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I have been using a language filter to add tooltips (informative mousovers) to my site but I had an issue with the filter finding keywords within the added mousover script… erm… a little clearer? Well if I used “Duck” as a keyword and then I put the phrase “Donald Duck” into the mouesover explanation the function died so I tried this…

I reversed all the content with
$outputtext = strrev($inputtext);
echo $outputtext

So “Donald ‘Fauntleroy’ Duck He usually wears a sailor shirt and cap — but no pants (except when he goes swimming). Although usually easygoing, Donald's most famous trait is his short and often explosive temper. Donald's famous voice, and semi-intelligible is one of the most identifiable voices in the world”


“dlrow eht ni seciov elbaifitnedi tsom eht fo eno si elbigilletni-imes dna ,eciov suomaf sdlanoD .repmet evisolpxe netfo dna trohs sih si tiart suomaf tsom sdlanoD ,gniogysae yllausu hguohtlA .)gnimmiws seog eh nehw tpecxe( stnap on tub — pac dna trihs rolias a sraew yllausu eH kcuD yoreltnuaF dlanoD”

then I used a little CSS to put it right again…

.backwards {unicode-bidi:bidi-override; direction: rtl;}

Well I thought so… but have a look for yourself what happens… http://mouse.nodstrum.com/backwards.php

Any ideas??? Please

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