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Need some help with something I have not done before.

I have a dynamic checkbox set up to accept userinput then post $optionsname,$optionsprice.


echo "<li><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"optionslist[]\" value=\"$optionsname,$optionsprice\" /> $optionsname - $ $optionsprice - $optionsdisc</li>";


So far no problem

   					 echo("You didn't select any options.");
   				 $N = count($showoptions);
   			 echo("<strong>You selected $N options:</strong> ");
    			for($i=0; $i < $N; $i++)
     		 echo("<li>".$showoptions[$i] . "</li>");


Can someone tell me how to explode $showoptions into $optionsname,$optionsprice again.


Thanks for any help in advanced.



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$showoptionsParts = explode(',',$showoptions );
			$optionsname = $showoptionsParts[0];
			$optionsprice = $showoptionsParts[1];
			echo "here".$optionsprice;


Still nothing returned for $optionsprice.


Would it be an  issue if there are spaces in $optionsname ?  example ( Lock and Unlock ).  I have to be doing something really dumb that I'm just not catching


Thanks for the reply



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Array ( [0] => Lock and Unlock,29.00 [1] => Trunk Pop,19.00 )


so I have been trying


$showoptionsParts = explode(',',$showoptions );
			$optionsname = $showoptionsParts[0];
			$optionsprice = $showoptionsParts[1];
			echo "here".$optionsprice;


even before you suggested. That is what is driving me nuts.


again thanks for you time



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May I expand my question ?



				$N = count($showoptions);
    			for($i=0; $i < $N; $i++)
     		    $showoptionsParts = explode(',',$showoptions[$i] );
			$optionsname = $showoptionsParts[0];
			$optionsprice = $showoptionsParts[1];
			echo $optionsprice."<br />";

Works great and returns The selected option prices.  What is the best way for me to SUM the items to use further down the page. I was under the impression $showoptionsParts[1] was an array but I guess I'm incorrect AGAIN

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Here's an example. I've used a foreach instead of the combination of count() and for() that you've used.



$array = array( 23,45,17,26 );
$sum = 0;

foreach( $array as $value ) {
echo 'Sum now equals '.$sum.'.';
$sum += $value;
echo ' We added '.$value.' to it, so now, sum is '.$sum.'<br>';



In my example, you could use array_sum instead. Since you need to explode your values, you have to keep a running total.

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