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MYSQL Client server version 5.0.45





Hi All!


Got a little irritating problem going on when trying to allow a user to log on with their credentials.

I've created the relevant tables, defined connection correctly etc but every time I enter in the correct user account details , it always displays the message I created for when the user account details are wrong.


Here is the code:







$find_user_sql = "SELECT `ad_aid`, `ad_aus` FROM `ad_users` WHERE `ad_aus` = '" . $find_user_usr . "' AND `ad_apa` = '" . $find_user_pas . "'";

$find_user_res = mysql_query($find_user_sql);




if(mysql_num_rows($find_user_res) > 1|| mysql_num_rows($find_user_res) < 1){







<div id="loginbox">

<div id="loginbox-logo"> </div>

<div id="loginbox-content">

<div id="content-error">


<p>The details you entered were incorrect.</p>




<form action="login.php" method="post">

<p>Admin Username:<br />

<input type="text" name="ad_user" autocomplete="off" />


<p>Admin Password:<br />

<input type="password" name="ad_pass" autocomplete="off" />



<br />


<input type="submit" name="ad_submit" value="Log me in »" id="login_button" />





<div id="loginbox-bottom"> </div>











$insert_fail_attempt_sql = "INSERT INTO `ad_fail_log` VALUES (NULL, NULL, '" . visitorIP() . "')";












$find_user = mysql_fetch_assoc($find_user_res);




$_SESSION['ad_user'] = $find_user['ad_aus'];

$_SESSION['ad_aid'] = $find_user['ad_aid'];



<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=../ad/index.php">

<div id="loginbox">

<div id="loginbox-logo"> </div>

<div id="loginbox-content">

<p>Logging In...<br /><br /><br /><br />

<center><img src="images/login-loader.gif" /></center>



<div id="loginbox-bottom"> </div>




















What the aim of the script is, is to allow users to log in then be taken to a page called index.php . I also have a include php script called check.php (below) which checks users accounts:












if(!empty($_SESSION['adm_user']) && !empty($_SESSION['adm_aid'])){


$check_user_sql = "SELECT `adm_ana`, `adm_per` FROM `pb_admin_users` WHERE `adm_aus` = '" . $_SESSION['adm_user'] . "' AND `adm_aid` = '" . $_SESSION['adm_aid'] . "'";

$check_user_res = mysql_query($check_user_sql);


if(mysql_num_rows($check_user_res) > 1 || mysql_num_rows($check_user_res) < 1)){


$check_user = mysql_fetch_assoc($check_user_res);

$_SESSION['adm_name'] = $check_user['adm_ana'];

$_SESSION['adm_perm'] = $check_user['adm_per'];



header('Location: https://*website*/' . DIR_ADM . '/login.php');





header('Location: https://*website*/' . DIR_ADM . '/login.php');









I know it's got something to do with the if(mysql_num_rows($find_user_res) > 1|| mysql_num_rows($find_user_res) < 1){ , but I don't know why its rejecting correct username and password .


I've tried fiddling around with the mysql_num_rows value to 1 or 0 or ==1 etc but it will only do one of the following:


- State that my username and password are incorrect(when they're not)


- Seem as if it is logging in by displaying "logging in" then for it to only display the login.php page again




I would be very grateful if anyone could give me some pointers!!  :confused: :confused:

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Make sure your query is not failing by checking the result of mysql_query before doing anything else:


(use code tags when posting your code, like this)

$find_user_res = mysql_query($find_user_sql);
if (!$find_user_res){
   echo "Query failed: {$find_user_sql}<br>";
   echo "Mysql says: ".mysql_error()."<br>";


As for checking if a row matched, don't even both with the num rows check, just try and fetch the result and see if it succeeds:

$find_user_res = mysql_query($find_user_sql);
if (!$find_user_res){
   echo "Query failed: {$find_user_sql}<br>";
   echo "Mysql says: ".mysql_error()."<br>";

$find_user = mysql_fetch_assoc($find_user_res);
if (!$find_user){
   //No row was found, assume invalid login.
else {
   //user login successful.  $find_user contains the user details.


