php-newbies Posted December 29, 2011 Share Posted December 29, 2011 Merry xmas and happy new in advance to you all. I have a web form where user submit an ad. Everything is working just fine. However there is a field name brief. The brief field is where user add info about their ad. Now people are including web url, phone numbers and email address in this field which make the ad look like spam. In the code there is already a function that check if they have entered their email address in the email field. I want to add a function to the check field to include the brief field. The function should either automatically delete any phone number/email addr/web url or replace with with my website name if detected in the brief field. Your help will be highly appreciated. <?php function check_fields() { global $db_entry, $visible_val, $cat_fields, $email, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $photos_count, $phptomaxsize, $userfile, $prviewphotomax, $incl_prevphoto, $incl_mtmdfile, $mtmdfile_maxs, $userfile_name, $select_text, $msg2; if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $key5 => $value ) { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key5]=addslashes($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key5]); } } foreach ( $cat_fields as $key => $value ) { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=ereg_replace('<', '<', $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=ereg_replace('>', '>', $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); if ($cat_fields[$key][2]=="minmax") { $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=ereg_replace(',', '', $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=preg_replace ('/[A-Za-z]|\$|,|\?|\+/', "", $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); } if ($cat_fields[$key][4]=="date") { $key_d=$key."_dd"; $key_m=$key."_mm"; $key_y=$key."_yy"; $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_y]."-".$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_m]."-".$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_d]; if (($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_m] > 12) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_m] < 1) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_d] > 31) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_d] < 1) or ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key_y] < 1)) { $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['incorr_date_f']." ".$cat_fields[$key][0]." </font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } if ($cat_fields[$key][4]=="checkbox") { $aa5=split('<option>',$cat_fields[$key][7]); $i_aa5=0; foreach ($aa5 as $value1) { $i_aa5++; $namechbx=$key.$i_aa5; if ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$namechbx]!="") {$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key].$HTTP_POST_VARS[$namechbx]."; ";} } } $str_length1=strlen($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]); $aa4=split(':',$cat_fields[$key][3]); $fmaxsize=$aa4[1]; if ($aa4[2]!="") $fmaxsize=$aa4[2]; $fmaxsize=2*$fmaxsize; if ( $str_length1 > $fmaxsize) { $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Ad_info_in_field']." <font class='msgf1' >".$cat_fields[$key][0]." </font> ".$msg2['is_too_large_inf']."</font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } if ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]==$select_text) {$HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]="";} if ($cat_fields[$key][5]=='1') { if (( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=="") or ( $HTTP_POST_VARS[$key]=="http://")) { $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Ad_field_c']." <font class='msgf1' > ".$cat_fields[$key][0]." </font> ".$msg2['was_mising_on_form']."</font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } if ($cat_fields['email'][5]=='1'){ $HTTP_POST_VARS['email']=check_email($HTTP_POST_VARS['email']); } for ($i=1; $i<=$photos_count; $i++) { $i1=$i-1; if (file_exists($userfile[$i1])){ if (filesize($userfile[$i1]) > $phptomaxsize) { $phptomaxsize1=$phptomaxsize/1000; $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Your_photo_n']." $i ( ".$userfile_name[$i1]." ) ".$msg2['is_too_large_ph']." < $phptomaxsize1 ".$msg2['Kbyte_v'].". </font></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } if ($incl_prevphoto=="yes") { $i1++; if (file_exists($userfile[$i1])){ if (filesize($userfile[$i1]) > $prviewphotomax) { $prviewphotomax1=$prviewphotomax/1000; $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Your_preview_photo_d']." ( ".$userfile_name[$i1]." ) ".$msg2['is_too_large_prph']." < $prviewphotomax1 ".$msg2['Kbyte_v'].". </font></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } if ($incl_mtmdfile=="yes") { $i1++; if (file_exists($userfile[$i1])){ if (filesize($userfile[$i1]) > $mtmdfile_maxs) { $mtmdfile_maxs1=$mtmdfile_maxs/1000; $message=" <center> <font class='msgf2' > ".$msg2['Your_multimedia_file']." ".$userfile_name[$i1]." ".$msg2['is_too_large_mmf']." < $mtmdfile_maxs1 ".$msg2['Kbyte_v'].". </font></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } } function checknusrads() { global $cat_fields, $table_ads, $ct, $page, $adsonpage, $html_header, $html_footer, $usrads_chcktime, $usrads_max, $categories,$ch_nmusr, $REMOTE_ADDR, $msg2, $msg, $templ, $indx_url; $timech1=time() - $usrads_chcktime*86400; $sql_query="select count(idnum) from $table_ads where ipaddr1='$REMOTE_ADDR' and time > $timech1"; $sql_res=mysql_query("$sql_query"); $row=mysql_fetch_row($sql_res); $count=$row[0]; if ($count >= $usrads_max) { $message=" <font class='msgf2'> <center> ".