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jQuery Simple Animate


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My syntax is pretty terrrible with jQuery.  I'm very new to it. 


Can someone please tell me where I went wrong?


         $('#nav_list').mouseout(function() {
		var value = $(this).parent().get(0).id.substring(3)
		left: $(value)
	  }, 300, function() {
		// Animation complete.

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var value = $(this).parent().get(0).id.substring(3)


my money would put your error in this line.. depending on your DOM, this might not being doing what you expect it to be doing..also, I 've heard of some known errors when using the id method.. can you please post the relevant DOM code that goes along with your js code.

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You can't define a variable inside an object

//            <----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$('#nav_highlight').stop().animate({                          //                                                |
    var value = $(this).parent().get(0).id.substring(3)  // move this line ouside the object --	
    left: $(value)

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Your passing an object to the animate method. An object is everything between (and including) the {} braces.


Javascript is a bit different to PHP in that you can create objects (and functions) on the fly. To better illustrate this, take a look at this.


var myObj = {
  left: $(this).parent().get(0).id.substring(3)

var myMouseOutFuntion = function() {
  $('#nav_highlight').stop().animate(myObj, 300);



Note that I have created a myObj object which is passed to the animate() method. I have also created a myMouseOutFunction() function which is passed to the mouseout() method.


I'm not saying this is how it should be done. This is just a more verbose example to try and make it a little easier to see what is actually going on.

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I fixed it.  I for some reason just couldn't define the variable in the animate function.


With some jQuery functions, you pass in an 'anonymous' function (this means a function that is defined right there and then with no name, rather than giving it a name somewhere else and calling it). For example, the click function:



You can see that inside .click(), you are passing it function(){}. This function(){} is an anonymous function. Because it is a function, you can assign variables etc, the same as in any function.


But with animate, as others have mentioned, you are passing an object. This means that animate looks like this:


You can see that inside .animate(), you are passing it {}. {} is an object. Objects don't have variables or logic inside, they just have properties that can be assigned. For example {name : "haku"}.


You were most likely facing your problem because of a confusion between functions() and objects {}. Hopefully this clears things up for you a bit.

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