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echo will not print out a value. I do the simple string " " and it doesn't even do that. It's just blank in my browser. I use netbeans and firefox and chrome. Any idea as to what I'm doing wrong? Simple code snippet:




<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>

<title>PHP Testing</title>




echo "print me";





Thanks for any future help.

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Most likely cause:  You do not have PHP installed and running properly.



Open the page in your browser and view-source.  If you can see your <?php ?> tags and the code between them, then your PHP is not setup properly and your pages are not being executed.


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Do you have a web server that supports PHP? as the <?php ?> will just been seen as a XML entity and not render any of the contents in the browser. Look at the source of the page and if the PHP is still embedded then your web server doesn't support PHP.


Also, are you just trying to open the .php file in a browser if so this also won't work as the PHP files need to go through the PHP Binary to be compiled on the fly.

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I suppose I should have clarified: Everything else on the Site is in .php.  Everything else works fine.  :)


This is exactly the contents of the file, which is named test.php


echo "<a href='test.php?v4=".$v4."> Places</a>";

echo "<a href='test.php?v4=$v4'>Places</a>";

echo "<a href='test.php?v4=Utah'>Places</a>";





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I suppose I should have clarified: Everything else on the Site is in .php.  Everything else works fine.  :)


This is exactly the contents of the file, which is named test.php


echo "<a href='test.php?v4=".$v4."> Places</a>";

echo "<a href='test.php?v4=$v4'>Places</a>";

echo "<a href='test.php?v4=Utah'>Places</a>";






What cant you display them either? With double quotes, you do not need any ' around your link:

echo "<a href=test.php?v4=Utah>Places</a>";

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Wow.  Thank you for all these fast replies!


AGuyWithAthing: I'm not sure if it supports it or not.  How would I find this out?  And I tried both from the actual file and through pushing the run button.


Mavent:  Sorry, I'm not sure what you mean.


Are you using a host service like godaddy or something. Or are you using a localhost, i.e, YOU installed php on your computer. If you using neither, then you will not see any php.

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Usually a quick way to test if it's working is to put a php info file in the root of your webserver.


If you're using xampp for windows the dir is usually C:\Program Files\xammp\htdocs or something along those lines ain't used XAMPP in years. Make a file like phpinfo.php (be sure that the extension is PHP enable show file extensions in your folder settings) and in that file add the following:





Then go to http://localhost/phpinfo.php and see if you get a page similar to : http://www.n3tw0rk.co.uk/info.php

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I installed xampp and had to put my projects in the htdocs folder and change a few settings and it worked.  A co-worker helped with the final touches of this problem but I thank you all for your helpful and quick replies.  Back to work for me!!  haha  Thank you.

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