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Host Domain With Dynamic IP

The Little Guy

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I have a dynamic IP address, and port 80 blocked (So I use port 3333) and I was wondering if anyone had any solutions to use a domain with that. I would like to register a domain under godaddy. I have see some sites were it masks the urls, so if I go to:



Then click on a link that takes me to:



the URL then still displays:



I would like to have a way around this, does anyone know of any free solution?

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I was using no-ip like 5+ years ago which I hear is a similar service. I am currently not on my computer to test this, but doesn't that still mask the URL doing it like that?


found this:

- Go to your DNS manager and create a DNS CNAME entry for your domain (abc.com) and make it go to your free no-ip subdomain (xyz.redirectme.net)

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Install bind to set up a dns server. This will "bind" the port to the main domain.



Then configure your settings through somewhere like godaddy that has all the options.


There are tutorials and plenty of documentation out there better than I can explain it.


For apache:


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Before I try, will this work with a port OTHER than port 80?


DNS resolves a domain name to an IP address. It has nothing to do with ports. If your trying to make http://foo:3000 work without needing the port on the end of the domain you will need to use some sort of iframe solution.


I wouldn't be surprised if hosting a web server is against your isp's TOS anyway, considering they block port 80.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay! I have gotten it to work!


One question I now have is why does this work:



and this not work:



Oops! Google Chrome could not find weblyize.com

Did you mean: www.­weblyize.­com

Additional suggestions:

Access a cached copy of weblyize.­com

Search on Google:



What would cause that? Apache? Bind? Godaddy?

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