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So this script did work in previous versions oh php but in php5 I get the error, "Sorry, uploaded images must be of type jpg or jpeg, (not )."

So it looks like it's not recognizing my file as a jpeg??


Any contributions towards a fix are GREATLY appreciated!!!  If there are clean, nice (EASY) php5 scripts available for this simple image uploading and thumbnail creation I would consider starting this over.



//Listing page code:


echo "<form name=\"addCat\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"preview.php\" method=\"post\">";

<INPUT type="file" name="pic1" size="50" value="">

<INPUT type="file" name="pic2" size="50" value="">

<INPUT type="file" name="pic3" size="50" value="">

<INPUT type="file" name="pic4" size="50" value="">

<input type="submit" value="Upload Images">


//preview.php page code:


$pic1 = $_FILES['pic1'];

$pic2 = $_FILES['pic2'];

$pic3 = $_FILES['pic3'];

$pic4 = $_FILES['pic4'];


function ResizeImage($im,$maxwidth,$maxheight,$name){

$width = imagesx($im);

$height = imagesy($im);

if(($maxwidth && $width > $maxwidth) || ($maxheight && $height > $maxheight)){

if($maxwidth && $width > $maxwidth){

$widthratio = $maxwidth/$width;



if($maxheight && $height > $maxheight){

$heightratio = $maxheight/$height;




if($widthratio < $heightratio){

$ratio = $widthratio;


$ratio = $heightratio;



$ratio = $widthratio;


$ratio = $heightratio;


    $newwidth = $width * $ratio;

        $newheight = $height * $ratio;


      $newim = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight);

      imagecopyresampled($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height);


$newim = imagecreate($newwidth, $newheight);

      imagecopyresized($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height);


        ImageJpeg (($newim),$name . ".jpg");

ImageDestroy ($newim);


ImageJpeg ($im,$name . ".jpg");





// Set up some variables


set_time_limit(210);  // set process page limit to 3.5 minutes

$maxfilesize = "102400"; //# individual file size limit - in bytes (102400 bytes = 100KB)




// two data pulls to rename images - would be easier to have a permanent counter...fix later

$mysql[getpicname] = mysql_query("select pic from picname");

$z = mysql_fetch_array($mysql[getpicname]);



if(@mysql_query("UPDATE picname SET pic = '$new_z[pic]' "))  echo "";



// Create thumbnail from imgurl and store in thumbs


// Height to reszie image to (in pixels)


// Width to reszie image to (in pixels)


//thumbnail to thumbs folder, named same as 1st image




// create a thumbnail from the first image only

$im = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['pic1']['tmp_name']);



if(file_exists("$pic_1.jpg")) {




ImageDestroy ($im);




//now upload the images.....

for ($i=1;$i<5;$i++)


//check if blank or image



if (($$xpic<>"none") and ($$xpic<>"")) {


  // check if jpg

  $cert1 = "image/pjpeg"; //jpg

  $cert2 = "image/jpeg"; //jpg (for MAC)

  $xtype =$HTTP_POST_FILES[$xpic]['type'];

$xsize =$HTTP_POST_FILES[$xpic]['size'];


  if (($xtype <> $cert1) AND ($xtype <> $cert2)) {

echo "<DIV class=\"errorsubheading\"><br><br>Alert - Missing or Invalid Information</DIV><br>";

echo "<DIV class=\"requiredtext\">Sorry, uploaded images must be of type jpg or jpeg, (not $xtype).</DIV><BR>";

echo "<BR><br><br>";

include ("footer.php");



if ($xsize > $maxfilesize) {

echo "<DIV class=\"errorsubheading\"><br><br>Alert - Missing or Invalid Information</DIV><br>";

echo "<DIV class=\"requiredtext\">Sorry, uploaded images must be under the maximum size requirements.</DIV><BR>";

echo "<BR><br><br>";

include ("footer.php");




  else {


// upload to server



If (move_uploaded_file($$xpic, $dest)) {




  else  {

echo "<DIV class=\"errorsubheading\"><br><br>Alert - Upload Failed!</DIV><br>";

echo "<BR><br><br>";

include ("footer.php");


    } // upload sucessful


} // end type check

} // end check if blank





Adding Code tags:


So this script did work in previous versions oh php but in php5 I get the error, "Sorry, uploaded images must be of type jpg or jpeg, (not )."

So it looks like it's not recognizing my file as a jpeg??


Any contributions towards a fix are GREATLY appreciated!!!  If there are clean, nice (EASY) php5 scripts available for this simple image uploading and thumbnail creation I would consider starting this over.



//Listing page code:

echo "<form name=\"addCat\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"preview.php\" method=\"post\">";
<INPUT type="file" name="pic1" size="50" value="">
<INPUT type="file" name="pic2" size="50" value="">
<INPUT type="file" name="pic3" size="50" value="">
<INPUT type="file" name="pic4" size="50" value="">
<input type="submit" value="Upload Images">



//preview.php page code:

$pic1 = $_FILES['pic1'];
$pic2 = $_FILES['pic2'];
$pic3 = $_FILES['pic3'];
$pic4 = $_FILES['pic4'];

function ResizeImage($im,$maxwidth,$maxheight,$name){
   $width = imagesx($im);
   $height = imagesy($im);
   if(($maxwidth && $width > $maxwidth) || ($maxheight && $height > $maxheight)){
      if($maxwidth && $width > $maxwidth){
         $widthratio = $maxwidth/$width;
      if($maxheight && $height > $maxheight){
         $heightratio = $maxheight/$height;
         if($widthratio < $heightratio){
            $ratio = $widthratio;
            $ratio = $heightratio;
         $ratio = $widthratio;
         $ratio = $heightratio;
       $newwidth = $width * $ratio;
        $newheight = $height * $ratio;
            $newim = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight);
            imagecopyresampled($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height);
         $newim = imagecreate($newwidth, $newheight);
            imagecopyresized($newim, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height);
        ImageJpeg (($newim),$name . ".jpg");
      ImageDestroy ($newim);
      ImageJpeg ($im,$name . ".jpg");

