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Not that often I play with these (and normally just a single font I use).


However I am trying to generate an image with a ttf bit of text on it. No problem using Tuffy.ttf (the normal one I use), but I want to use some arrow characters which it doesn't support.


I have tried using Wingding and Webdings but neither work with GD.


Am I missing something (hopefully something obvious)?


All the best



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No error message, just getting small square (90%) or a blank (other 10%) for the characters.


My test code is as follows (loops through from 0 to 255 and creates a small image with that character in the middle of it):-



$width = 1;

$font = 0;
$ButtonUnit = 50;
$widthDisplay = $width * $ButtonUnit;
$font = 'webdings.ttf';

$char = $xCnt;
$ImageSaved = DrawButton($char,array(255,255,255),array(255,165,0),$font,$widthDisplay,$ButtonUnit,15,5,array(0,0,0));

function DrawButton($ButtonText,$ForeGroundColour=array(255,255,255),$ButtonColour=array(18,52,86),$font = '', $Width = 0, $Height = 0, $fsize=24, $CornerRadius = 50, $FadeToColour=array(255,255,255))
global $Language;

$CacheLocation = "Images/Names/";
$fontarray = explode('.',$font);
$FullFilePath = $CacheLocation.$fontarray[0].'_'.$ButtonText.".gif";

if (file_exists($FullFilePath))
//if (false)
	// Whoopee Doo

	$UsedText = html_entity_decode(chr($ButtonText));
	if ($UsedText == '') $UsedText = '?';
echo "$ButtonText $font<br />";
	$font = (($font == '') ? 'Tuffy.ttf' : $font);
echo "$ButtonText $font<br />";
	$tb=calculateTextBox($fsize, 0, $font, $UsedText); //gets an array of numbers...some can be used to define image size
	$Width = (($Width==0) ? ceil($tb["width"]*1.4) : $Width);//create a space for lowercase letters that go below base
	$Height = (($Height==0) ? ceil($tb["height"]*1.4) : $Height);

	$LeftPos = ceil(($Width - $tb["width"]) / 2);
	$TopPos = $tb["top"] + ceil(($Height - $tb["top"]) / 2);

	$Image =  imagecreate ($Width , $Height );

	$background_color = imagecolorallocate($Image, 0, 0, 0);
	$button_color = imagecolorallocate($Image, $ButtonColour[0], $ButtonColour[1], $ButtonColour[2]);
	imagecolortransparent($Image, $background_color);


	$SpotCentreX = array($CornerRadius, $Width - $CornerRadius - 1, $Width - $CornerRadius - 1, $CornerRadius);
	$SpotCentreY = array($CornerRadius, $CornerRadius, $Height - $CornerRadius - 1, $Height - $CornerRadius - 1);

	for ($i=($CornerRadius*2);$i>0;$i=$i-1) 
		$col= imagecolorallocate($Image, $red, $green, $blue); 
		imagefilledellipse($Image , $SpotCentreX[0], $SpotCentreY[0], $i, $i, $col);
		imagefilledellipse($Image , $SpotCentreX[1], $SpotCentreY[1], $i, $i, $col);
		imagefilledellipse($Image , $SpotCentreX[2], $SpotCentreY[2], $i, $i, $col);
		imagefilledellipse($Image , $SpotCentreX[3], $SpotCentreY[3], $i, $i, $col);
		imageline($Image, $SpotCentreX[0], $SpotCentreY[0]-intval($i/2), $SpotCentreX[1], $SpotCentreY[1]-intval($i/2), $col); 
		imageline($Image, $SpotCentreX[1]+intval($i/2), $SpotCentreY[1], $SpotCentreX[2]+intval($i/2), $SpotCentreY[2], $col); 
		imageline($Image, $SpotCentreX[3], $SpotCentreY[3]+intval($i/2), $SpotCentreX[2], $SpotCentreY[2]+intval($i/2), $col); 
		imageline($Image, $SpotCentreX[0]-intval($i/2), $SpotCentreY[0], $SpotCentreX[3]-intval($i/2), $SpotCentreY[3], $col); 
	imagefilledrectangle($Image , $SpotCentreX[0] , $SpotCentreY[0] , $SpotCentreX[2] , $SpotCentreY[2] , $button_color );		

	//imagefilledellipse($Image , floor($Height/2), floor($Height/2), floor($Height/2)*2, floor($Height/2)*2, $button_color);
	//imagefilledellipse($Image , ($Width - floor($Height/2) - 1), floor($Height/2), floor($Height/2)*2, floor($Height/2)*2, $button_color);
	//imagefilledrectangle($Image , floor($Height/2) , 0 ,($Width - floor($Height/2) - 1) , floor($Height/2)*2 , $button_color );		

	$foreground_color = imagecolorallocate($Image, $ForeGroundColour[0], $ForeGroundColour[1], $ForeGroundColour[2]);
	imagettftext($Image, $fsize, 0, $LeftPos , $TopPos,  $foreground_color, $font, $UsedText);

$FullFilePath = $CacheLocation.$font.'_'.$ButtonText.".gif";
	$imageSuccess = imagegif($Image,$FullFilePath);


function calculateTextBox($font_size, $font_angle, $font_file, $text) 
$box   = imagettfbbox($font_size, $font_angle, $font_file, $text); 
if( !$box ) return false; 
$min_x = min( array($box[0], $box[2], $box[4], $box[6]) ); 
$max_x = max( array($box[0], $box[2], $box[4], $box[6]) ); 
$min_y = min( array($box[1], $box[3], $box[5], $box[7]) ); 
$max_y = max( array($box[1], $box[3], $box[5], $box[7]) ); 
$boxwidth  = ( $max_x - $min_x ); 
$boxheight = ( $max_y - $min_y ); 
$left   = abs( $min_x ) + $boxwidth; 
$top    = abs( $min_y ) + $boxheight; 
// to calculate the exact bounding box i write the text in a large image 
if ($boxwidth == 0) $boxwidth = 50;
if ($boxheight == 0) $boxheight = 50;
$img     = imagecreatetruecolor( $boxwidth << 2, $boxheight << 2 );  // << bitwise shift
$white   =  imagecolorallocate( $img, 255, 255, 255 ); 
$black   =  imagecolorallocate( $img, 0, 0, 0 ); 
imagefilledrectangle($img, 0, 0, imagesx($img), imagesy($img), $black); 
// for sure the text is completely in the image! 
imagettftext( $img, $font_size, 
			$font_angle, $left, $top, 
			$white, $font_file, $text); 
// start scanning (0=> black => empty) 
$rleft  = $w4 = $boxwidth<<2; 
$rright = 0; 
$rbottom   = 0; 
$rtop = $h4 = $boxheight<<2; 
for( $x = 0; $x < $w4; $x++ ) 
	for( $y = 0; $y < $h4; $y++ ) 
		if( imagecolorat( $img, $x, $y ) )
		$rleft   = min( $rleft, $x ); 
		$rright  = max( $rright, $x ); 
		$rtop    = min( $rtop, $y ); 
		$rbottom = max( $rbottom, $y ); 
// destroy img and serve the result 
imagedestroy( $img ); 
return array( "left"   => $left - $rleft, 
			"top"    => $top  - $rtop, 
			"width"  => $rright - $rleft + 1, 
			"height" => $rbottom - $rtop + 1 ); 



All the best



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