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Thanks, not too sure what I need to do though, here is the code I have:

foreach($_SESSION['notopping'] as $key => $value) {
$_SESSION['topping2'] = " $value x $key ";
echo $_SESSION['topping2'];


My problem is, if I try adding the topping2 session, it only shows the last variable spat out by the foreach, how do I send everything that is done within the foreach?





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Thanks - I have this which I was helped with here a few days ago, but I have a problem.  Within the array is a key and value, both of which I need to display.  With this code it only shows the value, they key isn't showing.


$last = array_pop($_SESSION['notopping']);	
$topping = implode(', ', $_SESSION['notopping']). ' & ' .$last;
echo $topping;

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Ah, didn't realize the key was also significant. The problem with your current foreach() loop is that you're overwriting the value of $_SESSION['topping2'] on each iteration, so that's why you end up with only the last value. So, change it to write the values to $_SESSION['topping2'][], and then use implode on that resulting array.

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Right, I follow now but I can't get $_SESSION['topping2'][] to work - it says that it's not correct.  Which bit of code are you basing this on?  I tried different ways with both part of code I posted (I went for the foreach example as that's where you'd taken the session reference from.  Should this all be done with no foreach loop?


Thanks for your invaluable help!



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Here's both (one I preferred using is commented out, as it added commas and ampersand, one that works is fine, just don't like output display!)


/* $last = array_pop($_SESSION['notopping']);	
$topping = implode(', ', $_SESSION['notopping']). ' & ' .$last;
echo $topping;
foreach($_SESSION['notopping'] as $key => $value) {
$_SESSION['topping2'] = " $value x $key ";
echo $_SESSION['topping2'];





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This should be what you're after, I believe.


foreach($_SESSION['notopping'] as $key => $value) {
$_SESSION['topping2'][] = " $value x $key "; // add each pair to a new array element
$list = implode( ', ', $_SESSION['topping2'] ); // $list now contains a comma separated string of the "key x value" pairs
echo $list;

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Woohoo! Thanks - also made a slight modification using the other code, this now works exactly as I need it, also means I can input this straight to mysql!


Fantastic, thanks for solving 4 days working of sleepless nights and working days spent not concentrating on what I'm supposed to be doing!


foreach($_SESSION['notopping'] as $key => $value) {
$_SESSION['topping2'][] = " $value x $key "; // add each pair to a new array element
$last = array_pop($_SESSION['topping2']);
$list = implode( ', ', $_SESSION['topping2']). ' & ' .$last; // $list now contains a comma separated string of the "key x value" pairs
echo $list;


Thanks again!



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