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Hi, I'm getting an infinite loop using PHP and CLI.


#!/usr/bin/php -q
$userName = fread(STDIN,10);
$password = fread(STDIN,10);
$isAuthenticated = false;

$realUserId = "aaa";
$realPassword = "pass";

while( $isAuthenticated!=true )
echo "Please login to begin: \n";
echo "Enter username: ".$userName."\n";
echo "Enter password: ".$password;

//now check to make sure is registerd user
//$userId = $u->userLogin($userName, $password);
if($userName != $realUserId && $password != $realPassword)
	echo "Invalid username or password. Please try again.\n";
	echo " You are logged in! You can begin.\n";
	$isAuthenticated = true;



All help appreciated.

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#!/usr/bin/php -q

$isAuthenticated = false;

$realUserId = "aaa";
$realPassword = "pass";

while( $isAuthenticated!=true )
echo "Please login to begin: \n";
echo "Enter username: \n";
        $userName = fread(STDIN,10);
echo "Enter password: \n";
        $password = fread(STDIN,10);

//now check to make sure is registerd user
//$userId = $u->userLogin($userName, $password);
if($userName != $realUserId && $password != $realPassword)
	echo "Invalid username or password. Please try again.\n";
	echo " You are logged in! You can begin.\n";
	$isAuthenticated = true;


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This is related I guess, why doesn't it exit while loop when i type 'q'?


$task = "f";

function showTasks()//h
echo "TASKS:\n";
echo "b - show breakfast menu;"
        echo "l - show lunch menu;"
echo "q - quit: Exit program\n";
echo "h: to view this list of options\n\n\n";

while($task != 'q')
echo "Please choose a task: ";
$task = fread(STDIN,10);
echo $task;
echo "\n";

if( trim($task) == "h")
       //other tasks will call other functions, i do later
echo "Thanks for using our menu!";


All help appreicate.

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Is it possible to use both fread(STDIN,10) with $argv in php cli?


function foo($a,$b);

function foobar($c);


let's say I have these functions(I'm aware it's function headers), so I wanto use fread(STDIN,10) to choose the function, and $argv to pass in arguments to the above functions.


Can someone show me quickly how to approach this, i'd appreciate it.

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Here is concrete exampel of what i mean, let's say a simple calculator class with add, factorial finding, and government sales tax retrieiving, why doesn't this work?


#!/usr/bin/php -q
class Calculator
function factorial($int)
	if ($int == 1)
		return 1;
		return $int*factorial($int-1);

function add($num1, $num2)
	return $num1 + $num2;

function getGSTof($price)
	return 0.05*$price;

$c = new Calculator();

$task = "";
//TASKS:f for factorial, then 1 arg, a for add, then 2 args, g for gst, then 1 arg
while($task != "q")
echo "Please choose a task: ";
$task = trim( fread(STDIN,10)  );

if ( $task == "f" )
	$num = $argv[1];
	$factorial = $c->factorial($num);
	echo $factorial;
	echo "\n";

if ( $task == "a" )
	$num = $argv[1];
	$num2 = $argv[2];
	$sum = $c->add($num, $num2);
	echo $sum;
	echo "\n";

if ( $task == "g" )
	$price = $argv[1];
	$gst = $c->getGSTof($price);
	echo $gst;
	echo "\n";

if($task == "q" )

echo "\n\n\n\nEnd Calculator program";


All help apprciated.

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