$msg2['exceeded_max_n_ads']." ($usrads_max) ".$msg2['allowed_per_time_p']." ($usrads_chcktime ".$msg2['days_v']." <p> <font class='stfnt'> <a href='{$indx_url}md=browse&ipaddr1=$REMOTE_ADDR&visunvis=1'>".$msg2['Click_here_v']." </a> ".$msg2['to_see_your_ads']." </font> </center> </font> "; $thtml= " <center><table width='400'><tr><td> <font class='stfntb'> <b><a href='$indx_url'>".$msg['top'].":</a></b></font> <font class='stfntb'> <b> <a href='{$indx_url}ct=$ct'>".$categories[$ct][0]." </b></a> </font> <hr size='1'><p> $message <p><hr size='1'> </tr></td></table> </center> "; include($templ['msg']); return; } } function check_duplication() { global $pradsdupl, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $table_ads, $msg2, $ct, $indx_url; if ($pradsdupl=='yes'){ $email_d=$HTTP_POST_VARS['email']; $title_d=$HTTP_POST_VARS['title']; $dupl_k="0"; $time1=time() - 1000; $sql_query="select idnum from $table_ads where title='$title_d' and email='$email_d' and catname='$ct' and (time > $time1)"; $sql_res=mysql_query("$sql_query"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($sql_res)) { $dupl_id=$row['idnum']; $dupl_k="1"; } if ($dupl_k=="1"){ global $moderating; $title_d=stripslashes($title_d); if ($moderating!="yes"){ $ttlad1="<a href='{$indx_url}md=details&ct=$ct&id=$dupl_id'>$title_d (ID# $dupl_id)</a>"; } else {$ttlad1="<font color='#000077'>$title_d (ID# $dupl_id)</font>";} $message=" <center> <font FACE='ARIAL, HELVETICA' COLOR='#880000' > <b> ".$msg2['tried_duplicate_ad']." <br> $ttlad1 </font></b></font> </center> "; output_mssg_ex($message); return; } } } function submit_ad() { global $db_entry, $visible_val, $cat_fields, $email, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $ch_nmusr, $photo_url, $photo_path, $id_count, $userfile, $userfile_name, $visible_val, $html_header, $html_footer, $msg, $msg2, $paymgtw, $photos_url, $photos_path, $photos_count, $moderating, $ad_idnum, $sndadmnotif,$use_spmg, $templ; global $actadoptv; if($actadoptv=="yes"){$moderating="yes"; include_once("actlink.php");} global $usevrfcode; if ($usevrfcode=="yes"){include_once("vrfuncs.php"); if(!ch_vrcode()){return;}} if($paymgtw=="yes"){include("ecmc.php"); check_pmsubmit();} if ($ch_nmusr=="yes"){checknusrads();} check_fields(); ?> Many thanks again Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
php-newbies Posted March 3, 2012 Author Share Posted March 3, 2012 I have been struggling with this code but still having problem. Any help will be highly appreciated. This is the new function I am trying to run but keep getting error. I have this code on the submit.php file, but I am getting a syntax error. function check_fields() { $HTTP_POST_VARS['brief']=preg_replace("/0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9/", /www/",/@/",""$HTTP_POST_VARS['brief']); } Many thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
litebearer Posted March 3, 2012 Share Posted March 3, 2012 Just some observations... 1. $HTTP_POST_VARS is deprecated - use $_POST 2. preg_replace takes 3 params - pattern, replacement, string - look at your code to be sue you don't have a typo 3. simply removing the @ will not solve your issue with email addresses 4. removing numbers might cause problems if - "We have 3 rooms for you to use" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
php-newbies Posted March 3, 2012 Author Share Posted March 3, 2012 Just some observations... 1. $HTTP_POST_VARS is deprecated - use $_POST 2. preg_replace takes 3 params - pattern, replacement, string - look at your code to be sue you don't have a typo 3. simply removing the @ will not solve your issue with email addresses 4. removing numbers might cause problems if - "We have 3 rooms for you to use" Could you please correct me where the error is? Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
litebearer Posted March 3, 2012 Share Posted March 3, 2012 Try this... $string = $_POST['brief']; $pattern = "/\d|@/"; $replacement = ""; $brief = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement,$string); echo "Before: <br />" . $string . "<hr>"; echo "After:<br />" . $brief; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
php-newbies Posted March 4, 2012 Author Share Posted March 4, 2012 Thanks for the help, could you please comment what each line of code does. Thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
litebearer Posted March 4, 2012 Share Posted March 4, 2012 $string = $_POST['brief']; /* simply put the post variable into a string */ $pattern = "/\d|@/"; /* the forward slash starts and stops your pattern - the \d says any number. the pipe | says here is another 'item' in the pattern */ $replacement = ""; /* describes what you will be using to replace found items */ $brief = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement,$string); /* performs the replacement */ echo "Before: <br />" . $string . "<hr>"; /* these next two lines are just so you can test what has happened */ echo "After:<br />" . $brief; Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
php-newbies Posted March 4, 2012 Author Share Posted March 4, 2012 Thank you so much. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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