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hey guys i have a table called match_results and looks like this










now what i want to be able to do is when selecting the results is get the steak where result = win


if anyone could help or have a site on how this can be done please...thank you

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sorry about the delay...


here is the query i have and i want to add a streak column to it so if you can help or advise me what to do...i would like to add it to this query really if possible


SET @rank := 0;
SET @points := 0;
SET @drawing := 0;

                 @rank := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @rank + 1, @rank), @rank + 1), 
                         @points := points,
                         @drawing := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @drawing = '0', @drawing = '1'), @drawing = '0'),
                         IF(@drawing = '1', @rank + 1, @rank) as rank,
                         @drawing := '0'
                  SELECT t.team_id,
                         COUNT(r.league_match_result_id) AS 'matches_played',
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 1, 0)) AS `wins`,
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Loss', 1, 0)) AS `losses`,
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Draw', 1, 0)) AS `draws`,
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 3, IF(r.result='Draw', 1, IF(r.result='Loss', 0, 0)))) AS `points`
                  FROM teams t
                  LEFT JOIN league_match_results r ON r.team_id = t.team_id
                  LEFT JOIN team_leagues tl ON tl.team_id = t.team_id
                  LEFT JOIN leagues l ON l.league_name = 'test'
                  LEFT JOIN games g ON g.game_abbreviation = 'CSS'
                  GROUP BY t.team_id
                  ORDER BY points DESC, t.team_name) AS x

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thanks fenway...a very useful site...now ive tried to do what i think is right but the query isnt working at all


the error im getting is

#1242 - Subquery returns more than 1 row


SET @rank := 0;
SET @points := 0;
SET @tie := 0; 
SET @win_streak := 0;

                 @rank := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @rank + 1, @rank), @rank + 1), 
                         @points := points,
                         @tie := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @tie = '0', @tie = '1'), @tie = '0'),
                         IF(@tie = '1', @rank + 1, @rank) as rank,
                         @tie := '0',
                         @win_streak := '0'
                  SELECT t.team_id,
                          IF(lmr.result='Win', @win_streak + 1, IF(lmr.result='Draw', @win_streak = '0', IF(lmr.result='Loss', @win_streak = '0', 0))) AS `win_streak`
                          FROM league_match_results lmr
                          LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id
                          WHERE lmr.team_id = t.team_id
                          ORDER BY lm.date DESC),

                         COUNT(r.league_match_result_id) AS 'matches_played',
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 1, 0)) AS `wins`,
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Loss', 1, 0)) AS `losses`,
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Draw', 1, 0)) AS `draws`,
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 3, IF(r.result='Draw', 1, IF(r.result='Loss', 0, 0)))) AS `points`
                         FROM teams t
                  LEFT JOIN league_match_results r ON r.team_id = t.team_id
                  LEFT JOIN team_leagues tl ON tl.team_id = t.team_id
                  LEFT JOIN leagues l ON l.league_name = 'test'
                  LEFT JOIN games g ON g.game_abbreviation = 'CSS'
                  GROUP BY t.team_id
                  ORDER BY points DESC, t.team_name) AS x


the query works without


                          IF(lmr.result='Win', @win_streak + 1, IF(lmr.result='Draw', @win_streak = '0', IF(lmr.result='Loss', @win_streak = '0', 0))) AS `win_streak`
                          FROM league_match_results lmr
                          LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id
                          WHERE lmr.team_id = t.team_id
                          ORDER BY lm.date DESC),


can you please help me

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ok i sort of go in work...but...it returns the team as having 1 streak...but it has no win result if you can help please


SELECT MAX( IF( lmr.result = 'Win', @win_streak +1, IF( lmr.result = 'Draw', @win_streak = '0', IF( lmr.result = 'Loss', @win_streak = '0', @win_streak = '0' ) ) ) ) AS `win_streak`
FROM league_match_results lmr
LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id
WHERE lmr.team_id =1

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ok ive got it working now finnaly...the only problem i do have if you can help is that the win_streak column returns null on some cases...not ive tried to put WHEN NULL THEN 0 in the case but that doesnt do nothing...still returns null...thanks for your help fenway


SET @rank := 0;
SET @points := 0;
SET @tie := 0; 
SET @win_streak := 0;

                 @rank := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @rank + 1, @rank), @rank + 1), 
                         @points := points,
                         @tie := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @tie = '0', @tie = '1'), @tie = '0'),
                         IF(@tie = '1', @rank + 1, @rank) as rank,
                         @tie := '0'

                      SELECT t.team_id,

                        MAX(@win_streak := CASE lmr.result
WHEN 'Win'
THEN @win_streak +1

                          FROM league_match_results lmr
                          LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id
                          WHERE lmr.team_id = t.team_id                       
           ORDER BY lm.date DESC) AS `win_streak`,
                         COUNT(r.league_match_result_id) AS 'matches_played',
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 1, 0)) AS `wins`,
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Loss', 1, 0)) AS `losses`,
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Draw', 1, 0)) AS `draws`,
                         SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 3, IF(r.result='Draw', 1, IF(r.result='Loss', 0, 0)))) AS `points`
                         FROM teams t
                  LEFT JOIN league_match_results r ON r.team_id = t.team_id
                  LEFT JOIN team_leagues tl ON tl.team_id = t.team_id
                  LEFT JOIN leagues l ON l.league_name = 'Counter-Strike Europeon Team Death Match'
                  LEFT JOIN games g ON g.game_abbreviation = 'CSS'
                  GROUP BY t.team_id
                  ORDER BY points DESC, t.team_name) AS x

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yeah i suppose i could put


if (empty($row['win_steak']))
     echo "0";
   echo $row['win_streak'];


but i'd much prefer to be able to do it in the query...and what do you mean by crazy query? haha...i mean how else should i do what i want to do in a query?

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sorry you are gonna have to bear with me and explain a bit more cause im no pro with mysql


wrap max()?

aslso i tried IFNULL(@win_streak, 0) but it didnt work.


and you want me to get rid of the case?


                        MAX(@win_streak := CASE lmr.result
WHEN 'Win'
THEN @win_streak +1
END) AS `win_streak`

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