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Form with drop down list (Newbie Needs a lot of help)


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Okay, you guys were great on the last posting I have as I’m just learning a little bit at a time on my spare time.

I am trying to figure out several things in this test.


1)How to use multiple tables:

a)Table1: Registration (standard creation of a form to DB.)

b)Table2: countries

c)How to setup a drop down list retrieving data from the table countries

2)I am running local as always with the following specs.

a)Windows Home Prem

b)Wampserver with Apache 2.2.17, MySQL 5.5.8, and PHP 5.3.5



I use www.turningturnip.co.uk to create the basic php to MySQL form, but they don’t have basic creating a dropdown list from a table in mysql DB.





/// For the following details,

/// please contact your server vendor


$hostname='localhost'; //// specify host, i.e. 'localhost'

$user='root'; //// specify username

$pass=''; //// specify password

$dbase='competitors'; //// specify database name

$connection = mysql_connect("$hostname" , "$user" , "$pass")

or die ("Can't connect to MySQL");

$db = mysql_select_db($dbase , $connection) or die ("Can't select database.");







<form id="FormName" action="added.php" method="post" name="FormName">

<table width="448" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0">

<tr><td width = "150"><div align="right"><label for="name">name</label></div></td>

<td><input id="name" name="name" type="text" size="25" value="" maxlength="50"></td></tr><tr><td width = "150"><div align="right"><label for="address">address</label></div></td>

<td><input id="address" name="address" type="text" size="25" value="" maxlength="30"></td></tr>


<tr><td width = "150"><div align="right"><label for="countries">country</label></div></td>

<td><select id="country" name="country" size="1">

<option value="one">first</option>

<option value="two">second</option>



<tr><td width = "150"><div align="right"><label for="telephone">Telephone</label></div></td>

<td><input id="telephone" name="telephone" type="text" size="25" value="" maxlength="10"></td></tr><tr><td width="150"></td><td>

<input type="submit" name="submitButtonName" value="Add"></td>






<a href="index.php">Back to List</a>


/// In order to use this script freely

/// you must leave the following copyright

/// information in this file:

/// Copyright 2006 www.turningturnip.co.uk

/// All rights reserved.



$name = trim($_POST['name']);

$address = trim($_POST['address']);

$country = trim($_POST['country']);

$telephone = trim($_POST['telephone']);


$query = "INSERT INTO registration (id, name, address, country, telephone)

VALUES ('', '$name', '$address', '$country', '$telephone')";

$results = mysql_query($query);


if ($results)


echo "Details added.";











-- Table structure for table `countries`



CREATE TABLE `countries` (

  `ccode` varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',

  `country` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',

  PRIMARY KEY  (`ccode`)




-- Dumping data for table `countries`



INSERT INTO `countries` VALUES ('AF', 'Afghanistan');

INSERT INTO `countries` VALUES ('AX', 'Åland Islands');

INSERT INTO `countries` VALUES ('AL', 'Albania');

INSERT INTO `countries` VALUES ('DZ', 'Algeria');

INSERT INTO `countries` VALUES ('AS', 'American Samoa');




If anyone could help as being a newbie to all this it's all trial and error for me and I've tried every way that I found possible to set it up and haven't been successful. I also reviewed many posting similar problems, but i can't seem to get it going.




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