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Hi all,


On my project some PDF documents and images are storage outside the web public folder, so I just can't reach then just with a simple link and I need to display then on a page.


$fileDir = '../data/contas';


For images I use the code below (this solution I found on web):


$fileDir = '../data/contas/';

function data_uri($conta, $mime) 
$contents = file_get_contents($conta);
$base64 = base64_encode($contents);
return "data:$mime;base64,$base64";

<img src="<?php echo data_uri($conta, 'image/png');?>" width="720">


When I see the HTML code I got <img src="...(huge amount of string)...FXYq/wD/2Q=="  width="720"> and the images are displayed correctly.


The problem occurs on PDF files, I use the same function, as follow below and the PDF document is not displaying, there is no error message just a gray background where the document were to be shown.


<EMBED SRC='<?php  echo data_uri($conta, 'application/pdf');?>#view=FitH,top&toolbar=1&navpanes=0&scrollbar=1&zoom=scale' WIDTH="720" HEIGHT="900" ALIGN="TOP"></EMBED>


When I look at the HTML code it shows: <EMBED SRC='data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjIK...(huge amount of string)...YK#view=FitH,top&toolbar=1&navpanes=0&scrollbar=1&zoom=scale' WIDTH="720" HEIGHT="900" ALIGN="TOP"></EMBED>


Any ideia how can I show the PDF files?


Or there is another way to access the files outside web public folder on server to display then?



Danilo Jr.

I've never really tried a data uri in an embed, it could be that the browser does not support it there (or maybe the plugin that handles the embed).


A fairly typical method of access files outside the web root is to just create a proxy script.  Eg:




$file = $_GET['file'];
//Make sure you sanitize $file to ensure it points to a valid file

//do any other checks such as ensure the user is logged in and has permission if necessary

//if all checks are pass then
header('Content-type: application/pdf'); //or vary based on file type which you'll have to get somehow
header('Content-length: '.filesize($file));
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'"'); 


Thank you kicken but that worked just for downloading the pdf as file it didn't help to opening the document on the page.


But I thied the below object tag and it worked, not as I expected once I can't handle with it's zoom options, maybe because of encoded strings, but it's fine.


<object data='<?php echo data_uri($conta, 'application/pdf');?>'  type='application/pdf'  width='720'  height='900'> </object>



Danilo Jr.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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