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I'm using the JQuery UI datepicker to insert a date into a form field, but I need validation in case the user enters the date by hand. The date needs to be dd-mm-yyyy. I currently have this:

if(!preg_match('/^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/', $expiryDate)) {
$issue = "9";
return $issue;
if(!preg_match('/^\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}$/', $startDate)) {
$issue = "9";
return $issue;

But it's not working and I'm pretty sure its the regex.

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Thanks for the advice. I changed my regex to the following code, but it still wouldn't work.


        if(!preg_match('/^\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/', $expiryDate)) {
	$issue = "9";
	return $issue;
        if(!preg_match('/^\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}$/', $startDate)) {
	$issue = "9";
	return $issue;

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Otherwise, someone will enter April 12, 2011 as 12-04-2011.

...that's the desired format ;)


Place the digit character set in character classes if you are looking for repetition;

        if(!preg_match('/^[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{4}$/', $expiryDate)) {
	$issue = "9";
	return $issue;
        if(!preg_match('/^[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{4}$/', $startDate)) {
	$issue = "9";
	return $issue;


Also, thats two if's returning the same result that could be executed on the same line;

        if(!preg_match('/^[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{4}$/', $expiryDate) or !preg_match('/^[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{4}$/', $startDate)) {
	$issue = "9";
	return $issue;


Furthermore, you might want to allow for people entering the date as dd/mm/yyyy or dd.mm.yyyy so you might want to include another character set for the separation sections instead of just a dash, e.g. [./\-].


Hope this helps,


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It's still not working, gah!

I tried what you suggested, then I tried using another one I found on google and slightly modified:

if(!preg_match('/^(19|20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/', $expiryDate) or !preg_match('/^(19|20)\d\d[-](0[1-9]|1[012])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/', $startDate)) {
	$issue = "9";
	return $issue;


I need the - seperator so that I can use explode() on the date function. When I get this working with just a -, I'm going to add support for [- \/\.] and a switch statement for the explode.

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It's meant to validate to 3rd August. We expect the user to enter it this way, as the end users are from the UK (like me) and we use dd-mm-yyyy. I also have an instruction to do it this way in the label on the field which the user enters the date into. I think a select statement will be overkill, as the dates needed can be from tomorrow to in multiple years time.

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How is the date getting posted to the validation script? Can you give an example of how it looks just before it hits the preg_match.. i.e. after any html_entities etc. It may be a case of the anchors around your pattern messing things up for you.


If it helps, I have this uk date validation working on my site:

preg_match("~[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,2}/[0-9]{1,4}~", $startDate)

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It works for me. I just ran the following code:


$testing = '20-11-2011';

echo $testing.'<br/><br/>';

if(!preg_match('/^[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{4}$/', $testing)){
echo 'no match';
echo 'match';


And it displayed:




Indicating that the regex works fine. The problem must lie elsewhere.

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