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"Better" or more proper way to select data on a page


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I wanted to see what might be a better way to select data from 3 tables and display it on one page.


I am currently doing this:



$con = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_password);






<div id="mainBody">

<div id="leftColumn">

$query = "SELECT * FROM mySchedule ORDER BY sch_listorder";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($num_rows==0) {
print "";
else {

print "<h3>". date('Y')." Schedule</h3>";
print "<div style='padding: 10px;'>";
print "<ul>";

for($i=0;$i<$num_rows;$i++) {
	$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
	print "<li id='arrayorder_".$row['sch_id']."'>";
	//print $row['photo_caption'];

	print "<span class='mySideScheduleTitle'>" .$row['sch_player_title']. "</span><br />";
	print "<span class='mySideScheduleDate'>Date: " .$row['sch_player_number']. "</span><br />";
	print "<span class='mySideScheduleContent'>" .$row['sch_photo_caption']. "</span>";
	print "<span class='mySideScheduleContent'>" .$row['sch_years_played']. "</span><div style='clear: both; margin: 0 0 5px 0;'></div>";

	print "</li>\n";
	print "<hr class='sideBar2' />";

print "</ul>";
print "</div>";


<br /><br />

$query = "SELECT * FROM myShoutout ORDER BY shout_listorder";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($num_rows==0) {
print "<h3>No Electronic Shout-Outs</h3>";
else {

print "<h3>". date('Y')." Electronic Shout-Outs</h3>";
print "<marquee scrollamount='2' direction='up'>";
print "<div style='padding: 10px;'>";
print "<ul>";

for($i=0;$i<$num_rows;$i++) {
	$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
	print "<li id='arrayorder_".$row['shout_id']."'>";
	//print $row['photo_caption'];

	print $row['shout_photo_caption'];

	print "</li>\n";
	print "<hr class='sideBar' />";
print "</ul>";
print "</div>";
print "</marquee>";



<div id="mainColumn">

$query = "SELECT id, photo_filename, player_title, player_number, years_played, photo_caption FROM myRoster ORDER BY listorder";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

if($num_rows==0) {
print "<strong>There are currently no players in the database.</strong><br><br>";
else {
print "<table style='border-collapse:collapse' width='100%' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='4'>";
for($j=0;$j<$num_rows;$j++) {
	$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
	$id = $row['id'];
	$photo = $row['photo_filename'];
	$title = $row['player_title'];

	if($i==0) print "<tr>";
	print "<td valign='bottom' align='center'><a href='rosterPlayer2.php?id=".$id."#myPlayer'>";
	if($photo=="") {
		echo "<img src='uploads/tb_0.gif' border='0' width='100' />";
	else {
			echo "<img src='uploads/".$photo."?t=".strtotime("now")."' border='0' width='100' />";
			echo "<img src='uploads/tb_0.gif' border='0' width='100' />";
	print "</a><br/><a href='rosterPlayer2.php?id=".$id."#myPlayer'>".$title."</a></td>";
	if($i==4) {
		print "</tr><tr><td colspan='4'> </tr>";
print "</table>";






It works, but is there a more proper way to do this?


Is this where "joining" tables comes into play (I don't know much about that).



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It works, but is there a more proper way to do this?


Since your queries appear to be unrelated to each other, having them separate like that is pretty much what you'd want to do.


Is this where "joining" tables comes into play (I don't know much about that).


Joining is when your trying to pull information from multiple tables, which is all related together via some other bit of information.  In your case, there is no relation between your tables (that I saw) so there's no reason to join them.


If you ever find yourself doing something like this:

$res=mysql_query('SELECT ...');
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($res)){
    //Some other query that uses some information from $row
    $res2=mysql_query('SELECT ....');
    while ($row2=mysql_fetch_array($res)){


Then chances are good you want to use a JOIN instead.  Nested select queries like that is almost always a bad idea.


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