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sweet, 1 more question ...

is there a way to check a folders permissions using php? i set the permission with htaccess, but i want to make sure the access is correct.


You can check the permissions -- no problem there.  I don't follow your htaccess comment though.  An htaccess doesn't set permissions, it simply defines apache/php settings (if apache has been configured to allow this) for a particular directory.  The file system permissions are independent of an htaccess file.


With that said, php has the function fileperms that will get you the perms on a file or directory.  I don't use php on windows, so I can't speak from experience in terms of how compatible it is with windows OS's as the permissions schemes are very different.

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I don't use php on windows, so I can't speak from experience in terms of how compatible it is with windows OS's as the permissions schemes are very different.


if you use cygwin or something and do a "ls -lia" you will see that things that can be run are marked with x, things that are readonly aren't marked with w and so on

I think ntfs uses the chmod policy but windows explorer hides it from the user

except if you try to share the folder, then you will see the permition settings


oh btw, to set a folder and/or file permition use chmod

bool chmod ( string $filename , int $mode )

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