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Hello to all...


Can someone help me on this one? I have a hard time on modifying this code. This code was given to me as the reply on my old post.. However i put the wrong string on that post.. Now my problem is how to parse again this string


"3032117","+639217195804","+447537404702","test","2012-01-13","03:26:15","test another sample sms. this is a sample sms",""

"3032118","+639105701066","+447537404702","test","2012-01-14","03:27:12","test sms sample 2. test only.",""

I need to drop the #1#, and split the string into an array on +447537404702..Please refer on the code below

function parse_csv($line,$delimiter=',',$quote = '"',$newline="\n") {
$line = str_replace("\r\n",$newline,$line); //change extended newlines.
$line = str_replace("\n",$newline,$line);  //this is here in case you pass a different newline to the function.
$line = str_replace('"",""','',$line); //remove double quoted commas.
$line = str_replace($quote,'',$line); //remove quotes.
$line = preg_replace('~,{2,}~',',',$line); //remove double commas.
if(strstr($line,$newline)) {
	$parts = explode($newline,$line); //all new lines should be an array.
if(isset($parts) && is_array($parts)) { //if a newline exists
	foreach($parts as $value) {	//rerun the function on each line.
		$result = parse_csv($value,$delimiter,$quote,$newline);
		//only include the results, if there is more than 1 line;
		if(isset($result[1])) {
			$arr[] = $result;
else {
	$arr = explode($delimiter,$line); //make an array based on the delimiter.
	//cleanup = delete lines that has no values.
	foreach($arr as $k => $v) {
		if(empty($v)) {
return $arr;

$file ='#1#
"3032117","+639217195804","+447537404702","test","2012-01-13","03:26:15","test another sample sms. this is a sample sms",""
"3032118","+639105701066","+447537404702","test","2012-01-14","03:27:12","test sms sample 2. test only.",""';

$array = parse_csv($file,',','"',"+447980123456");

echo '<pre>' . print_r($array,true) . '</pre>'; //show the array construct.

//echoing the values out.
foreach($array as $key => $value) {
echo '<h4>' . $key . '</h4>';
foreach($value as $v2) {
	echo $v2 . '<br />';
echo '<hr />';


This is the wrong string

#1# "4","+447980123456","+447781484145","","2009-06-08","10:38:15","hello "","" world","Orange" "5","+447980123456","+447781484146","","2009-07-08","10:38:55","hello world","Orange"


Can someone help me on this one? any help will be appreciated...


Thanks in advance!


This is the link on my old post http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=351398.new;topicseen#new

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Hello sir


I think im stuck on this part of the code

foreach($parts as $value) {	//rerun the function on each line.
		$result = parse_csv($value,$delimiter,$quote,$newline);
		//only include the results, if there is more than 1 line;
		if(isset($result[1])) {
			$arr[] = $result;

When i change $result[1] into $result[2] i would get the result that i want however on that result it wont show my mobile numbers that is not equal +447537404702





test another sample sms. this is a sample sms





test sms sample 2. test only.


Thanks in advance sir....

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