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Does fread read one line at a time, for example if I where to do something like




//retrive information from the current line here and use it to edit the db






Although at that im unsure how I would go about retriving the string of that line as it read it


appriciate help


p.s this is what my text file looks like:


ACAD 1501 Preparation for Academic Writing
ADMN 4607 Business Strategy and Policy II
ADMN 4896 Current Topics in Administration I
ADMN 4897 Current Topics in Administration II
ENSC 1005 Introduction to Environmental Science
MATH 1056 Discrete Mathematics I
PHIL 2505 Reasoning and Logical Argument
PHYS 1006 General Physics I: Mechanics
PHYS 1007​ General Physics II: Mechanical Wave, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics​
PSYC 1106 Introduction to Psychology I
PSYC 2605 Behavioural Neuroscience
ADMN 4126 Management Skills
ADMN 4137 Current Issues in Management
ADMN 4146 Community Organization Internship
BIOL 3646 Applied Entomology
BIOL 3717 Animal Behaviour
BIOL 3837 Mammalogy
BIOL 4107 Freshwater Biology
BIOL 4227 Nutrition
BIOL 4347 Chemistry in Life Sciences
BIOL 4357 Chemical Ecology
BIOL 4397 Soil Biology and Soil Chemistry
BIOL 4437 Landscape Ecology
BIOL 4506 Special Topics in Applied Ecology
BIOL 4557 Developmental and Behavioural Genetics
BIOL 4607 Environmental Biology Seminar
BIOL 4706 Literature Research and Seminar
BIOL 4976 Biology Field Camp
BIOL 4995 Thesis
BIOL 4997 Freshwater Biology Field Camp
PSYC 2605 Behavioural Neuroscience
PSYC 2906 Sensation
PSYC 2907 Perception
PSYC 3506 Neuropharmacology
ECON 1006 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 1007 Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON 1127 Introduction to Mathematics for Economists
ECON 2006 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON 2007 Labour Economics
ECON 2016 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 2017 Money, Banking and the Canadian Financial System
ECON 2106 Managerial Economics
ECON 2126 Elementary Statistical Methods for Economists
ECON 3066 Principles and Concepts of Economic Development
ECON 3067 Problems and Policies of Economic Development
ECON 3086 The Economics of Income and Wealth
ECON 3087 Selected Canadian Economic Policy Issues
ECON 3126 Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 3127 International Financial Management
ECON 3226 International Economics
MKTG 1126 Marketing Concepts
MKTG 2127 Marketing for Managers
MKTG 2417 Communications: Selling and Sales Management
MKTG 3126 Consumer Behaviour
MKTG 3206 Sport Marketing
MKTG 3316 Communications: Public Relations
MKTG 3416 Communications: Advertising and Promotion
MKTG 3417 International Marketing
MKTG 3426 Marketing Communications
MKTG 3436 Social Marketing
MKTG 3437 Product and Brand Management
MKTG 4406 Applied Marketing Management
MKTG 4426 Services Marketing Management
MKTG 4427 Business-To-Business Marketing
ORGS 1136 Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
ORGS 1137 Management of Human Resources
ORGS 2006 Recruitment and Selection
ORGS 2117 Industrial Relations
ORGS 3006 Management Practices for Sustainable Business
ORGS 3007 Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
ORGS 3016 The Evolution of Business: Comparative Perspectives
ORGS 3146 Compensation and Rewards
ORGS 3147 Occupational Health and Safety
ORGS 3246 Human Resources Research and Information Systems
ORGS 3247 Human Resources Planning
ORGS 3307 Gender and Diversity in Organizations
ORGS 3836 Training and Development
ORGS 4706 Organizational Structure and Design
ORGS 4837 Organizational Development and Change
TMGT 1106 Introduction to Technology Management
TMGT 2011 Fundamentals of GIS and Computer Mapping
TMGT 2106 Systems Analysis and Design
TMGT 2807 Project Management
TMGT 3006 Technology, Business and Society
TMGT 3017 Programming for Business
TMGT 3236 Networking in a Business Environment
TMGT 3856 Information Systems
TMGT 4006 Management of Innovation and Technology
TMGT 4126 E-Business
TMGT 4417 Current Trends in Technology Management
CHEM 1006 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1007 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1911 Introduction to Basic Chemistry
CHEM 2106 An Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
CHEM 2306 Introduction to Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2307 Introduction to Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2407 Inorganic Chemistry I
CHEM 3017 Instumental Analysis
CHEM 3026 Organic Structure Determination
CHFS 2005 Introduction to Child and Family Studies
CHFS 2016 Children, Families, and Equity Issues
