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View mySQL on my PC


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I use bluehost as my website host.  I use php with mySql.  Is there a program that will allow me to view mySql databases without having to log into bluehost cpanel?  Something that can run right on my PC?





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MySQL workbench is just fine.  Most of us don't use stand-alone gui tools, or we use the ones built into our pricey development environments.  My favorite is Navicat ($100), but the one built into ZDE ($300) is nice too.  Otherwise, Workbend or phpMyAdmin should be enough.

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excellent....and thank you.  I have to build more editing processing into the admin panel I created for the users, but until i have time to do that, the workbench will work great for me.


Thanks again,

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I like using Putty. its small, but it is command line which is faster than a gui.

This has nothing to do with anything in this thread


mysql -u root myDatabase

That is the MySQL command line.  PuTtY has nothing to do with it.  It's like saying "what text editor do you guys use, vi or emacs?" and having someone answer "putty."  Putty is a tool that allows you to ssh to a command line.  That's its only purpose.  The commands you have access to once you're inside another system aren't related to putty at all.


Also, the mysql command line is not a MySQL gui.

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