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mod_rewrite showing directory


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I am having an issue where when my Article is deleted from the URL, mod_rewrite (or something) is displaying a directory?!  (I didn't know that was possible?!) :o


Here is my mod_rewrite...

RewriteEngine on

#PRETTY:	articles/postage-meters-can-save-you-money
#UGLY:		article.php?title=postage-meters-can-save-you-money

RewriteRule articles/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ article.php?title=$1




<!-- Summary #1 -->
<div class="summary">
<h2>Postage Meters Can Save You Money!!</h2>
<p class="image">
	<a href="<?php echo WEB_ROOT; ?>articles/postage-meters-can-save-you-money">
		<img src="<?php echo WEB_ROOT; ?>images/postage_meter.jpg" width="200" />



if (isset($_GET['title'])){
	// Title in URL.

	// Set Article Title.

	// Build query.

	// Prepare statement.

	// Bind variable.

	// Execute query.

	// Transfer result set from prepared statement.

	// Check for Article Record.
	if (mysqli_stmt_num_rows($stmt)==1){
		// Article was Found.
		$articleExists = TRUE;

		// Article NOT Found.

		// Take user to Home Page.
		header("Location: " . WEB_ROOT . "index.php");
	// No Title in URL.

	// Take user to Home Page.
	header("Location: " . WEB_ROOT . "index.php");




If I delete out the "pretty URL" (article portion) then the ARTICLES directory is displayed which is a major security issue, although on my web host I don't think that would happen.



I thought my code handled such a scenario?!


Glad I caught that when I was testing?!  :o


Any idea what is going on?






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The Rewrite rule you have shown does not match the REQUEST_URI /articles/. What you are seeing is nothing to do with mod_rewrite. You are requesting a path to a directory on the server so your server is doing what it's obviously configured to do and showing it's contents. If you don't want this to happen you need to disable indexes.


Options -Indexes

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The Rewrite rule you have shown does not match the REQUEST_URI /articles/. What you are seeing is nothing to do with mod_rewrite. You are requesting a path to a directory on the server so your server is doing what it's obviously configured to do and showing it's contents. If you don't want this to happen you need to disable indexes.


Options -Indexes


Do I put that in my .htaccess file in the web root?








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