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How to Search in Text File and Feedback result into MySQL (Newbie)

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Hello all brilliant minds,


I'm a new in all this world of DB and coding and always i tried to avoid it because I think it is very hard (I'm trying to change now).


problem: I have a text file (log.txt) have data like below


> rtrv-ls


Command Accepted - Processing


    OXX 12-02-21 08:44:41 EST  EAGLE5 42.0.1-63.38.31


    Command entered at terminal #7.



    OXX 12-02-21 08:44:41 EST  EAGLE5 42.0.1-63.38.31


                                                  L3T  SLT              GWS GWS GWS


    gtcen1pls    7-010-4      none 1    2    no  D    2        off  off  off    no    off

    gtgdv1pls    7-010-5      none 1    2    no  D    2        off  off  off    no    off


> rtrv-sid


Command Accepted - Processing


    OXX 12-02-21 08:43:43 EST  EAGLE5 42.0.1-63.38.31


    Command entered at terminal #7.



    OXX 12-02-21 08:43:43 EST  EAGLE5 42.0.1-63.38.31

      PCA                      PCI          PCN                CLLI              PCTYPE

      010-010-010    7-055-1      01830              crher1p          OTHER




may output like this starting always with >



Then I have SQL DB that have column with "rtrv-ls" and "rtrv-sid"


Requirement :


A) Use Php to open the .txt file, I used HTML form so the user can upload the file on the browser then

B) Search for the column name as pattern

C)Send query to MYSQL to update DB with Data for each column

D) Query the Mysql for several possible outputs (I've done this part using HTML form and simple php code as below.




// If we got a GET request on the page from HTML part of the code, we will want to store the data in a variable e.g $my_country

// So country will be passed via GET and will be stored in $my_country variable.






if ($_POST)  {

$user_input = $_POST['my_log'] ;


// We use the request to search in Database and return the result, First step we need to connect to the database //


                $connect = mysql_connect ($host,$con_usr,$con_pass);


// Then we need to select database to run the query and return the result the connection stored in the $connect ressource //


if ($connect) {



// We store the query in variable $query becuase is it quite long text; we actually attach our varaiable $my_log passed from HTML //


    $query = "SELECT `".$user_input."` FROM `ss7`";


//$update="INSERT INTO ss7 ('".$user_input."') VLAUES (';



// SO if user selected Egypt it will be stored in (name=my_country) variable from HTML and will be send via GET

// Then we store the query results in a variable called $result


    $result = mysql_query ($query) ;



$arr= mysql_fetch_array($result);



echo nl2br ($arr["$user_input"]);



//Finally we return what we want from the array.

// Print the output as we wish. in case of row data like STP output, use the nl2br to preserve the output as it was written to MYSQL DB

// We need to check if the Query return no value (!$arr) , and print corresponding action







//================SECONED PART WHEN I LOAD THE LOG FILE TO BE STORED IN MYSQL================//




//close the db

mysql_close ($connect);








<form action = "eagle.php?pmode=my_file" method = "POST"  enctype="multipart/form-data>


<legend> Enter you log file here and click Save: </br> </legend>

<label for="my_file"> This Is My Capture File </label>

<input type = "file" name ="my_file" style=margin:auto > </input><br/><br/>

<input type="submit" value="Upload file">












<title>Eagle Data Base Store</title>

<form action = "eagle.php?pmode=my_log" method = "POST">


<legend> Please Select the DB you would like to retrive </legend>


<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-serial-num">Serial-Num</input>

    <input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-stp">rtrv-stp</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-feat">rtrv-feat</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-dstn">rtrv-dstn</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-rte">rtrv-rte</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-trm">rtrv-trm</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-slk">rtrv-slk</input><br/> <br/>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-ls">rtrv-ls</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-sccpopts">rtrv-sccpopts</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-stpopts">rtrv-stpopts</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-gsmopts">rtrv-gsmopts</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-cmd">rtrv-cmd</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-assoc">rtrv-assoc</input><br/> <br/>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-gpl">rtrv-gpl</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-ip-host">rtrv-ip-host</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-ip-lnk">rtrv-ip-lnk</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-secu-trm">rtrv-secu-trm</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-secu-user">rtrc-secu-user</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rept-stat-sys">rept-stat-sys</input><br/><br/>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rept-stat-clk">rept-stat-clk</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-ctrl-feat">rtrv-ctrl-feat</input>

<input type = "radio" name ="my_log" value = "rtrv-tabl-capacity">rtrv-tabl-capacity</input><br/><br/>


<input type = "submit" value = "Show Selected Table"/>







==========================================END OF CODE===========================


*** Sorry for the many comments but I want to be sure I remember why I do that .


You help is much appreciated

(Please note that need to understand more than I need the Code itself)


Ok, so its homework; therefore the instructor believes that what she/he/the books have taught you thus far should have enabled you to do this.


1. Did you test it?

2. If so, what errors are you getting?

3. what specific part is confusing you?

Hello litebearer,


First thank you for your time looking at this, normally I read that from php.net and some mysql tutorials, so no book, no teacher

but I just think about the idea to be able to practice what I'm learning.


So Actually the code below does not contain at all the open,search for pattern and update mysql as I can not get my mind how to do so.


Thanks to shed some light how can i find a pattern like ">" then I need to select all data until next "">" then push what is between those to my mysql




$filename = "/path-to-file/log.txt";
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$logfile_text = fread($handle, filesize($filename));

$pos = strpos($logfile_text, '>', 1);

$rtrv-ls = substr($logfile_text, 9, ($pos - 9));


a base to start from

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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