Thanks for the response!!


Ok with regards to the first bit, I have been able to ensure that the SQL is correct.


The second part, its still displaying the "details you entered are incorrect" . With the help you kindly gave me, I created and ran the following:




if(!empty($_POST['ad_user']) || !empty($_POST['ad_pass'])){

if(empty($_POST['ad_user']) || empty($_POST['ad_pass'])){


	<div id="loginbox">
			<div id="loginbox-logo"> </div>
			<div id="loginbox-content">
                	<div id="content-error">
                    	<p>You missed out one of the fields, please try again.</p>
				<form action="logintest.php" method="post">
				<p>Admin Username:<br />
				<input type="text" name="ad_user" autocomplete="off" />
				<p>Admin Password:<br />
				<input type="password" name="ad_pass" autocomplete="off" />
				<br />
				<input type="submit" name="ad_submit" value="Log me in »" id="login_button" />
			<div id="loginbox-bottom"> </div>



$find_user_usr = strip_tags($_POST['ad_user']);
$find_user_usr = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", $find_user_usr);
$find_user_usr = sha1($find_user_usr);

$find_user_pas = strip_tags($_POST['ad_pass']);
$find_user_pas = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", $find_user_pas);
$find_user_pas = sha1($find_user_pas);

$find_user_sql = "SELECT `adm_aid`, `adm_aus` FROM `pb_admin_users` WHERE `adm_aus` = '" . $find_user_usr . "' AND `adm_apa` = '" . $find_user_pas . "'";

$find_user_res = mysql_query($find_user_sql);

$find_user_sql = "SELECT `adm_aid`, `adm_aus` FROM `pb_admin_users` WHERE `adm_aus` = '" . $find_user_usr . "' AND `adm_apa` = '" . $find_user_pas . "'";

$find_user_res = mysql_query($find_user_sql);

		$find_user = mysql_fetch_assoc($find_user_res);
			if (!$find_user){

	<div id="loginbox">
			<div id="loginbox-logo"> </div>
			<div id="loginbox-content">
                	<div id="content-error">
                    	<p>The details you entered were incorrect.</p>
				<form action="logintest.php" method="post">
				<p>Admin Username:<br />
				<input type="text" name="ad_user" autocomplete="off" />
				<p>Admin Password:<br />
				<input type="password" name="ad_pass" autocomplete="off" />
				<br />
				<input type="submit" name="ad_submit" value="Log me in »" id="login_button" />
			<div id="loginbox-bottom"> </div>


	$insert_fail_attempt_sql = "INSERT INTO `pb_admin_fail_log` VALUES (NULL, NULL, '" . visitorIP() . "')";

   //No row was found, assume invalid login.

if ($find_user) {



	$_SESSION['adm_user'] = $find_user['adm_aus'];
	$_SESSION['adm_aid'] = $find_user['adm_aid'];


        <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=../index.php">
	<div id="loginbox">
			<div id="loginbox-logo"> </div>
			<div id="loginbox-content">
				<p>Logging In...<br /><br /><br /><br />
				<center><img src="images/login-loader.gif" /></center>
			<div id="loginbox-bottom"> </div>





   //user login successful.  $find_user contains the user details.


<div id="loginbox">
        <div id="loginbox-logo"> </div>
        <div id="loginbox-content">
        	<form action="logintest.php" method="post">
            <p>Admin Username:<br />
            <input type="text" name="ad_user" autocomplete="off" />
            <p>Admin Password:<br />
            <input type="password" name="ad_pass" autocomplete="off" />
            <br />
            <input type="submit" name="ad_submit" value="Log me in »" id="login_button" />
        <div id="loginbox-bottom"> </div>




Its quite frustrating one must say  :'(


Again, I'd be very grateful if you were to reply!  :)

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