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hi guys,


I have a form which allows me to update my database with the inputted values, the form works and it updates my database, however I have these error messages all over my webpage


Notice: Undefined index: title in C:\xampp\htdocs\CS2410\add_dvd.php on line 12


Notice: Undefined index: category in C:\xampp\htdocs\CS2410\add_dvd.php on line 13


Notice: Undefined index: quantity in C:\xampp\htdocs\CS2410\add_dvd.php on line 14


Notice: Undefined index: price in C:\xampp\htdocs\CS2410\add_dvd.php on line 15


Notice: Undefined index: bar_code in C:\xampp\htdocs\CS2410\add_dvd.php on line 16


the code is below


// a security measure, if unautherised users attempt to directly access the page they are redirected to the index page
if (!($_SESSION['autherised']== true)) {
//make a connection to the server or terminate the script if a connection cannot be estabilshed
$svc = @mysql_connect("localhost","root") or die ('unable to connect to server'.' '.mysql_error());
//make a connection to the databaes or terminate the script if a connection cannot be estabilshed
$dbc = @mysql_select_db("aston_shopdb",$svc) or die ('unable to connect to database'.' '.mysql_error());
  $nameofdvd = $_POST['title'];
  $categoryofdvd = $_POST['category'];
  $quantity = $_POST['quantity'];
  $dvdprice = $_POST['price'];
  $bar_id = $_POST['bar_code'];

$sql = "INSERT INTO item SET Title='$nameofdvd', Category='$categoryofdvd', Quantity='$quantity', Price='$dvdprice', Bar_code='$bar_id'";
if (@mysql_query($sql)) {
    echo('<p>New DVD added</p>');
  } else {
    echo('<p>Error adding new dvd: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="aston-shop-scheme.css" />
        <title>Add a New DVD</title>

<form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post">
<p>Enter the new DVD:<br />
Title: <input type="text" name="title" size="20" maxlength="255"
  /><br />
Category: <input type="text" name="category" size="20" maxlength="255"
  /><br />
Quantity: <input type="text" name="quantity" size="20" maxlength="255"
  /><br />
Price: <input type="text" name="price" size="20" maxlength="255"
  /><br />
Barcode: <input type="text" name="bar_code" size="20" maxlength="255"
/><br />  
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="SUBMIT" /></p>

<table class ="standard" >
                <td> <input  type ="button" class="input" onClick ="location.href='all_products.php'" value ="View all products"> </td>

               <td> <input type ="button" onclick ="location.href='Logout.php'" value ="Log out"> <td>




please help!!!





MOD EDIT: code tags added.

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You have no logic in place to check whether the form has actually been submitted before attempting to access the values in the post array. Enclose e the processing code in a conditional statement.

if( strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) === 'post' ) {
// process form 

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