CHFS 3006 Children's Rights
CHFS 3007 Selected Topics in Children's Rights
CHFS 3025 Research Methods
CHFS 3037 Multiculturalism, Race and Childhood
CHFS 3105 Child Welfare: Critical Reflections
CHFS 3206 Case Studies: Marginalized Groups of Children
CHFS 3216 Caregivers and the Welfare of Children and Families
CHFS 4005 Honours Seminar
CHFS 4105 Research Essay
CLAS 1006 The Civilization of Ancient Greece
CLAS 1007 The Civilization of Ancient Rome
CLAS 1106  Introductory Latin I
CLAS 1107 Introductory Latin II
​CLAS 1206 Introductory Greek I​
​CLAS 1207 Introductory Greek II​
CLAS 2006 Myth and Religion in Ancient Greece
CLAS 2007 Myth and Religion in Ancient Rome
CLAS 2116 Intermediate Latin I: Advanced Latin Grammar
CLAS 2117 Intermediate Latin II: Introduction to Latin Literature
CLAS 2206 Sport and Recreation in the Classical World
CLAS 2216 Intermediate Ancient Greek I: Advanced Greek Grammar
CLAS 2217 Intermediate Ancient Greek II: Introduction to Greek Literature
CLAS 2306 The Greek Historians
CLAS 2307 The Roman Historians
CLAS 2316 Introduction to Ancient Greek Literature in Translation
CLAS 2317 Introduction to Roman Literature in Translation
CLAS 2406 War and Society in Ancient Greece
CLAS 2407 War and Society in Ancient Rome
CLAS 2416 The History of Ancient Greece: From the Bronze Age to the Death of Cleopatra
CLAS 2417 The History of Ancient Rome: From the Beginning to the Barbarian Invasions
CLAS 2426 Famous Figures of Ancient Greece
CLAS 2427 Famous Figures of Ancient Rome
CLAS 2506 Greek Art and Architecture
CLAS 2507 Roman Art and Architecture
CLAS 3066 Race, Racism, and Ethnic Identity in Ancient Greece and Rome
CLAS 3096 Women in Ancient Greece
CLAS 3097 Women in the Roman World
CLAS 3116 Selected Latin Authors I
CLAS 3117 Selected Latin Authors II
CLAS 3206 Gender and Sexuality in Greece and Rome
CLAS 3207 Slavery in the Roman World
CLAS 3317 Selected Readings in Roman Literature in Translation
CLAS 3326 Greek Drama and Theatre
CLAS 3327 Roman Comedy
CLAS 3416 Selected Topics in Greek History and Culture
CLAS 3417 Selected Topics in Roman History and Culture
CLAS 3505 Directed Studies
CLAS 4107 Advanced Readings in Latin Poetry
CLAS 4416 Selected Topics in Greek History and Culture (Honours)
CLAS 4417 Selected Topics in Roman History and Culture (Honours)
CLAS 4427 Honours Seminar in History and Culture
CLAS 4495 Directed Studies/Research Project
COSC 1557 Introduction to Computer Science
COSC 1567 Programming in C++
COSC 1666 Engineering Graphics
COSC 1757 Digital Systems
COSC 1901 Computer Applications for Digital Scholarship
COSC 1902 Scripting Applications for Digital Scholarship
COSC 2006 Data Structures I
COSC 2007 Data Structures II
COSC 2106 Machine Structures I
COSC 2107 Machine Structures II
COSC 2116 Artificial Neural Networks
COSC 2206 Mathematical Computation
COSC 2216 Introduction to Computational Geometry
COSC 2406 Introduction to Game Design and Development
COSC 2667 Operating Systems I (formerly COSC 1657)
COSC 2767 Object-Oriented Programming (formerly COSC 3557)
COSC 3006 Numerical Methods I
COSC 3007 Artificial Intelligence
COSC 3017 Introduction to Robotics
COSC 3206 Theory of Computation
COSC 3207 Computer Graphics
COSC 3216 Advanced Computational Geometry
COSC 3306 Programming Paradigms
COSC 3307 3D Computer Graphics
COSC 3406 Advanced Game Design and Development
COSC 3407 Systems Control
COSC 3606 Databases & Data Management
COSC 3657 Distributed Systems
COSC 3706 The Computing Profession
COSC 3806 Service Computing
COSC 3807 Project Management
COSC 3997 Senior Practicum
COSC 4106 Human Computer Interaction
COSC 4107 Interfacing and Communication
COSC 4127 Real-time Programming
COSC 4206 Topics in Computer Science
COSC 4207 Seminars in Computer Science
COSC 4406 Software Engineering
COSC 4607 Security and Protection
COSC 4896 Honours Research I
COSC 4897 Honours Research II
COSC 4997 Honours Practicum
CRJS 1087 Introduction to the Canadian Criminal Justice System
CRJS 1206 An Introduction to Canadian Law
CRJS 2086 Introduction to Criminological Theory
CRJS 2106 Psychology and Law
CRJS 2216 Civil Law and Civil Procedure
CRJS 2926 An Introduction to Forensic Science
CRJS 3106 Forensic Psychology I
CRJS 3107 Forensic Psychology II
CRJS 3206 Canadian Criminal Law and the Criminal Code
CRJS 3336 Women and the Criminal Justice System
CRJS 3406 Serial and Mass Murder I
CRJS 3407 Serial and Mass Murder II
CRJS 3416 Aboriginal Legal Studies
CRJS 3926 Selected Topics in Criminal Justice I
CRJS 3927 Selected Topics in Criminal Justice II
CRJS 3936 Youth in Conflict with the Law
CRJS 4105 Honours Thesis
CRJS 4305 Research Project in Criminal Justice
CRJS 4346 Field Placement
