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need some help again


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Me again i will get the hang of this one day :)


I have a form that has 3 fields battleno, asname, amon. I can send the arrays to the next page and echo them out no problem, but this is individually.


What i am unable to do is add the other 2 fields into the code below so the code keeps working. I have tried a few things and well i thought it was time to post. I have a few books but there is nothing in them about this. Also searched the internet but there is little that i understand to be honest and the things i did find dont work. battleno is not an array btw the other 2 are.


foreach($_POST['asname'] as $row => $assetname)


$asname = mysql_real_escape_string($assetname);

$query = "INSERT INTO `assetlist` (`asset`) VALUES ('$asname')";







echo "$row record added<br />";





Hope that makes sense and thanks in advance.



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I think you want to be looking at multi dimensional arrays (siplified they are arrays within arrays). something like :

$master = array();

foreach ($_POST['asname'] as $key => $value){

$master['asname'][$key] = $value;


then use more foreach along with explode to build up a single insert string that you can run on the database.  you could user the $_POST array, but I preffer to leave that alone whenever I can.

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cheers. maybe i am unsure to be honest. If i was doing it with out arrays i would have something like.



$value1 = $_POST['value1'];

$value2 = $_POST['value1'];

$value3 = $_POST['value1'];


$app_sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO table (value1, value 2, value3)

        VALUES('$value1', '$value2','$value3')")

        or die (mysql_error());



    echo 'There has been an error creating your account. Please contact the webmaster.';




echo"Done info has been added";



But with the information coming from arrays well i just get lost.

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OK taking the advise above i have made some small headway. However i have a problem i have no idea how to fix.


Ok the problem is the array is carrying empty fields. So there is 26 fields and people can fill out anything from 1 of them to 26. If you say fill out 3 of the fields you get a result like.


Returned Value 1

Returned Value 2

Returned Value 3


Empty x 21.

And then it adds 21 empty fields to the database. My question is how do i make it so it only add fields to the database that has content rather than adding the full 26 rows.


Hope it makes sense.


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I am getting close well what i class has close lol. However i have 1 problem well 2.


$battleno = $_POST['battleno'];

$asname = $_POST['asname'];

$amon = $_POST['amon'];

$amon = (array_filter($amon));

foreach ($asname as $asname)



  foreach ($amon as $amon)


// {

$query = "INSERT INTO `assetlist` (`battleid` , `asset` , `amount`) VALUES ('$battleno' , '$asname' , '$amon')";







echo "$amon | $asname record added<br />";








Doing it like this adds everything fine exsept the amon field it adds only the last number from the array.



$battleno = $_POST['battleno'];

$asname = $_POST['asname'];

$amon = $_POST['amon'];

$amon = (array_filter($amon));

foreach ($asname as $asname)



  foreach ($amon as $amon)



$query = "INSERT INTO `assetlist` (`battleid` , `asset` , `amount`) VALUES ('$battleno' , '$asname' , '$amon')";







echo "$amon | $asname record added<br />";








Doing it with the { } back in add everything fine expect the asname field where it add only the last select item from the array.


I realize that the coding is prob all wrong but it sort of works :)

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OK, I'll attempt this, even though I am not 100% sure what the data holds.


$battleno = $_POST['battleno']; //integer?
$asname = $_POST['asname']; //array of names that matches the count of the amon array BEFORE taking out empty values?
$amon = $_POST['amon']; //amon array.
$combined = array_combine($asname,$amon); //combine the arrays, so that asname is keys, and amon is values.
foreach ($combined as $asn => $am)
    if(!empty($am)) { $parts[] = "('$battleno' , '$asn' , '$am')"); } //if amon is not empty, add it to the query.
$query = "INSERT INTO `assetlist` (`battleid` , `asset` , `amount`) VALUES " . implode(', ',$parts);
mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error($query . ' has encountered an error: <br />' . mysql_error());

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