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Sum calculation


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I'm working on a database what I would like to do is find out of the number of total number of employees that migrated I would only like to find how many migrated. For example there 5 cases there are a 95 total employees out of them 3 cases migrated with a total of 65 migrates. I would like to know how can I get this to work with my existing SQL statement.




$sql= "SELECT effdate, carrier, COUNT(carrier), SUM(employees), COUNT(employees) , SUM(IF(migrate = 'Yes', 1, 0)) AS 'migrate_yes' FROM info WHERE effdate = '$date_search_8' GROUP BY carrier  WITH ROLLUP LIMIT 0 , 30";


Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Thanks for replying but it doesn't work it gives me a weird number.


quote author=Muddy_Funster link=topic=350723.msg1655562#msg1655562 date=1325163381]

This should work:

SELECT effdate, carrier, COUNT(carrier), SUM(employees), COUNT(employees) , (( SELECT count(employees) FROM info WHERE migrate = 'yes')) AS 'migrate_yes' FROM info WHERE effdate = '$date_search_8' GROUP BY carrier  WITH ROLLUP LIMIT 0 , 30


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I'm working on a database what I would like to do is find out of the number of total number of employees that migrated I would only like to find how many migrated. For example there 5 cases there are a 95 total employees out of them 3 cases migrated with a total of 65 migrates. I would like to know how can I get this to work with my existing SQL statement.




$sql= "SELECT effdate, carrier, COUNT(carrier), SUM(employees), COUNT(employees) , SUM(IF(migrate = 'Yes', 1, 0)) AS 'migrate_yes' FROM info WHERE effdate = '$date_search_8' GROUP BY carrier  WITH ROLLUP LIMIT 0 , 30";


Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


The explanation of your apparent objectives (in bold) is really not clear to me, could you explain it better?.. an example showing part of your real data and the expected result will help to offer you an answer


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Mikoskio in the picture below this is what I currently have do you see where "Employees" are listed well out of those i need to get a total of how many employees of those were yes when selected in the database. I currently have all of the employees from all  the carriers regardless if it was yes or no. So what I need is a new column that would show migrated(employees)


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I understood that.... you didn't answer my question nor provided the required information ... asking again:

and what represent your column "Migrated" actually? (here I'm asking regarding to the picture that you provide)  or that is the column that you want to obtain?


and post the exact SELECT that you have today to produce the result that you shown

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This is the SQL statement I'm using today that produced that picture



$sql= "SELECT effdate, carrier, COUNT(carrier), SUM(employees), COUNT(employees) , SUM(IF(migrate = 'Yes', 1, 0)) AS 'migrate_yes' FROM info WHERE effdate = '$date_search_8' GROUP BY carrier  WITH ROLLUP LIMIT 0 , 30";



It should look like this


carrier          Case          employees      migrated      #of migrate employees


Aetna            15                  6                    3                      2

HIP                7                  71                  4                      23

Oxford            25                10                  1                      3


Do you see from the overall total of employees I need to get how many migrated out of the total. I hope this is clear.

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I don't follow... your SUM(IF(migrate='YES',1,0)) is doing exactly that... is not clear from the select that you shown how you produce the output...


$sql= "SELECT effdate, carrier, COUNT(carrier), SUM(employees), COUNT(employees) , SUM(IF(migrate = 'Yes', 1, 0)) AS 'migrate_yes' FROM info WHERE effdate = '$date_search_8' GROUP BY carrier  WITH ROLLUP LIMIT 0 , 30";


- effdate is not shown in you final output and anyway it will not have any meaning at all because your GROUP BY.

- carrier ... OK... it is shown.

- COUNT(carrier)... is this the column 'Case' ??

- SUM(employees) ... is this your column 'Employees'?... what are you summing ?... the employees Id's?

- COUNT(employees)... what column is this in your output?... seems logical to me that it should be your column 'employees' in your output.

- SUM(IF...)) this is the column 'Migrated'?... should be.. an it represent the number of migrated employees for a carrier (the ones that have a 'YES' in the column Migrated in your table


your last column '# of migrated employees' doesn't make sense to me... I do not understand from your explanations what that could be... maybe it make sense for someone else.



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Thanks to everyone that attempted to help me with this problem. I guess sometimes it's best to grab the bull by the horns and try to wrestle it down yourself. This has been offically solved. By plugging this into my SQL statement it gave me the difference of the employee total and the employee total that actually migrated. I hope this helps someone in the future.


(SUM(employees)- SUM(CASE WHEN migrate = 'Yes' THEN 0 ELSE employees END)) AS 'migrate_total' FROM info

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