CRJS 4347 Applied Criminological Theory
CRJS 4466 Program and Policy Evaluation
CRJS 4467 Advanced Criminological Theories
CRJS 4476 Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice
CRJS 4916 Policing and Society
CRJS 4917 Criminal Investigation
CRJS 4926 Advanced Topics in Criminal Justice I
CRJS 4927 Advanced Topics in Criminal Justice II
CULT 1005 Introduction to Studies in Culture and the Arts 
CULT 2006 Visual Culture I 
CULT 2007 Visual Culture II​
DIGI 2305 Introduction to Digital Humanities
DIGI 2306 Introduction to Computing Technologies for the Digital Humanities
DIGI 4006 Project in Digital Humanities
EDUC 1011 Child Development
EDUC 1021 Language Arts I
EDUC 1031 Native Culture & Heritage
EDUC 1041 Behaviour Management Support
EDUC 1110 NSEADP Practicum I
EDUC 1112 NSEADP Methods I
EDUC 1122 NSEADP Methods II
EDUC 2031 Physical Education I
EDUC 2041 Language Arts II
EDUC 2051 Mathematics
EDUC 2061 Computers I
EDUC 2110 NSEADP Practicum II
EDUC 2111 NSEADP Methods III
EDUC 2112 NSEADP Special Education: Learning Disabilities and the Inclusive Classroom
EDUC 2121 NSEADP Methods IV
EDUC 3112 NSEADP III Special Education: Behaviour
EDUC 3122 NSEADP III Special Education: The Slow Learner
EDUC 3132 NSEADP III Special Education: Technology and Learning
EDUC 4406 English (Intermediate)
EDUC 4416 Computer Studies (Intermediate)
EDUC 4446 Geography (Intermediate)
EDUC 4456 History (Intermediate)
EDUC 4466 Mathematics (Intermediate)
ENGL 1106 Introduction to English Studies I
ENGL 1107 Introduction to English Studies II
ENGL 1501 Language and Written Communication I
ENGL 1502 Language and Written Communication II
ENGL 1551 Language and Written Communication: English as a Second Language I
ENGL 1552 Language and Written Communication: English as a Second Language II
ENGL 2006 British Literature Before 1800
ENGL 2007 British Literature After 1800
ENGL 2015 Theatre Production: Practice and Theory
ENGL 2025 Language and Rhetoric
ENGL 2055 Studies in Drama: Classical to Contemporary
ENGL 2116 Texts and Intertexts I
ENGL 2117 Texts and Intertexts II
ENGL 2206 Gender, Literature and Culture I
ENGL 2207 Gender, Literature and Culture II
ENGL 2255 Canadian Literature from the Colonial to the Contemporary Period
ENGL 2265 American Literature from the Colonial to the Contemporary Period
ENGL 2445 Children's Literature
ENGL 2535 Studies in Shakespeare
ENGL 2536 Studies in Shakespeare I
ENGL 2537 Studies in Shakespeare II
ENGL 2605 Cultural Studies
ENGL 3016 Studies in Marginalized Literatures I
ENGL 3017 Studies in Marginalized Literatures II
ENGL 3026 Advanced Language and Rhetoric I
ENGL 3027 Advanced Language and Rhetoric II
ENGL 3035 Literary Theory and Critical Practice (formerly ENGL 2035)
ENGL 3036 Studies in Media I
ENGL 3037 Studies in Media II
ENGL 3045 Studies in Early Modern Literature
ENGL 3095 Studies in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature
ENGL 3126 Composition: Theory and Practice I
ENGL 3127 Composition: Theory and Practice II
ENGL 3145 Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature
ENGL 3146 Studies in Postcolonial Literature I
ENGL 3147 Studies in Postcolonial Literature II
ENGL 3175 Studies in Literature after 1900
ENGL 3206 Special Topics in Women's Literature I
ENGL 3207 Special Topics in Women's Literature II
ENGL 3276 Studies in the Native Literatures of North America I (formerly ENGL 2275)
ENGL 3277 Studies in the Native Literatures of North America II (formerly ENGL 2275)
ENGL 3486 Studies in Genre I
ENGL 3487 Studies in Genre II
ENGL 3496 Studies in Genre III
ENGL 3497 Studies in Genre IV
ENGL 3505 Studies in Medieval Literature
ENGL 3516 Creative Writing: Poetry
ENGL 3517 Creative Writing: Prose Fiction
ENGL 3525 Rise and Development of the Novel
ENGL 3606 Studies in Popular Culture I
ENGL 3607 Studies in Popular Culture II
ENGL 4506 Honours Seminar: Advanced Studies in Early Modern Literature
ENGL 4507 Honours Seminar: Advanced Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature
ENGL 4516 Honours Seminar: Advanced Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature
ENGL 4517 Honours Seminar: Advanced Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature
ENGL 4526 Honours Seminar: Advanced Studies in Postcolonial Literature
ENGL 4527 Honours Seminar: Advanced Studies in Genre
ENGL 4536 Honours Seminar: Advanced Cultural Studies
ENGL 4537 Honours Seminar: Advanced Studies in American Literatures
ENGL 4546 Honours Seminar: Language and Rhetoric
ENGL 4695 Honours Essay
ENGL 4795 Creative and Critical Writing Honours Essay
FAVA 1026 Art Fundamentals I
FAVA 1027 Art Fundamentals II
FAVA 1206 Art History I
FAVA 1207 Art History II
FAVA 2006 Drawing I
