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hey guys just a quick one


i want a drop down box which is populated from a mysql query which is eay enough but also at the same time i also want the dropdown box to look at the current record and have the value in the drop down box




the drop down has values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in it which are pulled from a table called values


the current record is from a table called staff and it has an id of 45 and a user level of 3


i want the drop down to have all the values selectable to update the record but on load it will have 3 as the current, i want to be able to chage this 3 to a 5 and update the record


how can i do this.? just a brief code example would be awsome and ill adopt it to fit



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<select id="user_groupid" name="user_groupid">
	<option value="0">Choose one</option>
	foreach ($arrUserGroups as $arrGroup)
			echo '<option value="' . $arrGroup['group_id'] . '"'; 
			if($arrUser['user_groupid'] == $arrGroup['group_id']) echo ' selected ';
			echo '>';
			echo $arrGroup['group_name'];
			echo '</option>';




this should point you in the right direction, i have in this case already filled arrUserGroup with values from my database

im still having trouble could someone help please :( my code so far looks like this but its not working as i want


$sql="SELECT stafflist.id, stafflist.full_name, stafflist.branch, branch.branchid, branch.branch as branchname FROM stafflist
left Join branch on stafflist.company=branch.companybranch
WHERE id = '".$staffid."'"; 

$sql1="SELECT * FROM branch

WHERE companybranch = '".$company."'"; 

<select id="userlevel" name="userlevel">
	<option value="0">Choose one</option>

$userbranch = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$branchid	= mysql_fetch_array($result1);

echo $userbranch;
echo $branchid;

foreach ($userbranch as $branchid)
			echo '<option value="' . $branchid['branchid'] . '"'; 
			if($userbranch['branch'] == $branchid['branchid']) echo ' selected ';
			echo '>';
			echo $branchid['branch'];
			echo '</option>';



Ok first of all theres no looping of recordset to fill an array to make the dropdown, so i have added that and fills an array with that info,

i also moved things around a bit to make more sense for you, also i havent checked for typos or syntax, so you might need to do that


$sql="SELECT stafflist.id, stafflist.full_name, stafflist.branch, branch.branchid, branch.branch as branchname FROM stafflist left Join branch on stafflist.company=branch.companybranch WHERE id = '".$staffid."'"; 
$userbranch = mysql_fetch_array($result);

$sql1="SELECT * FROM branch WHERE companybranch = '".$company."'"; 
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) 
	$arrBranches = $row //this is putting each row from database into array to use later
<select id="userlevel" name="userlevel">
	<option value="0">Choose one</option>

foreach ($arrBranches as $branch)//for each array in the array of branches
			echo '<option value="' . $branch['branchid'] . '"'; 
			if($userbranch['branch'] == $branch['branchid']) echo ' selected ';
			echo '>';
			echo $branch['branch'];
			echo '</option>';



its not working :( but it is at the same time. its getting some random fields in this order is 2,2,P,P,2,2


when it should be getting the info from the branch table. my table looks like this















and heres the code to my page now



$path .= "/Apollo/dbc.php";




$sql="SELECT stafflist.id, stafflist.full_name, stafflist.branch, branch.branchid, branch.branch as branchname FROM stafflist left Join branch on stafflist.company=branch.companybranch WHERE id = '".$staffid."'"; 
$userbranch = mysql_fetch_array($result);

$sql1="SELECT * FROM branch WHERE companybranch = '".$company."'"; 
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1)){ 

	$arrBranches = $row; //this is putting each row from database into array to use later


<title>Book Off Holiday</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<script src="/Holidays/php_calendar/scripts.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


<div class="content1">
<form name "searchform" action="/Admin/EditUsers.php" method="post">
        <table width="950px" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
          <tr class="mytables"> 
            <td width="4%" class="title_cell"><strong>ID</strong></td>
            <td width="4%" class="title_cell"> <strong>Access</strong></td>
            <td width="10%" class="title_cell"><strong>User Name</strong></div></td>
            <td width="24%" class="title_cell"><strong>Email</strong></td>
            <td width="10%" class="title_cell"><strong>Approval</strong></td>
            <td width="10%" class="title_cell"> <strong>Banned</strong></td>
            <td width="15%" class="title_cell"> </td>
            <td> </td>
            <td width="10%"> </td>
            <td width="17%"><div align="center"></div></td>
            <td> </td>
            <td> </td>
            <td> </td>
            <td> </td>
          <?php while ($rrows = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {?>
            <td><input name="u[]" type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $rrows['id']; ?>" id="u[]"></td>
<td><select id="userlevel" name="userlevel">
	<option value="0">Choose one</option>


foreach ($arrBranches as $branch)//for each array in the array of branches
			echo '<option value="' . $branch['branchid'] . '"'; 
			if($userbranch['branch'] == $branch['branchid']) echo ' selected ';
			echo '>';
			echo $branch['branchid'];
			echo '</option>';



		<td> <span id="accesslevel<?php echo $rrows['id']; ?>"> 
              <?php if($rrows['user_level'] == 0)  echo "Guest"; 	
				if($rrows['user_level'] == 1)  echo "User"; 
				if($rrows['user_level'] == 2)  echo "Manager"; 			
				if($rrows['user_level'] == 3)  echo "Area Manager"; 	
				if($rrows['user_level'] == 4)  echo "Branch Owner"; 
				if($rrows['user_level'] == 5)  echo "Admin"; 
				if($rrows['user_level'] == 10)  echo "Master Admin"; 	

            <td><?php echo $rrows['user_name'];?></div></td>
            <td><?php echo $rrows['user_email']; ?></td>
            <td> <span id="approve<?php echo $rrows['id']; ?>"> 
              <?php if(!$rrows['approved']) { echo "Pending"; } else {echo "Active"; }?>
              </span> </td>
            <td><span id="ban<?php echo $rrows['id']; ?>"> 
              <?php if(!$rrows['banned']) { echo "no"; } else {echo "yes"; }?>
              </span> </td>


          <?php } ?>


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