select name=Para_A_A2 id = "Para_A_A2" align="center">
<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>
<option value="No"> No </option>
<option value="NA"> NA </option>


<td >
<input type="text" name=Para_A_A2_comment id="Para_A_A2_comment"/>

<td> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A2_score id="Para_A_A2_score"/>

<td> Credit request form </td>
<select name=Para_A_A3 id = "Para_A_A3" align="center">
<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>
<option value="No"> No </option>
<option value="NA"> NA </option>


<td >
<input type="text" name=Para_A_A3_comment id="Para_A_A3_comment"/>

<td> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A3_score id="Para_A_A3_score"/>

<td> Case closure </td>
<select name=Para_A_A4 id = "Para_A_A4" align="center">
<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>
<option value="No"> No </option>
<option value="NA"> NA </option>


<td >
<input type="text" name=Para_A_A4_comment id="Para_A_A4_comment"/>

<td> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A4_score id="Para_A_A4_score"/>

<td> Comments / interaction </td>
<select name=Para_A_A5 id = "Para_A_A5" align="center">
<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>
<option value="No"> No </option>
<option value="NA"> NA </option>


<td >
<input type="text" name=Para_A_A5_comment id="Para_A_A5_comment"/>

<td> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A5_score id="Para_A_A5_score"/>

<td> MIS updation </td>
<select name=Para_A_A6 id = "Para_A_A6" align="center">
<option value="Yes"> Yes </option>
<option value="No"> No </option>
<option value="NA"> NA </option>


<td >
<input type="text" name=Para_A_A6_comment id="Para_A_A6_comment"/>

<td> <input type="text" name=Para_A_A6_score id="Para_A_A6_score"/>


<input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Submit Details" />
<input name="Reset" type="reset" value="Reset">


my eyes are burning...


also, there is no PHP in that code...

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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