FAVA 2007 Drawing II
FAVA 2026 Painting I
FAVA 2027 Painting II
FAVA 2046 Sculpture I
FAVA 2047 Sculpture II
FAVA 2146 Design and Colour I
FAVA 2147 Design and Colour II
FAVA 2236 Modern Art and Design History I
FAVA 2237 Modern Art and Design History II
FAVA 2346 Selected Themes in Art History I
FAVA 2347 Selected Themes in Art History II
FAVA 3026 Intaglio Printmaking
FAVA 3027 Relief Printmaking
FAVA 3036 Advanced Studio in Art
FAVA 3047 Seminar in Art
FAVA 3056 Advanced Painting I
FAVA 3057 Advanced Painting II
FAVA 3066 Photography I
FAVA 3067 Photography II
FAVA 3086 Life Drawing I
FAVA 3087 Life Drawing II
FAVA 3126 Screenprinting
FAVA 3127 Lithography
FAVA 3376 Canadian Art History I
FAVA 3377 Canadian Art History II
FAVA 4026 Special Studies in Painting I
FAVA 4027 Special Studies in Painting II
FAVA 4036 Advanced Printmaking I
FAVA 4037 Advanced Printmaking II
FAVA 4046 Art and Critical Theory I
FAVA 4047 Art and Critical Theory II
FAVA 4125 Directed Studio Research and Professional Practice
FREN 1006 Pre-Introductory French
FREN 1106 Introductory French I
FREN 1107 Introductory French II
FREN 2006 Français intermédiaire I
FREN 2007 Français intermédiaire II
FREN 2106 Histoire générale des littératures et des cultures d'expression française I
FREN 2107 Histoire générale des littératures et des cultures d'expression française II
FREN 2206 La littérature canadienne-française
FREN 2207 La littérature française pour la jeunesse
FREN 2306 Competence en communication orale
FREN 3006 Français avancé I
FREN 3007 Français avancé II
FREN 3106 Grammaire appliquée du français oral et écrit I
FREN 3107 Grammaire appliquée du français oral et écrit II
FREN 3207 Composition française
FREN 3307 Communication d'affaires
GEND 1025 Introduction to Gender Equality and Social Justice
GEND 2006 Gender and Education I
GEND 2007 Gender and Education II
GEND 2045 Women and Art History
GEND 2055 Race, Class and Sexuality
GEND 2056 Selected Topics in Culture and Criticism
GEND 2057 Selected Topics in Human Rights and Social Justice​
GEND 2066 Colonization and Indigenous Peoples​
GEND 2086 Animal Rites
GEND 2146 Law, Power and Justice
GEND 2147 Citizenship and Social Justice
GEND 2155 Selected Topics in Power and Inequality​
GEND 2157 Case Studies in Gender and the Law
GEND 2166 Women, Media and Representation
GEND 2187 International Human Rights​
GEND 2206 Sex, Body, and Identity I
GEND 2207 Sex, Body, and Identity II
GEND 2217 Gender and the Media: Themes and Controversies
GEND 2226 Case Studies in Persecution and Violent Conflict
GEND 2305 Women in Cinema
GEND 2306 Art and Social Justice
GEND 2506 Global Gender Issues
GEND 3007 Feminist Theories and Perspectives: Contemporary Issues
GEND 3026 Women and World Religions I
GEND 3027 Women and World Religions II
GEND 3036 Global Social Movements
GEND 3037 Applied Activism for Gender Equality and Social Justice​
GEND 3046 Queer Media ​
GEND 3055 Selected Topics (Advanced) in Culture and Criticism
GEND 3056 Selected Topics (Advanced) in Power and Inequality
GEND 3057 Selected Topics in Human Rights and Social Justice
GEND 3066 Canada, Colonization and the Politics of Resistance
GEND 3116 Women and Western Religions
GEND 3117 Gender and the Bible
GEND 3127 Gender, Globalization and Human Rights
GEND 3205 Philosophy of Sex and Love
GEND 3207 The United Nations and the Responsibility to Protect
GEND 3227 Transitional Justice
GEND 3306 Theories of Power and Equality
GEND 3407 Gender and Global Politics
GEND 3506 Gender and Environmental Justice I: Issues and Concepts
GEND 3507 Gender and Environmental Justice II: Sustainable Development and Environmental Activism
GEND 4005 Honours Essay
GEND 4205 Honours Seminar
GEOG 1016 Introduction to Human Geography
GEOG 1017 Introduction to Physical Geography
GEOG 2011 Fundamentals of GIS and Computer Mapping
GEOG 2017 Introduction to Geomatics
GEOG 2026 Introduction to Quantitative Methods
GEOG 2106 Geomorphology
GEOG 2107 Climatology
GEOG 2126 Physical Hydrology
GEOG 2136 Cultural Geography
GEOG 2137 Social Geography
GEOG 2226 Environment and Society
GEOG 2356 Introduction to International Development
GEOG 2406 A Geography of Canada
GEOG 2407 Selected Regions of North America
GEOG 2605 Regional Geography: Theory and Application
GEOG 2706 A Geography of Russia and the Eurasian Republics
GEOG 2707 A Geography of Eastern Europe
GEOG 2807 Local and Regional Development
GEOG 3016 Field Techniques in Geography
GEOG 3026 Geography of Developing Countries
GEOG 3027 Spatial Statistics
GEOG 3036 Air Photo Interpretation
GEOG 3056 Spatial Analysis Using GIS
GEOG 3057 Environmental Geomorphology
GEOG 3066 Remote Sensing of the Environment
