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can someone help to add new products and increase the quantity of the product when pressing the + button, but it works for [-]


			include "./php/connection.php";

			function products () {
				$query = "SELECT * FROM product";
				if (@mysql_num_rows($query)==0) {
					echo "There are no products to display!";
				else {
					while ($query_row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
							"<div class='product'>" .
								"<img class='img' src=". $row["Image"]." alt='phone' width='100' height='150' />" .
								"<p class='name'>".$row["Name"]."</p>".
								"<p class='price'>£". $row["Price"] ."</p>".
								"<p><a href='./cart.php?ProductID=". $row["ProductID"]."' class='myButton'>More Info</a></p>".

			if (isset($_GET['ProductID'])) {
				$quantity = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM product WHERE ProductID = ' .$_GET["ProductID"]);
				while ($quantity_row = mysql_fetch_array($quantity)) {
					if ($quantity_row["Quantity"]!=@$_SESSION["cart_".$_GET["ProductID"]]) {


			if (isset($_GET["remove"])) {
				header("Location: ./cart.php"); # Go back to the login pages

			if (isset($_GET["delete"])) {
				header("Location: ./cart.php"); # Go back to the login pages

			function paypal_items() {
				$num = 0;
				foreach($_SESSION as $name => $value) {
					if ($value!=0) {
						if (substr($name, 0, 5) == "cart_") {
							$productid = substr($name, 5, (strlen($name)-5));
							$query = mysql_query('SELECT ProductID, Manufacturer, model, Price FROM product WHERE ProductID =' .$productid);
							while ($query_row = @mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
								echo '<input type="hidden" name="item_number_'.$num.'" value="'.$productid.'">';
								echo '<input type="hidden" name="item_name_'.$num.'" value="'.$query_row['Name'].'">';
								echo '<input type="hidden" name="amount_'.$num.'" value="'.$query_row['Price'].'">';
								echo '<input type="hidden" name="shpping_'.$num.'" value="0">';
								echo '<input type="hidden" name="shpping_'.$num.'" value="0">';
								echo '<input type="hidden" name="quantity_'.$num.'" value="'.$value.'">';

			function cart () {
				"<table id='producttable' border='1'>".
						"<td class='td top'>Delete</td>".
						"<td class='td top'>Product Name</td>".
						"<td class='td top'>Quantity</td>".
						"<td class='td top'>Price</td>".
						"<td class='td top'>Sub Total</td>".
				foreach($_SESSION as $name => $value) {
					if ($value>0) {
						if (substr($name, 0, 5) == "cart_") {
								$productid = substr($name, 5, (strlen($name)-5));
								$query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM product WHERE ProductID =' .$productid);
								while ($query_row = @mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
									$sub = $query_row["Price"] * $value;
										"<td class='td'><a href='./cart.php?delete=".$productid."'> [Delete] </a></td>".
										"<td class='td'>".$query_row["Manufacturer"]."</td>".
										"<td class='td'>".$value."</td>".
										"<td class='td'><a href='./cart.php?ProductID=".$productid."'> [+] </a>£".$query_row["Price"]."<a href='./cart.php?remove=".$productid."'> [-] </a></td>".
										"<td class='td'>£".$sub."</td>".
						@$total += $sub;
				if (@$total==0) {
					echo "<p>Your basket is empty</p>";
				else {
					echo @" Total: &pound" .$total;
                            <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
                                <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart">
							<input type="hidden" name="upload" value="1">
                                <input type="hidden" name="business" value="[email protected]">
                                <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="GBP">
                                <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo $total; ?>">
                                <input type="image" src="http://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but03.gif" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!">
				echo "</table>";	

			echo cart();
			echo products();

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the whole code is relevent , and when you add new product on to the cart it does not update the cart thats in and it will not increse the quantity of the product in the cart


if (isset($_GET['ProductID'])) {
				$quantity = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM product WHERE ProductID = ' .$_GET["ProductID"]);
				while ($quantity_row = mysql_fetch_array($quantity)) {
					if ($quantity_row["Quantity"]!=@$_SESSION["cart_".$_GET["ProductID"]]) {





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I'm sorry but did you write this? All the threads you've started here have just been a long snippet of code with very little information and you've just asked us to fix it for you. If you did write it, please explain exactly what's going on; what are you requesting to update the quantity, what is happening, what errors are you getting, etc.


If you can't answer these questions then you need to post this in the freelance section, because we're not here to do it all for you. Apologies if I've got you wrong, happy to help if you'll provide a better description of the problem.

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