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Updating MySQL 3.23 to 5+


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Hey all. I recently inherited a webserver running PHP 4.3ish + MySQL 3.23. It's been tons of fun ( :'() but I've decided that once I get the website to look pretty (yes, I'm entirely serious) and load correctly (don't ask...) I'm going to upgrade to PHP 5+ and MySQL 5+. I'm well aware that a lot has changed, so I'm doing some thorough testing on some wamp/lamp configurations. Now, my experience with MySQL comes largely from using it in connection to MS Access, but I think the core elements of relational database design are still relevant. That being said, I have a pretty serious question.


I have is a PHP/MySQL reservation application (with some CMS elements I'm hacking in so that they're not stuck with the same static page for the next 10+ years). The equipment reservation database is currently laid out over eight tables -- one per equipment. Now, from my experience with MS Access, these should all be one table since the only difference between them is that they point to a different piece of equipment, plus some changes on the minimal time that they can be reserved for. However, I begin to worry as these currently have about 85,000 records between them -- with about 50,000 being added in the last two years. With my upcoming addition of a robust reporting system (the accounting is done manually at this time...) I expect these to shoot up significantly as soon as I'm done. However, the server seems particularly slow when executing queries from the tables with 25,000 records (taking about 0.2 seconds for the query at this time) and -- assuming it scales linearly -- combining them would increase this four-fold. I can convince my boss to upgrade the server hardware -- not necessarily to bleeding edge but something less than $1000 wouldn't be an issue (application is only for about 200 users), but can I expect a table with 100k+ records to be searched in a reasonable timeframe (<0.1s)? What about at 500k?


With the help of this forum I managed to reduce the page load times from 36s to 0.25s, and quite frankly even at that speed it feels a bit sluggish, but I'd like to know that whatever solution I come up with scales reasonably.


Thanks in advance for your responses.

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