GEOG 3076 Regional Geography of Africa
GEOG 3086 Principles of Biogeography
GEOG 3096 Environmental Hydrology
GEOG 3107 Weather Analysis and Forecasting
GEOG 3127 Water Resource Management
GEOG 3136 Global Economic Geographies
GEOG 3206 Urban Growth and Development
GEOG 3207 The Internal Structure of the City
GEOG 3217 Political Geography and Development
GEOG 3226 The Geography of Tourism and Recreation
GEOG 3235 Historical Geography
GEOG 3236 Geography of Environment and Health
GEOG 3306 Population Geography
GEOG 3397 Introductory Soil Science
GEOG 3436 Earth Resources
GEOG 3606 A Geography of Western Europe
GEOG 3607 Selected Regions of Western Europe
GEOG 3806 Transportation and Communication Systems
GEOG 3826 A Geography of Latin America
GEOG 3906 Selected Topics
GEOG 4057 Topics in GIS Applications
GEOG 4066 Topics in Remote Sensing Applications
GEOG 4087 Advanced Biogeography
GEOG 4106 Terrain Analysis
GEOG 4107 Impact Assessment for Resource Management
GEOG 4116 Pleistocene and Glacial Geomorphology
GEOG 4126 Applied Hydrology for Snow and Ice Environments
GEOG 4127 Lake and Wetland Environments
GEOG 4136 Applied Climatology
GEOG 4137 Paleoclimatology and Climatic Change
GEOG 4216 World Population Growth
GEOG 4227 Themes in Social and Cultural Geography
GEOG 4237 Urban Health
GEOG 4247 Watershed Modeling
GEOG 4317 Issues in Global Economic Geographies
GEOG 4397 Soil Biology and Soil Chemistry
GEOG 4437 Hazards Geography
GEOG 4806 Natural Resource Development in Regional Planning
GEOG 4807 Natural Resource Management
GEOG 4817 Urban Land Use Planning in Canada
GEOG 4906 Selected Topics in Physical Geography
GEOG 4907 Selected Topics in Human Geography
GEOG 4976 Geography Field Camp
GEOG 4977 Human Geography Field Camp
GEOG 4986 Directed Studies
GEOG 4995 Senior Seminar and Thesis
HIST 1006 Introduction to Historical Studies
HIST 1405 Power and Resistance in Canada's Past
HIST 2005 Canadian Social History
HIST 2055 History of Ancient Civilizations
HIST 2105 History of Medieval Europe
HIST 2115 Modern Europe 1789-1989
HIST 2155 Early Modern Europe
HIST 2275 Environmental History: Canada and the World
HIST 2305 The Twentieth Century World
HIST 2405 History of Modern Britain
HIST 2515 History of the United States
HIST 2555 Peace, Order and Good Government?: The State and Society in Canada since 1700
HIST 3036 Topics in the History of Canadian Culture and Identity
HIST 3106 Modern France
HIST 3116 Topics in European or World History I
HIST 3117 Topics in European or World History II
HIST 3126 Topics in European or World History III
HIST 3127 Topics in European or World History IV
HIST 3136 Selected Topics in Women's History
HIST 3196 Canada in the Twentieth Century: Selected Problems
HIST 3206 Furs, Fords and Free Trade: Business in Canadian History
HIST 3217 Topics in Nineteenth Century Canadian History
HIST 3226 Topics in Canadian Regional History
HIST 3236 Slavery in the Americas
HIST 3246 History of Quebec Since 1760
HIST 3256 History of Ontario: Selected Topics I
HIST 3257 History of Ontario: Selected Topics II
HIST 3267 Food, Land and Subsistence in Human History
HIST 3276 Topics in Environmental History
HIST 3286 Taking Liberties: Human Rights in Canadian History
HIST 3287 Canadian Working Class History
HIST 3326 New France
HIST 3346 First Nations in Historical Perspective
HIST 3355 History of Women in Canada
HIST 3357 British North America
HIST 3406 Themes in the Social History of Modern Britain
HIST 3416 War and Peace: The Making of the International System from 1648 to 1919
HIST 3417 War and Peace in the Twentieth Century
HIST 3425 History of Medieval England
HIST 3426 England 1460-1560
HIST 3427 Britain 1560-1660
HIST 3436 History of Women in Modern Western Europe
HIST 3455 Canadian Urban History
HIST 3515 Themes in American Social History
HIST 3576 America in the Colonial Era
HIST 3577 The American Revolution and Early Republic, 1763-1825
HIST 3605 Modern Germany
HIST 3616 International History of the Cold War
HIST 3626 Interwar Europe: Fascism and the Radical Right, 1918-1945
HIST 3627 Post 1945 Europe
HIST 3705 The Holocaust: Nazi Germany, World War II and the Genocide of European Jews
HIST 3716 Russian History From Kievan Rus' to the Russian Revolutions of 1917
HIST 3717 Russian-Soviet History from 1917 to 1991
HIST 3805 History of Islamic Civilization
HIST 3816 Canada in the World
HIST 3817 The United States and the World
HIST 3926 History and Historians: Ideas and Methods
HIST 3936 History of Sexuality in Western Societies I
HIST 3937 History of Sexuality in Western Societies II: Transformations of Modernity
HIST 4015 Directed Studies
HIST 4055 Research Project
HIST 4185 Canada in the Twentieth Century
