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I've hit a six-foot-thick brick wall and have no idea what to do. Trying to integrate for payments and this is a scary new realm for me


Hopefully somebody here can help me figure this out, as I'm a complete and utter newbie on shopping carts etc. Authorize.net has been no help, and they say "we have no developers" on staff to answer questions. I'm getting an error 13 and nothing gets around it. The basic result is that an error 13 occurs when the API id and transaction key are incorrect (but they are) or if the 'gateway URL' is incorrect. I've checked and it is. But they also say its in the in the cURL section of the code and if this is wrong, it could generate the error. No idea where that's supposed to be. did a search.


Question: To install, test, etc, it looks like I need something called cURL extensions and SimpleXML enabled. I don't know if this is, and the client's hosting company has not gotten back to me (hosted out of country, too).  I looked for a php.ini file, and see nothing. Is it safe/possible to put my own php.ini file on the html_public folder? If so, how do I set up the cURL and SimpleXML extensions?


(Assuming this is even contributing to the problem)


And any help beyond this is greatly appreciated, if you've worked with authorize.net integration.


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Just a simple business sense observation -- ANY vendor/service dealing with credit card/ cash payment handling data that DOES NOT offer support (at least M-F 8 to 5 -- 24/7 preferably) of some type should be reconsidered VERY VERY carefully!

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