// Set up some variables
set_time_limit(210);  // set process page limit to 3.5 minutes
$maxfilesize = "102400"; //# individual file size limit - in bytes (102400 bytes = 100KB)

// two data pulls to rename images - would be easier to have a permanent counter...fix later
$mysql[getpicname] = mysql_query("select pic from picname");
$z = mysql_fetch_array($mysql[getpicname]);
if(@mysql_query("UPDATE picname SET pic = '$new_z[pic]' "))  echo "";

// Create thumbnail from imgurl and store in thumbs

// Height to reszie image to (in pixels)
// Width to reszie image to (in pixels)
//thumbnail to thumbs folder, named same as 1st image

// create a thumbnail from the first image only
$im = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES['pic1']['tmp_name']);
   if(file_exists("$pic_1.jpg")) {
      ImageDestroy ($im);

//now upload the images.....
for ($i=1;$i<5;$i++)
    //check if blank or image

    if (($$xpic<>"none") and ($$xpic<>"")) {
        // check if jpg
        $cert1 = "image/pjpeg"; //jpg
        $cert2 = "image/jpeg"; //jpg (for MAC)
        $xtype =$HTTP_POST_FILES[$xpic]['type'];
      $xsize =$HTTP_POST_FILES[$xpic]['size'];

        if (($xtype <> $cert1) AND ($xtype <> $cert2)) {
         echo "<DIV class=\"errorsubheading\"><br><br>Alert - Missing or Invalid Information</DIV><br>";
         echo "<DIV class=\"requiredtext\">Sorry, uploaded images must be of type jpg or jpeg, (not $xtype).</DIV><BR>";
         echo "<BR><br><br>";
         include ("footer.php");
       if ($xsize > $maxfilesize) {
         echo "<DIV class=\"errorsubheading\"><br><br>Alert - Missing or Invalid Information</DIV><br>";
         echo "<DIV class=\"requiredtext\">Sorry, uploaded images must be under the maximum size requirements.</DIV><BR>";
         echo "<BR><br><br>";
         include ("footer.php");
        else {
            // upload to server
            If (move_uploaded_file($$xpic, $dest)) {
              else  {
                  echo "<DIV class=\"errorsubheading\"><br><br>Alert - Upload Failed!</DIV><br>";
                  echo "<BR><br><br>";
                  include ("footer.php");
                    } // upload sucessful
         } // end type check
      } // end check if blank




Yes - the variables pic1, pic2 etc... look like this pic1 = Array - which I assume is a good thing and now needs 'parsing'?


Only issue is I get 'pic1 = Array' regardless of whether the field is submitted empty or with a value - in my old code I was checking for a value to determine if there was an image but now there is a 'value' regardless!


The problem I noticed when testing was related to the MOVE line.

If (move_uploaded_file($$xpic, $dest)) {


Where I would normally go something like

If (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$$xpic]["tmp_name"], $dest))


I however didn't have time to debug the issue further or see if that resolves the problem.

Hey Drummin!



Thanks but the problem must occur before that code because it doesn't reach that code.  I know the code is close because it uploads the thumbnail to my thumbnail directory after resizing it just fine - it just doesn't upload the main image.


By my echoing the filename it appears that my image isn't getting the ".jpg" appended to the end of the filename - but I'm not sure where to append it??



OK - Narrowed down the issue to these last two lines:


  $xtype =$HTTP_POST_FILES[$$xpic]['type'];

$xsize =$HTTP_POST_FILES[$$xpic]['size'];


Both return nothing, so my script fails here.


Right before these two lines I do a:


and get:

Array ( [name] => summer_reg.jpg [type] => image/jpeg [tmp_name] => /tmp/phpEcPGE2 [error] => 0 => 17997 )


We are almost there!! 

OK - it's all good now!


  $xtype =$_FILES[$xpic]['type'];

$xsize =$_FILES[$xpic]['size'];


was the last fix - and the best part - I figured it all out!!!


Thanks for the help though - it's nice to feel supported!


Glad you got it figured out.  Is it uploading four images at a time?

Anyway, I made my own version.  Different but seems to be working.

//preview.php page code:
if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
foreach($_FILES as $a => $b){
	$maxfilesize = "102400";
		if ($b['size'] > $maxfilesize) {
        echo "<DIV class=\"requiredtext\">Sorry, uploaded images must be under the maximum size requirements.</DIV><BR>";
        echo "<BR><br><br>";
        include ("footer.php");
	$filename = stripslashes($b['name']);
	$allowed_filetypes = array('.jpg','.jpeg','.JPEG','.JPG');
	$ext = substr($filename, strpos($filename,'.'), strlen($filename)-1);
		$uploadedfile = $b['tmp_name'];
		$src = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadedfile);

		move_uploaded_file($b["tmp_name"], $path ."/". $filename);
			$sql="INSERT INTO picname (pic) VALUES ('$filename')";
			$result=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
		echo "<DIV class=\"requiredtext\">Sorry, uploaded images must be of type jpg or jpeg, (not $ext).</DIV><BR>";
		echo "<BR><br><br>";
		include ("footer.php");
}//foreach($_FILES as $a => $b)
}//if (isset($_POST['submit']))

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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