HIST 4225 Canadian Social History: Selected Themes
HIST 4255 Victoria's Britain: Gender, Class and Culture in the Age of Empire
HIST 4315 Topics in North American History
HIST 4325 Oral History
HIST 4335 Topics in American History
HIST 4375 Community History: Approaches, Sources and Methods
HIST 4385 Gender in Canadian History
HIST 4425 The Era of the Renaissance
HIST 4465 Family and Community History
HIST 4485 Environmental History
HIST 4495 Britain in the Twentieth Century
HIST 4505 Topics in Medieval History
HIST 4605 Special Topics
HIST 4615 Special Topics
HIST 4625 Special Topics
HIST 4655 Western Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
HIST 4665 Twentieth Century International History to 1953
HIST 4675 International History of the Cold War
HIST 4725 The Age of Enlightenment
HIST 4775 Twentieth Century Crises in Historical Perspective
HIST 4805 War and Genocide in the Twentieth Century
HIST 4815 The Third Reich
HIST 5006 Methods in Historical Research I
HIST 5007 Methods in Historical Research II
HIST 5106 Canadian History
HIST 5217 European History
HIST 5317 International History
HIST 5406 Gender History
HIST 5407 Gender History
HIST 5416 Gender History 
HIST 5417 Gender History
HIST 5506 Directed Studies
HIST 5995 Major Research Paper
HIST 3937 History of Sexuality in Western Societies II: Transformations of Modernity
MATH 1036 Calculus I
MATH 1037 Calculus II
MATH 1046 Introductory Linear Algebra
MATH 1056 Discrete Mathematics I
MATH 1070 Fundamentals of Arithmetic for Teachers
MATH 1257 Technical Statistics
MATH 1911 Finite Mathematics
MATH 1912 Elementary Calculus
MATH 1922 Mathematics of Data Management
MATH 2036 Advanced Calculus I
MATH 2037 Advanced Calculus II
MATH 2046 Advanced Linear Algebra I
MATH 2056 Discrete Mathematics II
MATH 2076 Probability & Statistics I
MATH 2116 Geometry
MATH 2216 Introduction to Computational Geometry
MATH 2306 History of Mathematics
MATH 2386 Problem Solving
MATH 3126 Number Theory
MATH 3127 Combinatorics & Graph Theory
MATH 3136 Real Analysis I
MATH 3137 Real Analysis II
MATH 3146 Complex Analysis I
MATH 3156 Algebra I
MATH 3157 Algebra II
MATH 3166 Topology
MATH 3216 Advanced Computatiional Geometry
MATH 3256 Operations Research
MATH 3266 Differential Equations I
MATH 3267 Differential Equations II
MATH 3276 Probability & Statistics II
MATH 3286 Mathematics of Finance
MATH 3296 Mathematical Modeling
MATH 3396 Selected Topics I
MATH 3397 Selected Topics II
MATH 4496 Senior Research Project I
MATH 4497 Senior Research Project II
MATH 5036 Measure Theory
MATH 5046 Complex Analysis
MATH 5056 Algebra
MATH 5066 General Topology
MATH 5067 Introduction to Algebraic Topology
MATH 5086 Functional Analysis
MATH 6001 Major Research Paper
MATH 6101 Selected Topics in Pure Mathematics
MATH 6201 Selected Topics in Computational Mathematics
MUSC 1006 Exploring Music and Culture I
MUSC 1007 Exploring Music and Culture II
MUSC 1026 History of Western Art Music I
MUSC 1027 History of Western Art Music II
MUSC 1101 Music Theory I
MUSC 1102 Music Theory II
MUSC 1420 Applied Music I
MUSC 2006 Immigrant and Diaspora Musics in Canada
MUSC 2007 Aboriginal Musics in Canadian Contexts
MUSC 2056 Music in Popular Culture I
MUSC 2057 Music in Popular Culture II
MUSC 2126 Aural Skills
MUSC 2127 Fundamentals of Conducting
MUSC 2216 Topics in Music Education
MUSC 2255 Elementary School Music I
MUSC 2420 Applied Music II
MUSC 2606 History of Music: The Classical Period
MUSC 2616 History of Music: The Romantic Period
MUSC 2626 History of Music: The Twentieth Century
MUSC 3420 Applied Music III
NURS 1006Professional Self-Awareness
NURS 1016Nursing and Health
NURS 1017Aging and Health
NURS 1026Clinical Practicum - Nursing Healthy Individuals
NURS 1027Clinical Practicum - Nursing Older Adults
NURS 1037Health Assessment
BIOL 1011Introduction to Molecular and Cell Biology for Nursing and Physical and Health Education
BIOL 2706Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 2707Human Anatomy and Physiology II
SOCI 1016Introduction to Sociology
NURS 2007Therapeutic Relationships
NURS 2016Health Challenges
NURS 2017Nursing Across the Lifespan
NURS 2026Clinical Practicum - Nursing in the Acute Care Setting
NURS 2027Clinical Practicum - Nursing in Specialized Settings
NURS 2037Pharmacology
NURS 2047Professional Foundations in Nursing
NURS 2526Pathophysiology
BIOL 2116Principles of Microbiology
PSYC 1036Applied Developmental Psychology
NURS 3006Nursing Theories
NURS 3007Community Health Nursing
NURS 3016Family Nursing
NURS 3026Clinical Practicum - Family Nursing in Diverse Settings
NURS 3027Clinical Practicum - Nursing Communities and Populations
NURS 3036Transcultural Nursing
