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For the past day I have been trying to get my comment box to insert the message into the user comment column (the user that is currently signed in). But it doesn't seem to be doing that?


Which leads to another problem. I'm not able to get the users 'name' beside the message since they message isn't inserting into their comment column.


The comment when it goes into the database just goes into the comment column, but on a new line... and i'm wanting it to go into the users comment column. If that made sense, sorry if it never.


Am I doing anything wrong?





$connect = mysql_connect("****","****","****") or die("Could not connect to database.");
mysql_select_db("****") or die ("Could not find database!");

$user = $_SESSION['username'];

    $q="INSERT INTO login (comment) VALUES ('$comment')";

echo "<p>";
header("location: suggestion.html");

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<div id="wrap">
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    	<!--Log out and time-->
        <div id="info">
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	  	document.write("<b>" + day + "/" + month + "/" + year + "</b>")
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         <div id="logout"><center><?php echo "<a href='logout.php'>Log out.</a>";?></center></div> 
  <!--Main section which will contain everything else-->	
			 <div id="member_main">
             <!--Display user information from the database-->
       		   <div id="member_right"><center>
       		     <form method="Post">
                    <textarea name="comment" rows=4 cols=50></textarea><br /><br />
                    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Post">
                	$q="SELECT comment FROM login";

                	//list the comments
                		echo $row['comment']."<br /><br>";
                <!--Welcome message-->
		   <div id="member_top" align="center"><?php echo "Welcome, ".$_SESSION['username'];?></div>
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I dont really understand that but I would save an userID and username too.


Table users

- userID

- username

- password


Table comments

- commentID

- userID

- message

- timestamp


Associate the userID in comments table with the userID in the login table.

Probably make a $_SESSION['userID']; .


And then do it with that WHERE statement.

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I dont really understand that but I would save an userID and username too.


Table users

- userID

- username

- password


Table comments

- commentID

- userID

- message

- timestamp


Associate the userID in comments table with the userID in the login table.

Probably make a $_SESSION['userID']; .


And then do it with that WHERE statement.


Going on what I've read if you were to store the users ID instead of their username as the session (not that you couldn't do both) you could then use that as your variable to differentiate when querying the tables.



$sql = "UPDATE `table1` SET `column1` = '".$toset."' WHERE `userID` = '".$_SESSION['userID']."'";



So you then update the table with your information using the session you set when they first logged in, no reason to say you could assign the session to another variable as you have above and then use it in the query but thats just a quick example..


Hope it helps!

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It has all helped, their comment now stores in the comment column of their row. But I now have another problem of not being able to post more than 1 comment, as it updates the one in the database.


But thank you for the help :)


Well that is easily solved. If you had a page you could have an icon on each "comment" that would take you to an edit page and then do that for that specific comment, whilst at the bottom (as its usually done) you could have a form which allows you to then post a new comment regardless of whether they have one or not?

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