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PHP Blogging


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Hi Guys,


I've been looking for a clone script for this, but can't seem to find one, so I'll more than likely need to code it (unless you know of a clone). Basically, what I want to do is to have a tumblr like clone, where a user signs up, chooses a username, password and blog address (a subdomain of the root, or in a different folder (eg. www.gdfgdfg.com/blognamehere or www.blognamehere.gfdgdgdgg.com)), and then they are able to blog from a user panel (the software will be auto-installed to the sub-domain upon account creation).




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Well, you don't need to "automatically install" any software, one copy of the code should suffice


basically what you're gonna want is a "catch all" subdomain set up


once you have a catch all sub domain set up, then you will want to write up some htaccess to point non 'www' and any other sub domains you want to reserve E.G. 'developer', and point those to yoursite.com/<thesubdomain>


and then under that you'll want to point yoursite.com/<thesubdomain> to a url like:





then blog.php?user=<thesubdomain> will have to connect to the users table, change it to an id, then load all the posts and stuff from that specific user, and portray it in blog.php


you could also expect things like so:


RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.* [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([^\.]+)\.yoursite\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*) /%1/$1

RewriteRule ^(.*)/(.*)/?$ blog.php?user=$1&page=$2 [L]


I think the above would work fine for a catch all sub domain


the issue here is, the blog.php file :3


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