MATH 1257Technical Statistics
NURS 4006Nursing Informatics
NURS 4007Leadership and Management in Nursing
NURS 4016Research in Nursing and Health
NURS 4017Current Issues in Nursing
NURS 4026Clinical Practicum - Advanced Nursing Practice
NURS 4027Clinical Practicum - Preceptorship
NURS 4036Complex Health Challenges
PHIL 1115 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 2245 Philosophy of Art and Literature
PHIL 2305 Origins of Western Philosophy
PHIL 2405 Philosophy of Film
PHIL 2505 Reasoning and Logical Argument
PHIL 2525 Contemporary Moral Issues
PHIL 2606 Gender and Philosophy I
PHIL 2607 Gender and Philosophy II​
​PHIL 2706 Ethical Theory: Moral and Ethical Perspectives ​
PHIL 2915 Philosophy of Science
PHIL 3205 Philosophy of Sex and Love
PHIL 3335 History of Modern Philosophy
PHIL 3476 Existentialism I
PHIL 3477 Existentialism II
PHIL 3635 Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 3655 Philosophy of Language
PHIL 3706 Eastern Philosophy I: Confucianism, Taoism and Zen
PHIL 3707 Eastern Philosophy II: Classical Indian Philosophy
PHIL 3755 Themes in Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 4105 Directed Studies
PHIL 4205 Seminar in Problems of Philosophy
PHIL 4215 Seminar in Philosophy
PHIL 4305 Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy
PHYS 1006 General Physics I: Mechanics
PHYS 1007 General Physics II: Mechanical Wave, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
PHYS 1912 Understanding Concepts of Classical Physics
PHYS 2006 General Physics III: Electromagnetism
PHYS 2007 General Physics IV: Optics and Introduction to Modern Physics
POLI 1005 Introduction to Political Science
POLI 2106 Great Political Questions I
POLI 2107 Great Political Questions II
POLI 2206 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLI 2207 Democracy and Development
POLI 2306 The Origins of International Relations
POLI 2307 The Cold War and After
POLI 2605 Public Administration
POLI 2706 Canadian Politics
POLI 2707 Canada and the World
POLI 2905 Canadian Local Government
POLI 3106 Great Political Questions III
POLI 3116 How Political Ideas Changed the World
POLI 3206 Conflict and Unity: Political Culture in the 21st Century
POLI 3207 The Power of Political Institutions
POLI 3306 Selected Topics I
POLI 3307 Selected Topics II
POLI 3535 Women and Politics in Canada
POLI 3606 Governance in the Canadian Public Sector
POLI 3607 Public Policy
POLI 4105 Directed Studies
POLI 4205 Honours Seminar
POLI 4306 Concepts of Leadership
PSYC 1036 Applied Developmental Psychology
PSYC 1106 Introduction to Psychology I
PSYC 1107 Introduction to Psychology II
PSYC 2006 Childhood Development
PSYC 2007 Adult Development
PSYC 2020 Developmental Psychology for Educators
PSYC 2126 Scientific Method and Analysis I
PSYC 2127 Scientific Method and Analysis II
PSYC 2206 Learning I
PSYC 2257 Psychology of Art I
PSYC 2267 Psychology of Art II
PSYC 2306 Psychology of Industry and Work I
PSYC 2307 Psychology of Industry and Work II
PSYC 2506 Health Psychology
PSYC 2605 Behavioural Neuroscience
PSYC 2616 Theories of Personality
PSYC 2715 Biological Psychology
PSYC 2716 Emotion
PSYC 2806 Sports Psychology
PSYC 2807 Introduction to Social Psychology
PSYC 2906 Sensation
PSYC 2907 Perception
PSYC 3105 Comparative Psychology
PSYC 3216 Psychological Measurement I: Measuring Achievement
PSYC 3217 Psychological Measurement II: Measuring Attitude, Personality, Interest, Intelligence and Other Psychological Constructs
PSYC 3307 Learning II
PSYC 3356 Design and Analysis I
PSYC 3357 Design and Analysis II
PSYC 3405 Psychology of Education
PSYC 3506 Neuropharmacology
PSYC 3606 Psychopathology I
PSYC 3607 Psychopathology II
PSYC 3615 Psychological Disorders in Children
PSYC 3616 Personality and Adjustment
PSYC 3636 Psychology of Corrections
PSYC 3705 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 3716 Motivation
PSYC 3807 Applied Social Psychology
PSYC 3906 Special Topics in Psychology I
PSYC 3907 Special Topics in Psychology II
PSYC 3916 Advanced Readings in Psychology
PSYC 3917 Special Projects Course
PSYC 3926 Special Topics in Psychology III
PSYC 3927 Special Topics in Psychology IV
PSYC 4005 Systems and Theories in Psychology
PSYC 4105 Senior Empirical Thesis
PSYC 4206 Clinical Psychology I: Introduction to Counselling
PSYC 4207 Clinical Psychology II: Introduction to Assessment
PSYC 4215 Senior Research Seminar
PSYC 4257 Multivariate Statistics
PSYC 4616 Neural Bases of Consciousness
PSYC 4637 Psychology of Crime and Victimization
PSYC 4706 Advanced Neuroanatomy
RLCT 1025 Introduction to World Religions and Cultures
RLCT 2016 Life Rites: Ceremonies and Celebrations
RLCT 2017 Death and Immortality
