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It seems something has changed at Yahoo Finance. I use a Stock quote script (micro stock) to post stock

quotes from specific tickers on my website. It worked fine for years until recently. Now i am unable to

access any data directly from any Yahoo finance URL.


Hereafter my script which comes from 1) Micro Stock : http://www.phptoys.com/product/micro-stock.html or

2) Getting Stock Quote : http://www.phptoys.com/tutorial/getting-stock-quote.html





function getStockSite($stockLink){

if ($fp = fopen($stockLink, 'r')) {$content = '';

while ($line = fread($fp, 1024)) {$content .= $line;}}

return $content;}


function processStockSite($wurl){

$wrss = getStockSite($wurl);

$text = '';


if (strlen($wrss)>100){

// Get text

$spos = strpos($wrss,'</span>:',$spos)+3;

$spos = strpos($wrss,'<big>',$spos);

$epos = strpos($wrss,'</div><h1>',$spos);

if ($epos>$spos){

$text = substr($wrss,$spos,$epos-$spos);}

else {$text = '-';}}


// Get results

$result['text'] = $text;

return $result;}





<title>Get Stock tutorial</title>




      // Get stock data

      $data = processStockSite('http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=GOOG');

      echo $data['text'];





I am not php programmer and i hope someone can help me in this matter since that script was a marvel.



Thank in advance.

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There could be many reasons. Right after the <?php tag at the top of the script, temporarily add the following code so any generated errors are displayed. Upload the edited file, load it, and see if it gives you any insight.


ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

I believe Yahoo have changed the source code they use, a quick search of the outputted HTML shows that "<big>" does not exist, so it cannot be found, thus the function will not work.


This function needs edited to work with the new source code, but I doubt anyone will just "do it for you" :)


Regards, PaulRyan.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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