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I'm just learning MySQL and PDO. Could you see my code and give some feedback? Example what I could do better in other way.


try {
    $yhteys = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=****", "******", "***********");
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    die("VIRHE: " . $e->getMessage());
// virheenkäsittely: virheet aiheuttavat poikkeuksen

function dbAll($query, $data){
global $yhteys;
$kysely = $yhteys->prepare($query);
return $kysely->fetchAll();

function fetchRow($id){
global $yhteys;
$kysely = $yhteys->prepare("SELECT * FROM kampanjat WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1");
return $kysely->fetch();

function action($action, $id, $text){

	case "edit":
	$url = "?a=edit&id=$id";

	case "view":
	$url = "?a=view&id=$id";

	case "delete":
	$rivi = fetchRow($id);
	$nimi = $rivi["nimi"];

	$url = "#";
	$onclick = "javascript:delete('{$nimi}', '{$id}');";


//$return = "<a href='javascipt:window.open(\"index.php{$url}\");'";

$return = "<a href='#'";

/*if($onclick){*/ $return .= " onclick='popUp(\"index.php{$url}\");{$onclick}'"; /*}*/

$return .= ">{$text}</a>";

return $return;


function ico($name){
return "<img src='icons/{$name}.png'>";

function initHeader(){

<title> Kokoelma</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js.js"></script>





Thank you very much

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Because currently your functions relie on the variable $yhteys existing outside of the function. This means you cannot reliably reuse these functions in some other project.




function fetchRow($pdo, $id) {
    $kysely = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM kampanjat WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1");
    return $kysely->fetch();


Looking closer at your functions they aren't reusable anyway because they also relie on a specific table existing in the database.

OK.Actually I think I won't reuse the functions other projects, so it's ok now.


Here's my currently code,  do you have anything else that I could do better?

Thinking about dbOne and dbAll functions, are they too complex to use?


About your last things:

"Indent your code properly," -> I tried to indent it now, OK?

"name your variables something more descriptive" -> their names are in Finnish, so I can understand them


Thank you for your comments already.



$action = $_GET["a"];
$id		= $_GET["id"];

try {
    $yhteys = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=****", "******", "*******");
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    die("VIRHE: " . $e->getMessage());


function dbOne($query, $data=array(), $return="array"){
global $yhteys;
$kysely = $yhteys->prepare($query);
if($return=="array"){return $kysely->fetch();}else{return $kysely;}

function dbAll($query, $data=array(), $return="array"){
global $yhteys;
$kysely = $yhteys->prepare($query);
if($return=="array"){return $kysely->fetchAll();}else{return $kysely;}

function dbRow($query){
return $query->rowCount();

function promoType($id){
$getpromo = dbOne("SELECT * FROM tyypit WHERE id = ?", array($id));
return $getpromo["nimi"];

function action($action, $id, $text){

		case "edit":
		$url = "?a=edit&id=$id";

		case "view":
		$url = "?a=view&id=$id";

		case "delete":
		$rivi = fetchRow($id);
		$nimi = $rivi["nimi"];
		$url = "#";
		$onclick = "javascript:delete_entry(\"{$nimi}\", \"{$id}\");";

$return = "<a"; 

	if($onclick) {
	$return .= " href='#' onclick='{$onclick}'";
	} else {
	$return .= " href='#' onclick='popUp(\"index.php{$url}\");{$onclick}'";
$return .= ">{$text}</a>";

return $return;


function ico($name){
return "<img src='icons/{$name}.png'>";

function promoLink($thisid, $name){
global $id;
	if($id == $thisid){
	return"<span class='selected'>{$name}</span>";
	} else {
	return"<a href='index.php?id={$thisid}'>{$name}</a>";

function sqldate($phpdate){
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $phpdate);

function phpdate($mysqldate){
return strtotime($mysqldate);

function initHeader(){

<title> Kokoelma</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans'>

<script type="text/javascript" src="js.js"></script>




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