RLCT 2025 Themes in Religion
RLCT 2026 The Roots of Evil
RLCT 2036 History of Christian Thought I
RLCT 2037 History of Christian Thought II
RLCT 2045 Health, Healing and Religion
RLCT 2046 Critical Themes in Eastern Religious Thought I
RLCT 2047 Critical Themes in Eastern Religious Thought II
RLCT 2056 Religion and Violence
RLCT 2057 Peace and Non-Violence
RLCT 2066 Death, Dying and Spirituality
RLCT 2067 Special Topics in Religions and Cultures
RLCT 2126 Religious Themes in Literature
RLCT 2205 Sacred Cinema: Film and the Search for Meaning
RLCT 3026 Women and World Religions I
RLCT 3027 Women and World Religions II
RLCT 3036 Themes in 20th Century Religious Thought
RLCT 3037 Figures in 20th Century Religious Thought
RLCT 3046 Religion and Science
RLCT 3105 Special Topics in Religions and Cultures
RLCT 3116 Women and Western Religions
RLCT 3117 Gender and the Bible
RLCT 3205 Philosophy of Sex and Love
RLCT 3206 Constructing Religion; Theorizing God: Theory and Method in the Study of Religion
RLCT 3207 Fundamental Concepts in the Study of Religion
RLCT 3216 Atheism, Skepticism, and Religious Faith
RLCT 3306 Holy Women: Mystics, Saints and Visionaries
RLCT 3307 Spiritual Journeys
RLCT 3406 Sacred Space
RLCT 3506 Religion and Politics
RLCT 3507 Religion and the Environment
RLCT 4005 Guided Readings in Religions and Cultures
RLCT 4205 Honours Seminar in Religions and Cultures
SWLF 1005 Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Development
SWLF 2006 Ideology and Social Welfare
SWLF 2007 Poverty and Social Policy in Canada
SWLF 2995 Community Service-Learning for Social Development​
SWLF 3006 Social and Economic Justice
SWLF 3007 History of Social Welfare
SWLF 3116 Health Care and Health Policy
SWLF 3146 Work
​SWLF 3266 Religion and Social Welfare​
SWLF 3296 Globalization and the Welfare State
SWLF 3307 Social Development in the Third World
​SWLF 3406 Colonialism in First Nations' Communities
​SWLF 3407 Social Development in First Nations' Communities​
​SWLF 3446 Women and Social Welfare
​SWLF 3506 Social Change for Social Justice​
SWLF 3706 Justice and the Poor
SWLF 3806 Family Violence
​SWLF 3807 Social and Political Violence​
SWLF 3826 Addictions​
SWLF 3916 Selected Topics in Social Welfare and Social Development
SWLF 4005 Research Essay
SWLF 4006 Social Development​		​
​SWLF 4007 Honours Seminar​
SOCI 1016 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 1017 Sociological Analysis
SOCI 2006 The Child and Society
SOCI 2007 The Adolescent and Society
SOCI 2016 Classical Sociological Theory
SOCI 2017 Contemporary Sociological Theory
SOCI 2036 Introduction to Social Gerontology
SOCI 2037 Sociology of Family and Household Relationships
SOCI 2046 Minority Groups in Canada
​SOCI 2066 Social Stratification
SOCI 2076 Deviance and Conformity
SOCI 2091 Sociology for Educators I: Social Theory and Education
SOCI 2092 Sociology for Educators II: Social Issues in Education
SOCI 2126 Social Research Methods
SOCI 2127 Social Statistics and Data Analysis
SOCI 2196 Sociology of Medicine
SOCI 2236 Sociology of Human Sexual Behaviour: Love, Sex, and Intimacy
SOCI 2237 Sociology of Human Sexual Behaviour: Varieties of Human Sexual Behaviour
SOCI 2256 Globalization and Development ​
SOCI 3006 The Sociology of Collective Behaviour
SOCI 3016 Critical Perspectives on Sociological Theory
SOCI 3026 Sociology of Work
SOCI 3036 Qualitative Research Methods
SOCI 3057 Demography: Introduction to Population Studies ​
SOCI 3076 Mass Culture and Mass Media I: Journalism and Mass Communication
SOCI 3077 Mass Culture and Mass Media II: Mass Culture in Modern Societies
SOCI 3086 Law and Society
SOCI 3087 Society, Law and Social Change
SOCI 3136 Ageism
SOCI 3146 Age and Culture
SOCI 3156 Women and Age
SOCI 3166 Social Epidemiology: The Social Determinants of Health
SOCI 3176 Age, Health, and Work I
SOCI 3177 Age, Health, and Work II
SOCI 3186 Health and the Family
SOCI 3226 Survey Research
SOCI 3506 Social Problems
SOCI 4006 Independent Studies I
SOCI 4007 Independent Studies II
SOCI 4016 Advanced Sociological Theory
SOCI 4027 Feminist Sociological Theory
SOCI 4096 Honours Thesis I
SOCI 4097 Honours Thesis II
SOCI 4127 Applied Multivariate Statistics
SOCI 4136 Social Theories in Aging
SOCI 4137 Selected Topics in Aging
​SOCI 4206 Determinants of Population Change ​
SOCI 4546 Honours Seminar
SOCI 4557 Honours Seminar
STEC 3997 Practicum I
STEC 4997 Practicum II
ESPA 1005 Introductory Spanish
ESPA 2005 Intermediate Spanish
ESPA 2705 An Introduction to Hispanic Culture and Civilization
UNIV 1011 University Success
UNIV 2011 Introduction to Community Service-Learning

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