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need some help please


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Greetings to all,  i have no experience in php and i am having a hard time finding help so here i am.  i have a problem when i click a button "see all tickets" only tickets that were created by the last user shows up but not all from the database.  i would really like this fixed so i can really see all tickets in the database. 




function SeeAllTheTickets() {
  if ($_REQUEST[pcc] == '') { $pcc = '0'; } else { $pcc = $_REQUEST[pcc]; }
<div align="center"><p><b>Showing All Tickets on the Database</b></p>
<table width="500" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
  <td align="center" class="header">Owner Info</td>
  <td align="center" class="header">Ticket Number</td>
  <td align="center" class="header">Bought On</td>
  $mysql = mysql_query("SELECT owner_mnum FROM ".MYSQL_PREFIX."_tickets WHERE active='1'");
  while ($t = @mysql_fetch_array($mysql)) { $ab = $t[owner_mnum]; $mnums[$ab] = 'a'; }
  foreach ($mnums as $mnum => $trash) {
    $mysql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".MYSQL_PREFIX."_members WHERE mnum='$mnum'");
while ($a = @mysql_fetch_array($mysql)) { $num = $a[mnum]; $real_mnums[$num] = $a[first]." ".$a[last]." (".$a[email].")"; }
  $mysql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `".MYSQL_PREFIX."_tickets` WHERE `owner_mnum`='$mnum' ORDER BY `time_stamp` ASC");
  $count = @mysql_num_rows($mysql); if ($count > MAX_RESULTS) { $limit = " LIMIT ".$pcc.",".MAX_RESULTS; } else { $limit = ''; }
  $mysql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `".MYSQL_PREFIX."_tickets` WHERE `owner_mnum`='$mnum' ORDER BY `time_stamp` ASC$limit");
  while ($t = @mysql_fetch_array($mysql)) {
  <td align="center"><?php $nm = $t[owner_mnum]; echo $real_mnums[$nm]; ?></td>
  <td align="center"><?php echo $t[tnum] ?></td>
  <td align="center"><?php echo $t[thedate].' at '.$t[thetime] ?></td>
<tr><td align="center" colspan="3"><?php if ($t[paypal_txn]) { ?>PayPal Transaction #<b><?php echo $t[paypal_txn] ?></b><br /><br /><?php } ?><a href="tickets.php?action=+Delete+Ticket+&tnum=<?php echo $t[tnum] ?>">Delete Ticket</a></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3" height="2" class="divider"></td></tr>
$shown++; }
  if ($shown < 1) { ?><p align="center" class="warning">There are no Tickets on your database.</b></p><?php echo "\n"; }
  elseif ($count > MAX_RESULTS) { ?><p><b>Showing Tickets <?php $uno = $pcc + 1; echo $uno; ?> - <?php $new_pcc = $pcc + MAX_RESULTS; if ($new_pcc < $count) { echo $new_pcc; } else { echo $count; } ?> of <?php echo $count ?> Total</b></p><?php echo "\n"; }
  $shown = 0; if ($_REQUEST[pcc] > 0) { ?><p><a href="tickets.php?action=+See+All+The+Tickets+&pcc=<?php $num = $pcc - MAX_RESULTS; echo $num; ?>">Previous Page</a><? $shown++; }
  if ($new_pcc < $count && $count > MAX_RESULTS) { if ($shown) { ?> - <?php } else { ?><p><?php } ?><a href="tickets.php?action=+See+All+The+Tickets+&pcc=<?php echo $new_pcc; ?>">Next Page</a></p><? }
  ShowPageInfo('Template Footer'); exit; }

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show your database structure. If you're trying to fetch data from one then its very simple otherwise you've to join tables in query and do it as follow:


$mysql = mysql_query("SELECT owner_mnum FROM ".MYSQL_PREFIX."_tickets WHERE active='1'");
  while ($t = mysql_fetch_array($mysql)) 
  <td align="center"><?php $nm = $t[owner_mnum]; ?></td>
  <td align="center"><?php echo $t[tnum] ?></td>
  <td align="center"><?php echo $t[thedate].' at '.$t[thetime] ?></td>
<tr><td align="center" colspan="3"><?php if ($t[paypal_txn]) { ?>PayPal Transaction #<b><?php echo $t[paypal_txn] ?></b><br /><br /><?php } ?><a href="tickets.php?action=+Delete+Ticket+&tnum=<?php echo $t[tnum] ?>">Delete Ticket</a></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3" height="2" class="divider"></td></tr>



Never uses @ sign. It hides the errors...

Hope it'll help you

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Why all the database request?


I'm pretty sure you can get rid of all but one of them, if you think about it.


$sql = "SELECT t.* FROM ".MYSQL_PREFIX."_tickets AS t JOIN " . MYSQL_PREFIX . "_members AS m ON t.owner_mnum = m.mnum WHERE active='1' LIMIT $pcc," . MAX_RESULTS;
$mysql = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error($sql . ' has encountered an error:<br />' . mysql_error());
  while ($t = mysql_fetch_array($mysql)) {

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