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Hi everyone


I have 2 queries which are pulling out results into arrays

I think they are right

I then insert a new column into each array one with [typeofdonation] as "cash" and one as "card" this is to be used later when outputting the results


I then need to combine the 2 arrays into 1 array and then sort the combined array by date showing the latest ones first

I then need to output the top 3 results

The way the results are outputted is dependant on what [typeofdonation] is as they are outputting and styled differently


Here is my code below I have got upto the combining the 2 arrays but am having difficulty doing this

Once I have done this I then need to sort the results but I think my code I have tested on each array works ok and so will work once I have the combined array.

Final part I am not sure on how to find and use what is in [typeofdonation] to determine the styling and way each of the 3 results is outputted


Thankyou in advance for everyone who can hopefully help me in the right direction



<b>Card Donations</b><br><br>
	$getcarddonations =  $wpdb->get_results("SELECT wp_supporters_donations.SFMemberNumber, wp_supporters_donations.KickbackAmount, wp_supporters_donations.MerchantName, wp_supporters_donations.SpendDate from supporter_2_cause RIGHT JOIN wp_supporters_donations ON supporter_2_cause.supp_id=wp_supporters_donations.SFMemberNumber WHERE supporter_2_cause.caus_id = '54' ORDER BY wp_supporters_donations.SpendDate");
	//UNION SELECT id, amout, cause, date FROM cashdepo WHERE cause='Lisas charity' AND status='2' ORDER BY id DESC
	foreach($getcarddonations as $getcarddonations){
		$i = 0;
		while($i < 100) {
		$data[$i]['member'] = $getcarddonations->SFMemberNumber;
		$data[$i]['ammount'] = $getcarddonations->KickbackAmount;
		$data[$i]['merchant'] = $getcarddonations->MerchantName;
		$data[$i]['date'] = $getcarddonations->SpendDate;
		$data[$i]['typeofdonation'] = 'card';

	function compareItems($a, $b)
		if ( $a->date < $b->date ) return -1;
		if ( $a->date > $b->date ) return 1;
		return 0; // equality

	uasort($data, "compareItems");
	print_r( $data );
	<br><br><br><b>Cash Donations</b><br><br>
	$getcashdonationsdb = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM cashdepo WHERE cause='Lisas charity' AND status='2' ORDER BY id DESC");
	foreach($getcashdonationsdb as $getcashdonationsdb){
		$i = 0;
		while($i < 11) {
		$dataa[$i]['member'] = $getcashdonationsdb->id;
		$dataa[$i]['ammount'] = $getcashdonationsdb->amout;
		$dataa[$i]['merchant'] = $getcashdonationsdb->cause;
		$dataa[$i]['date'] = $getcashdonationsdb->date;
		$dataa[$i]['typeofdonation'] = 'cash';

	uasort($dataa, "compareItems");
	print_r( $dataa );

	$datar1 = ($data);
	$datar2 = ($dataa);
	$finalarray = array_combine($datar1, $datar2);

	uasort($finalarray, "date");

	//Print the output

You don't need those loops if $wpdb->get_results() returns an array.  Just use aliases in your query and your array will look the way you want it.  You can also add the card or cash like so:


SELECT 'card' AS typeofdonation, wp_supporters_donations.SFMemberNumber AS member . . .


Then just array_merge() the two and run a sort().  Actually, you might be able to use a UNION to combine both queries.

array_merge for combining the two. What are you trying to do for the output?


I am trying to sort my results by date to show the latest 3

I have now combined all the results but I am not getting the latest 3 results outputted so I think I am sorting my array incorrectly.

Any ideas how I sort by ['date'] so the latest 3 show?


This is code I am using to sort


uasort($data, "compareItems");

function compareItems($a, $b)
		if ( $a->date < $b->date ) return -1;
		if ( $a->date > $b->date ) return 1;
		return 0; // equality

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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