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I'm trying to set a variable based on a word that is pulled out of the DB in an array.  What is the correct what of doing this?


Currently I'm trying this without success:


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

if ($row['level_text'] = "beginning") {
	$page = "beginning.php?id=";

} elseif ($row['level_text'] = "low_intermediate") {
	$page = "low_intermediate.php?id=";

} elseif ($row['level_text'] = "intermediate") {
	$page = "intermediate.php?id=";

} elseif ($row['level_text'] = "high_intermediate") {
	$page = "intermediate.php?id=";

if ($tdcount == 1) 
$content .=  "<li><div>
                            <a href=\"$page" . $row['id'] ."\"></a>

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thanks .. I'll google Switch.


I'm sorry... that was just a snip.  The script itself works (the complete script where the id is set) but all "ids" play on the same page.


I'm trying to set a "page" variable so that the content doesn't have to play on one set page, rather a "level specific" page base on the row[level_text]

I tried this:


if ($row['level_text'] == "beginning") {
	$page == "beginning.php?id=";

} elseif ($row['level_text'] == "low_intermediate") {
	$page == "low_intermediate.php?id=";

} elseif ($row['level_text'] == "intermediate") {
	$page = "intermediate.php?id=";

} elseif ($row['level_text'] == "high_intermediate") {
	$page == "high_intermediate.php?id=";
echo $page;


and get:




now trying this -- on the right track?  not working yet...


switch ($page)
case label1:
  if ($row['level_text'] == "beginning") {
	$page == "beginning.php?id=";
case label2:
  if ($row['level_text'] == "low_intermediate") {
	$page == "low_intermediate.php?id=";
  case label3:
  if ($row['level_text'] == "intermediate") {
	$page == "intermediate.php?id=";
  case label4:
  if ($row['level_text'] == "high_intermediate") {
	$page == "high_intermediate.php?id=";


echo $page;

Why don't you try:


    case "beginning":
        $level = "beginning";
    case "low_intermediate":
        $level = "low_intermediate";
    case "intermediate":
        $level = "intermediate";
    case "high_intermediate":
        $level = "high_intermediate";
        $level = "unknown"; //incase something goes wrong somewhere.  Always plan to for things to go wrong 

$page = "levels.php?level=". $level;

// do whatever you will afterwoods 

Actually -- that was close but not spot on...


Trying to do more like this:


    case "beginning":
        $page = "beginning.php?id=";
    case "low_intermediate":
        $page = "low_intermediate.php?id=";
    case "intermediate":
        $page = "intermediate.php?id=";
    case "high_intermediate":
        $page = "high_intermediate.php?id=";
        $page = "default.php?id="; //incase something goes wrong somewhere.  Always plan to for things to go wrong 

echo $page;


The echo should produce something like: (there are 5 instances displayed)


high_intermediate.php?id= beginning.php?id= beginning.php?id= low-intermediate.php?id= high-intermediate.php?id=

You have lost me.


That switch statement will pull up the page you want going on the information provided by the DB.


If you want all the pages pulled up, then remove the "break;" lines and the switch statement will pull up all all files.


Also, your '?id=' is empty.  If your resulting pages rely on that for whatever reason, it may be a good idea to populate it.

$page[] = "beginning.php?id=";
$page[] = "low_intermediate.php?id=";
$page[] = "intermediate.php?id=";
$page[] = "high_intermediate.php?id=";
$display_page = "";
foreach($page as $k=>$v)
    $display_page .= $v;
echo $display_page;


That will echo out: "high_intermediate.php?id= beginning.php?id= beginning.php?id= low-intermediate.php?id= high-intermediate.php?id="



Thank you Flappy_Warbucks,


Sorry for the delayed reply.


I have this array pulling 5 items into a table: 

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {


Those items become links to the content.  I'd like to make the first part of the link dynamic, so that the content can display on a level specific page.


For example, instead of the 5 items pulled from db linked like this: 

<a href=\"default-page.php?id=" . $row['id'] ."\"></a> 


They would be like this:


<a href=\"beginning.php?id=" . $row['id'] ."\"></a>
<a href=\"low_intermediate.php?id=" . $row['id'] ."\"></a>
<a href=\"intermediate?id=" . $row['id'] ."\"></a>
<a href=\"high_intermediate?id=" . $row['id'] ."\"></a>


.. again depending on the $row[level_text]


Does that make sense?  Thank you so much for your help with this!


so trying to do something like this:


    case "beginning":
        $page = "beginning.php?id=";
    case "low_intermediate":
        $page = "low_intermediate.php?id=";
    case "intermediate":
        $page = "intermediate.php?id=";
    case "high_intermediate":
        $page = "high_intermediate.php?id=";


The $page variable should be set based on the $row[level_text].


For example, if the $row[level_text] = low_intermediate, the $page variable would equal: low_intermediate.php?id=


and the link <a href=\"$page" . $row['id'] ."\"></a>  would go to:  <a href=\"low_intermediate.php?id=" . $row['id'] ."\"></a> (the id's are working just fine -- it's getting that $page variable to set right that's giving me trouble.)





Why not just do this? No conditional required at all, unless you need to check that $row['level_text'] has a valid value before proceeding.

$page = "<a href=\"{$row['level_text']}.php?id={$row['id']}\">Link text goes here</a>";

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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